ELA Curriculum








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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

  • expression écrite - matière potentielle : six traits
  • expression écrite - matière potentielle : preparation for a summative student
  • expression écrite - matière potentielle : to the skill
  • exposé - matière potentielle : research
  • cours - matière potentielle : plan index
  • expression écrite
  • leçon - matière potentielle : task letter
  • leçon - matière potentielle : task
  • leçon - matière potentielle : strategy
  • cours - matière potentielle : library
  • expression écrite - matière potentielle : publication
  • cours - matière potentielle : media specialist
  • expression écrite - matière potentielle : grade level
  • leçon - matière potentielle : task grade
  • leçon - matière potentielle : association
  • leçon - matière potentielle : content - area
  • leçon - matière potentielle : lexile
  • cours - matière potentielle : study
  • leçon - matière potentielle : with an emphasis on grammar instruction
  • fiche de synthèse - matière potentielle : textual support
  • revision
  • cours - matière potentielle : media center
  • expression écrite - matière potentielle : piece
ELA Curriculum DRAFT June 15 2009 District of South Orange and Maplewood Grade 8
  • study of academic vocabulary
  • lessons with an emphasis on grammar instruction
  • driven vocabulary program
  • specific focus on women throughout history
  • additional books from the following list
  • independent reading
  • history
  • study
  • research
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white paper
transforming data into knowledge 4B inverness court east, suite 100 _ englewood, co 80112 www.cybertapllc.com
version 5.1.awhite paper
When cybertap responds to an analyst’s query, it displays the resulting pages exactly as they every le decapped from the PCAP data. Finally cybertap will have created the index of every the investigator needs to follow the suspect as information was gathered and criminal acts were With cybertap’s robust query capability, cyber-security personnel can search for the newly decap relationships as it decaps IP session and builds the e-Persona index. search engine pcap reference training ConclusionThe Next Generation Cyber Forensics Tool
were seen by the original viewer. If the queried string of characters was embedded in a web recovered le. e size of the le store and index is typically 30 percent of the size of the committed. In tracking malware infections, the investigator needs to understand how the released textual signatures in cybertap’s historical index. If they nd the exploit has already Cybertap identies all of the IP sessions embedded in the PCAP. It then “decaps” or decom- Cybertap’s user interface is similar to that of familiar Internet search engines. Upon receiving a Cybertap extracts information embedded in PCAP data and makes that information Cybertap’s user interface is well known to anyone familiar with Internet search engines. Cybertap provides a next-generation approach to cyber-forensics. In a very real sense,
page, cybertap regenerates the entire page, including associated images and content. If the original PCAP data. malware entered the system, when it communicated back to its owner, and how it spread. entered their enterprise, cybertap can identify which computer was aected and whether it piles the full content of each le embedded in each IP session. It saves the resulting informa- Cybertap’s e-Persona cross-referencing feature identies associations among people-related query, cybertap responds with a list of les that contain the requested information. Files listed available to investigators. However, in a criminal proceeding, the PCAP data itself is the Query responses are nearly identical. Mastering cybertap’s advanced features including cybertap converts huge amounts of data to information. is radically changes how
Overview string was embedded in a spreadsheet, cybertap can open the application and show the string To provide this functionality, cybertap has a surveyor mode. “called home” to receive instructions from an outside server. Once the phone home signature is tion in the appropriate format and le extension (e.g. DOC, PDF, PPT, HTML, MPEG3, and metadata that may appear within the same cybertap documents. For example, it may be very in the response can consist of web pages, chat sessions, word processor documents, or any other evidence – not the extracted information. Consider how blood evidence is used in criminal Surveyor, e-Persona analysis and Hypergraph takes very little time. Finally, because cybertap analysts use PCAP data.
Cybertap™ forensics products enable cyber analysts to convert raw data into fully indexed in its native form. If it came from a web 2.0 chat session, cybertap regenerates the entire known, Security personnel can use cybertap to track other infected computers. Cybertap helps JPEG.) signicant that a name or telephone number appears on a website or within a le attachment, le cybertap has extracted. cases. e laboratory results are presented in trial, but the lab results are not considered presents all information exactly as a target saw it, including highlights of pages the target
information. Prior to cybertap, investigating a crime or analyzing a virus attack involved weeks session, including avatars and uploaded images. If the queried string was a malware signature e cybertap surveyor mode presents a time-sequenced list of every le relevant to a query on eliminate the infection and identies any compromised organizational information.involving a transaction with a certain IP Address. e collection of cybertap e-Persona evidence. Only the blood sample itself is. e laboratory results simply indicate what is in viewed, a cyber-investigator can begin following a suspect almost immediately. As an analogy, consider how monitoring IP sessions is similar to observing roads being
of searching for specic strings of characters buried within huge amounts of packet capture embedded in a web page’s java script, cybertap regenerates the web page, but does not execute one side of the display, and regenerates views seen by the target on the other side. Each item on Most web pages and web 2.0 applications are constructed with a large number of independent relationships represent a continuously collected electronic presence associated with a person, or Besides their raw speed of Internet search engines, they have three other key advantages. the blood. e same concept holds true with PCAP evidence. Cybertap provides views of created, carrying trac, and then being dismantled. Previous generation tools simply
(PCAP) data. If the analyst found the string, they had no context of how it related to other the java code – it displays the malware in a script editor. the time-sequence list is preceded with a green or red box. If an investigator has not viewed a les. Some of the les are textual and provide the written content of the page. Other les a network related asset, or any e-Persona metadata term. the information embedded within the PCAP data. Even so, only the PCAP le itself is monitored road construction and demolition. ey had no understanding about what exfiltrationCase Studiesinformation hidden in the PCAP data. Cybertap radically changes how investigators analyze particular item, the box is red. If an investigator has viewed the item, the box turns green. e contain images. Some les contain “active code” such as JAVA or Active X that cause things to • Te frst is that the search engine is fast regardless of how many people are querying it. In evidence. erefore, cybertap provides a reference on each regenerated web page to the was traveling over the roads. Cybertap provides perfect information about what it is in Current generation cyber-attacks can specically target documents related to credit card lists or Before leaving this white paper it may be worthwhile to consider some of the ways cybertap data because it extracts and correlates all of the information embedded in the PCAP data Locating a specic le related to a crime or cyber attack solves only part of the problem. e color coding helps the investigator ensure that every le relevant to a case has been examined.move on the screen or enable a user to input data. Finally, some les dene the structure of the When an analyst opens a le, cybertap allows him to click any e-Persona item associated with other words, the search engine index response does not degrade with an increase in the specic PCAP data le where the information was extracted from. every vehicle on every road. Cybertap nds the vehicles that carry bombs or infections. It organizational condential information. Once the documents are found, the virus breaks them could be employed.before the investigation begins. With the perfect information provided by cybertap, analysts analyst needs to understand relationships and time sequences. What happened next? Who page and identify where the text les should be placed and where the images go. Each of these the le. e resulting e-Persona report is listed in tabular format, broken out by type of number of users or the complexity of queries made against it. is eliminates the “one nds the vehicles that carry instructions from a criminal outside of the company to into smaller les and attempts to send the les through as many dierent paths or gateways as can remediate cyber events or solve criminal cases that were previously unsolvable. else was involved? How did the virus propagate? Was critical information extracted from the e "Filter" tab within Surveyor helps the investigator by restricting a search to a specic time les is independently recovered by cybertap and stored in its native format. information. For example, one section will list all of the email addresses associated with the query-one user” limitation of some forensic tools. e PCAP reference is also important when investigating cyber-attacks. With the informa- someone inside. It also nds vehicles escaping the company with payloads of proprietary possible. Once the les have been exltrated, the virus deletes any record of its actions and then
are you dead already?company’s network? Cybertap provides these answers. When cybertap responds to a query, it period, to only IP addresses of interest, to certain protocols, or to specic investigative cases to selected IP Address. Another section will list phone numbers, and so on. Adjacent to each tion cybertap extracts from PCAP data, investigator can track the progress of an attack. In informationerases itself.
Cybertap identies each le embedded in PCAP data and saves it in its native format. It then Cyber security companies provide regular and emergency updates of virus and malware also provides a full listing of metadata or e-Persona associated with each recovered le. is examine – or to combine these in any way the analyst nds useful.For example, assume the PCAP data included a complex email communication. e transac- email address or phone number is the number of cybertap documents where these terms • Te second advantage requires an understanding of how Web information is stored. Te many cases, cyber investigators have other tools for analyzing packets. With the PCAP
indexes textual characters and the le’s metadata. Once cybertap has converted the raw PCAP signatures. Many of these signatures come from “zero-day exploits” that have just been electronic presence informati

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