- expression écrite - matière potentielle : language
25. KONFERENCE O GEOMETRII A POCˇITACˇOVE GRAFICE Sˇarka Voracˇova COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY WITH MAPLE Abstract The paper presents some elementary methods for computa- tional geometry and their further studies of the running time complexity and their dependence on the various input size pa- rameters. The goal is to demonstrate the utilization of Maple package in to the Computational geometry. Pedagogical bene- fits can be found in the large number of Maple programs, some of which are analogous to C++ programs, including those for convex hulls of a point set in small dimension, planar polygo- nal partitioning and triangulations.
- point arithmetic with many parameters
- design of geometric algorithms
- maple
- computational geometry
- floating-point environ- ment
- connected edge lists
- dimensional convex hulls
- data structures
- 3 data structures
- data-structures
- algorithms