Boolean Algebra








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Page 43 Boolean Algebra Chapter Two Logic circuits are the basis for modern digital computer systems. To appreciate how computer systems operate you will need to understand digital logic and boolean algebra. This Chapter provides only a basic introduction to boolean algebra. This subject alone is often the subject of an entire textbook. This Chapter will concentrate on those subject that support other chapters in this text. 2.0 Chapter Overview Boolean logic forms the basis for computation in modern binary computer systems.
  • bit posi- tion
  • minterms
  • binary operators
  • boolean expression into an equivalent expression
  • logic design
  • truth-table
  • truth table
  • boolean functions
  • function
  • expression
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Singlegate Primary School
Consultation on proposed permanent expansion of the school from 1FE to 2FE (30 to 60 pupil places per year), and shared landscaped area for Colliers Wood Recreation Ground
Responses obe retrned b Wednesday 21 December011
ons aon meetn atthe schooon Tuesday 6 December at 7pm
What is proposed?
The London Borough of Merton has a legal obligation to provide school places for all the children needing eduation. The demand for places in the borough is increasing substantially and wherever possible we wish to meet that need through expanding ou best schools and the ones which parents most wish to access.
Singlegate Primary School is currently a oneform entry (1FE) school, admitting up to 30 pupils in one class per year, providing education for 210 pupils across the School e cludingthe nursery. Following a request from the Council, the School has taken an extra class in reception year in September 2011 and will do so again in September 2012 through a two classroom extension that could later convert into an additional hall for the school.
The Council wishes to permanently expand the school from September 2013 to be a twoform entry (2FE) school, admitting up to 60 pupils per year in two classes. This will mean it would eventually have up to 420 pupils on roll excluding the nursery, but the expansion of the places would be gradual until reaching all yeagroups in 2017/18.
To enable the expansion, the school needs appropriate play facilities. It is therefore proposed that a small area of the recreation ground adjacent to the school is enhanced to provide creative children’s play facilities that will be available for the exclusive use of the school during school hours, but will be fully open for the benefit of the general community for all other hours that the recreation ground is open. A drawing of the area showing the location of the proposed additional buildings on the Singlegate School site, and landscaping proposals for the recreation ground is available on onsultations.hmand will be on display on a recreation ground noticeboard.
Wh isthe Council poposing a change?
There is a significant increase in demand for school places in Merton, with more children reaching school age, fuelled by a birth rate that has risen by 39% in the last eight years. Our population forecasts indicate that much of this rise will be sustained.
The proposed expansion of Singlegate Primary School is part of an overall programme of school expansion in Merton. From 2008 to 2011 nineteen schools, including Singlegate, have provided additional reception classes to ensure sufficient places are provided. In the autumn of 2010, Merton also consulted on the school expansions required in reception year fo2011/12 and 2012/13, including Singlegate Primary School. The consultation and the decision document from the Council’s Cabinet is available on the Council’s website m or can be requested from the address stated on theesponse form.
Singlegate Primary is a popular and successful school. In its most recent Ofsted inspection, it was judged to be “outstanding”. The school was still heavily subscribed even when providing the additional 30 places in reception year for September 2011, and only able to provide places to some 535 metres under the distance criteria. Without these additional places the distance would have been much less, and if this expansion does not take place, would be much less in the future. With demand for places forecast to further increase over the next few years the expansion of the school is considered
essential for the council to provide sufficient local school places.
The changes to the recreation ground, as well as benefiting the school, will provide improved play facilities for children at the time they are most needed i.e. outside school hours.
What is the purpose of this consultation?
The pu pose of thisonsultation iso allow anone, and especiallpa ents and governors with an inte est, toaise questions oronce nsega ding the p oposal so that heCouncil can decide whethero publish a fo mal sta utop oposalo epand he school to provide 420 permanent places, and have a shared play area within Colliers Wood Recreation Ground.
It also forms a consultation with local residents prior to the council submitting a formal planning application in early 2012 for the next phase of building works to reach this capacity, including the landscaping works at Colliers Wood Recreation Ground.
Consultation meeting
A consul ation meeting has been organised, to be held at Singlegate Primary School, South Gardens, London SW19 2NT, on Tuesday 6 December at 7pm
Pa ents, residents and other inte ested pa ties are encou aged to aend toaise an questions, conce ns or ideas fohe deelopmen ofprimary education in Merton and an planningapplication related matters.
What is the next stage?
Following this consultation the Au ho itwill decide whethero submit a formal s atu o y p oposal and to submit a planning application for the second phase of building works. Du ing the statu o y p oposal p ocess the e would then be a fu thefou week pe iod for an oneto aisean objection befo ehe decision maer (normallthe Counil) makes a fo mal decision onhe p oposal. It is planned that work for the second phase will commence immediately after the first phase of works are completed in summer 2012, to be ready for the third year of additional pupils in Sep ember 2013.
Please proide comments overleaf or on a sepaate sheet b December 2011 to:
st Wednesday 21
Post to: Cont acts and School Organisation, Child en, Schools and Families Department, London Borough of Merton, Merton Ciic Cent e, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX
Or: Completed responses can be given by hand to the main office at SinglegatePrimary School, and these will be forwarded to the Council
Alternatively, an electronic version of the response sheet will be available on Responses can be emailed
Comments on the proposed expansion Singlegate Primary School to provide 420 places and shared area for Colliers Wood Recreation ground ou acontinue on a separate sheet)
Are you: A parent with a pupil currently at Singlegate Primary School A parent with preschool children A member of Singlegate Primary staff or governor A local resident (not in one of the above three categories) Other e.g. representing an institution please state
Signed ……..…………………………
Responses to be returned by: Wednesday 21 December 2011
_ _ _ _ __
Date ……………
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