Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (Académique) - Anglais








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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

  • cours - matière potentielle : material
  • cours - matière potentielle : langue
  • exposé
  • cours - matière potentielle : introduction historique
  • expression écrite
  • cours - matière potentielle : optionnel
  • leçon - matière potentielle : list with suggestions for further reading
  • expression écrite - matière potentielle : students to the different genres of theatre
  • expression écrite - matière potentielle : description
Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (Académique) - filière English Version: 13 February 2012 Page 1 de 11 Semestre 1 CM (UE) TD (UE) ECTS Module 1 Introduction to Sociolinguistics- with Special Emphasis on Luxembourg (optionnel) 30 4 An Introduction to Discourse Analysis (D) (optionnel) 30 4 Module 2 Text and Context (D) (optionnel) 30 4 Introduction to Drama Analysis: Shakespeare's Comedies (optionnel) 30 4 Module 3 Imagining the Future : Utopia and Dystopia (D) (optionnel) 30 4 American Studies 1 : American Ideas and Ideals (D) (optionnel) 30 4 From Wilde to
  • literary texts
  • der pyrrhonischen skeptiker
  • complete reading list with suggestions for further reading
  • n.n. from wilde
  • reading
  • der identitätsbildung
  • introducing students
  • primat de la volonté sur la raison
  • und stellt
  • die philosophie
  • erkenntnis für die
  • w.w.
  • welche chancen und
  • philosophie
  • students
  • die
  • langues
  • langue
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Module 1
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Module 3
Module 4
Version: 08 March 2012
Semestre 1
Cours de langue Italienne pour débutants I (optionnel)
Einführung in die philosophische Logik (D) (optionnel)
0 / 420
American Studies 1 : American Ideas and Ideals (D) (optionnel)
TOTAL (cours obligatoire / cours optionnel):
Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (Académique)  filière English
Historische Einführung in die Philosophie (optionnel)
Einführung in die Geschichtswissenschaft (D) (optionnel)
Module 2
Text and Context (D) (optionnel)
Introduction to Sociolinguistics with Special Emphasis on Luxembourg (optionnel)
An Introduction to Discourse Analysis (D) (optionnel)
Introduction historique à la philosophie (optionnel)
Minor Subject Courses
Introduction to Literature 1 (optionnel)
Introduction to Drama Analysis: Shakespeare's Comedies (optionnel)
Imagining the Future : Utopia and Dystopia (D) (optionnel)
Reading and Writing about Literature (D) (optionnel)
From Wilde to Pinter, and beyond (D) (optionnel)
Module 10
Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (Académique)  filière English
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Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (Académique)  filière English
American Studies 1 : American Ideas and Ideals (D)
Module: ECTS: Objectif:
Modalité d'enseignement: Langue: Obligatoire: Evaluation: Professeur:
Module 3 (Semestre 1) 4  encouraging the students to explore the variety of NorthAmerican culture(s) analysing the importance of the United States' founding documents and ideas in the national and individual selfconstruction processes encouraging the students to develop their reading and writing skills encouraging students to develop their critical thinking and analytical skills, both orally and in writing
This is the first part of the American Studies course. One of the main aims of this course will be to question received notions of #America', and to contrast preconceived ideas you may have formed about #America' with the complexity of the historical, social and ethnic realities of the NorthAmerican continent. The books on the syllabus will allow you to think about and discuss some of the major issues that have shaped NorthAmerican society and culture(s), and whose repercussions can be felt to this day. We will negotiate between past and present, #ideals' and #reality', to try to develop a perhaps clearer perception of all the different meanings #America' has been endowed with.Reading:
BEECHERSTOWE, Harriet, Uncle Tom's Cabin, edited by Elizabeth Ammons in the Norton Critical Edition Series (New York: W.W. Norton, 1993; first published 1852).ISBN: 9780393963038HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel, The Scarlet Letter, edited by Leland S. Person in the Norton Critical Edition Series (New York: W.W. Norton, 2005).ISBN: 9780393979534 JACOBS, Harriet A., et al; Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself, edited by Jean Fagan Yellin (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2000).ISBN: 9780674002715 MILLER, Arthur, The Crucible(London and New York: Penguin, 2003; first published 1953). ISBN: 9780142437339THOREAU, Henry David, #Civil Disobedience' and Other Essays (Stilwell:, 2005).ISBN: 9781420925227ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDED READING LAUTER, Paul et al. (eds.), Heath Anthology of American Literature, Vols. AE (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006)TAKAKI, Ronald T., A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, revised edition (Boston, New York & London: Little Brown, 1993; Back Bay Books, 2008)ISBN: 9780316022361
Anglais Non Continuous Assessment: 50% (InClass Assessment and Essay); Written Examination: 50% PRÜM Agnès
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Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (Académique)  filière English
An Introduction to Discourse Analysis (D)
Module: ECTS: Objectif:
Modalité d'enseignement: Langue: Obligatoire: Evaluation: Professeur:
Module 1 (Semestre 1) 4  getting students to explore the interface between language, linguistics and literature introducing students to linguistic techniques of analysing both literary and nonliterary texts
Discourse analysis is an interdisciplinary field including a wide range of theoretical and methodological approaches from linguistics, anthropology and sociology. In this course, we study how language operates in social and ideological contexts, and how it is used to represent social realities. Genres that will be considered include both literary and nonliterary texts such as media discourse, language in the public space, etc. We explore how language functions as a means of creating meanings and effects in these texts. In this way, students are introduced to modern techniques of analysing language, as well as interpretive strategies to support critical reading.Students of literature (and others with little or no knowledge of linguistics) are encouraged to take this course, as it will introduce them to those specific areas of linguistics that should be of direct relevance to them in their literary analyses.
Anglais Non Continuous Assessment: 100% ( 1/ 3test; 2/ 3essay)
WEBER JeanJacques
Cours de langue Italienne pour débutants I
Module: ECTS: Objectif: Description:
Minor Subject Courses (Semestre 1) 3
Les cours de langue italienne ont pour objectif de fournir aux étudiants les moyens de communiquer dans un premier temps dans des situations simples de la vie courante (parler de soimême, s'adresser à des administrations, chercher un emploi ou lire et étudier des textes en italien) en fonction des besoins des étrangers qui se rendent en Italie ou qui doivent utiliser la langue italienne pour des raisons professionnelles. Les cours s'adressent aussi à ceux qui sont intéressés par la culture et la civilisation italiennes et qui apprécient l'italien comme langue dans laquelle de grands écrivains, des poètes et des savants se sont exprimés, sans oublier l'art de la musique où l'influence exercée par l'italien a été très profonde. La méthode utilisée dans l'enseignement de la langue impliquera une approche comparative: c'est à dire que les règles de la langue italienne seront toujours comparées avec celles de la langue
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Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (Académique)  filière English
Modalité d'enseignement: Langue: Obligatoire: Evaluation: Professeur:
française, en soulignant les nombreuses affinités et le peu de contrastes, et en cherchant aussi à montrer les racines latines communes aux deux langues.
Non Examen écrit et oral
CUOGHI Sibilla
Einführung in die Geschichtswissenschaft (D)
Module: ECTS: Objectif: Description:
Modalité d'enseignement: Langue: Obligatoire: Evaluation: Professeur:
Minor Subject Courses (Semestre 1) 3
 Die Vorlesung bietet eine Einführung in die unterschiedlichen theoretischen Ansätze und Forschungsfelder der Geschichtswissenschaft sowie ihrer Entwick#lung. Sie fragt nach verschiedenen Prämissen und Zielen geschichtswissen#schaftlichen Arbeitens und stellt ihre jeweils spezifischen Methoden und Quellen vor. Die allgemeine Frage #Was ist Geschichte?' steht dabei ebenso im Zentrum des Interesses wie auch die Frage, welchem Zweck die wissenschaftliche Beschäftigung mit der Vergangenheit dient. Es soll dabei die Notwendigkeit eines kritischen Umgangs sowohl mit Quellen als auch mit Forschungsergebnissen verdeutlicht werden. Das Wissen um historische Ereignisse und Prozesse stellt einen wichtigen Faktor bei der Identitätsbildung, Handlungsorientierung sowie Zukunftsplanung dar. Welche Rolle hierbei die notwendige Standortgebundenheit des Historikers spielt und welche Chancen und Gefahren damit verbunden sind, soll anhand ausgewählter Debatten und Historikerkontroversen besprochen werden. Die Relevanz geschichtswissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis für die Ent#stehung von Erinnerungskulturen sowie für das kollektive Gedächtnis bestimmter Bevölkerungsgruppen wird in der Vorlesung auch im Hinblick auf die Aufgaben und den Beruf des Historikers diskutiert. Vorlesung
Allemand Non Prüfung schriftliche Klausur am Ende des Semesters
SCHMIDT Sebastian
Einführung in die philosophische Logik (D)
Minor Subject Courses (Semestre 1)
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Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (Académique)  filière English
ECTS: Objectif: Description:
Modalité d'enseignement: Langue: Obligatoire:
Evaluation: Professeur:
Français Non
From Wilde to Pinter, and beyond (D)
Module: ECTS: Objectif:
Modalité d'enseignement: Langue: Obligatoire: Evaluation:
Module 3 (Semestre 1) 4  introducing students to the different genres of theatre writing  exploring the ever shifting relationship between text and performance  setting the plays within a wider social and political context
Students will learn to articulate arguments about drama and discover different ways of reading texts. We will analyse specific scenes as well as move towards performance; there will be room for improvisation and for acting out the words on the page. This blend of both academic and practical approaches should allow students to discover how and why theatre works. Reading: CHURCHILL, Caryl, Top Girls BECKETT, Samuel, Happy Days DELANEY, Shelagh, A Taste of Honey OSBORNE, John, Look Back In Anger PINTER, Harold, The Birthday Party SHAW, Bernard, Pygmalion WILDE, Oscar, The Importance of Being Earnest Additional course material will be handed out in class.
Anglais Non CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT: 100%  Seminar Assessment Mark: 10%  Mid Term Test: 40% Final Essay: 50%
Historische Einführung in die Philosophie
Module: ECTS:
Minor Subject Courses (Semestre 1) 3
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Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (Académique)  filière English
Objectif: Description:
Modalité d'enseignement: Langue: Obligatoire:
Evaluation: Professeur:
 In dieser Vorlesung wird anhand ausgewählter Klassiker von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart in die Philosophie eingeführt. Es werden in Grundzügen die Theorien Platons, Aristoteles', der pyrrhonischen Skeptiker (Antike), Thomas von Aquins (Mittelalter), Descartes' (Rationalismus), Lockes und Humes (Empirismus), Kants (Transzendentalphilosophie), Hegels (Idealismus) sowie der neueren und gegenwärtigen Philosophie in Auswahl vorgestellt. Dabei sollen sowohl die Gemeinsamkeiten als auch die Unterschiede der philosophischen Fragestellungen, Lösungsansätze und Methoden dargestellt, diskutiert und bewertet werden.
Allemand Non Regelmäßige Teilnahme und Klausur
Imagining the Future : Utopia and Dystopia (D)
Module: ECTS: Objectif: Description:
Modalité d'enseignement: Langue: Obligatoire: Evaluation:
Module 3 (Semestre 1) 4
The works we will be looking at on this course have at least one common feature: they are generally classified as #science fiction', a genre that is often ignored or dismissed as minor or unimportant. Yet, they raise questions and fears that cannot be ignored, especially in a world that is increasingly shaped by science and technology. Moreover, they are all inscribed in an ongoing debate: by #imagining the future', or possible futures, they ask questions about past and present societies, the scientists and politicians that influence them, and their responsibility towards a world that is always in the process of being built.
Anglais Non CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT: 100%  Essay: 25%  Debate + Response Paper: 25%  Seminar Assessment Mark: 10% Final Test: 40% PRÜM Agnès
Introduction historique à la philosophie
Minor Subject Courses (Semestre 1)
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Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (Académique)  filière English
ECTS: Objectif: Description:
Modalité d'enseignement: Langue: Obligatoire:
Evaluation: Professeur:
Il y a quelques 2500 ans, la philosophie est née en se démarquant du mythe et en affirmant le primat de la raison. Depuis lors, cette suprématie de la raison n'a cessé de faire l'objet de mises en question et de nouvelles apologies. Dans ce cours d'introduction historique à la philosophie, nous analyserons ce parcours turbulent, en nous penchant plus particulièrement sur l'#uvre des philosophes suivants ou sur les écoles philosophiques suivantes : Platon (suprématie absolue de la raison incarnée dans la figure du philosopheroi) ; Aristote (apologie de la vie selon la raison, mais aussi reconnaissance de ses limites) ; les sceptiques (mise en question radicale des pouvoirs de la raison) ; le stoïcisme (la raison contre les passions) ; la philosophie dans l'islam médiéval (primat de la philosophie sur la théologie) ; Saint Thomas (synthèse entre raison et foi) ; Guillaume d'Ockham (le primat de la volonté sur la raison) ; Descartes et les rationalistes (apologie de la raison) ; Locke et les empiristes (de la primauté des sens à la soumission de la raison aux passions) ; Kant (préserver la raison contre ellemême en lui indiquant ses limites, mais par là aussi ses pouvoirs) ; Schopenhauer et Nietzsche (primat de la vie sur la raison) ; l'utilitarisme (le dédoublement de la raison) ; Wittgenstein (la raison malade d'ellemême), Foucault et le postmodernisme (critique du totalitarisme de la raison) ; Habermas (la raison communicationnelle comme nouveau paradigme).
Français Non Examen écrit
Introduction to Drama Analysis: Shakespeare's Comedies
Module: ECTS: Objectif:
Module 2 (Semestre 1) 4 familiarising students with the conventions underlying drama as a literary genre introducing students to critical techniques of analysing drama getting students to explore the relationship between printed text and theatrical performance
The aim of this course is to familiarize students with some essential features and conventions of Shakespearean comedy. Since William Shakespeare has achieved high acclaim for his superb handling of this specific genre, we will study four famous exemplars. Shakespeare's The Merchant of Veniceenables us to focus on the conflict between Christians and Jews. Whether this drama offers a satisfactory solution to that conflict is a debatable question. Consequently, we will discuss The Merchant of Venicein terms of a 'problem play'. Much Ado About Nothingwill be used to throw some light on Shakespeare's mixing of tragic and comic elements. (As is welldocumented in criticism, this mixture of genre aspects has emerged as a distinctive feature of Shakespearean drama in general.) Twelfth Night, or, What You Willdeserves our attention as an outstanding example of Shakespeare's socalled
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Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (Académique)  filière English
Modalité d'enseignement: Langue: Obligatoire: Evaluation:
'romantic comedies'. In As You Like It, the thematic contrast between court and country will be highlighted. Both in Twelfth Nightand in As You Like Itthe roles of the fools will be given prominent attention.The major structural features we will deal with are as follows: Plot and plot structure, the dramatis personae (characters) and their thematic grouping, language (including categories such as dialogue, soliloquy, aside, verse and prose). Conventional devices such as 'discrepancy of awareness' and 'dramatic irony' will be made recognizable. In theatrical terms, the modern notion of language in drama as 'spoken action' and the semiotic concept of 'theatre language' will be worth considering as well. Reading: The Merchant of Venice Much Ado About Nothing Twelfth Night As You Like It A complete reading list with suggestions for further reading will be published at a later date.
Anglais Non Continuous Assessment: 50% (Essay written in class: 20%; essay written at home: 20%; oral presentation/ discussion: 10%); Final Oral Examination: 50%.
PLATZ Norbert
Introduction to Literature 1
Module: ECTS: Objectif:
Modalité d'enseignement: Langue: Obligatoire: Evaluation: Professeur:
Module 10 (Semestre 1) 3  introducing the students to the critical study of the major genres of literary studies showing the students ways of thinking about and analysing prose, fiction and poetry showing the students how to recognise and deal with narrative and poetic strategies
This course provides a practical introduction to the study of fiction and poetry in English. We will concentrate on a small number of texts and extracts, which we will look at in detail. Our focus will be on how to analyse a text and you will be provided with different tools of literary and critical analysis. Reading: ABRAMS, M. H., A Glossary of Literary Terms(8th edition) (Thomson Wadsworth, 2005).ISBN 1413004563DICKENS, Charles, Great Expectations(Penguin).ISBN 0141439564ROBERTS, Edgar V., Writing About Literature, 10th edition (Prentice Hall/Pearson Education: 1964; 2003). ISBN: 0130972019Additional material/reading will be handed out in class.
Anglais Non Written Examination: 100% PRÜM Agnès
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Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (Académique)  filière English
Introduction to Sociolinguistics with Special Emphasis on Luxembourg
Module: ECTS: Objectif: Description: Modalité d'enseignement: Langue: Obligatoire: Evaluation: Professeur:
Module 1 (Semestre 1) 4
Anglais Non
WAGNER Mélanie
Reading and Writing about Literature (D)
Module: ECTS: Objectif: Description:
Modalité d'enseignement: Langue: Obligatoire: Evaluation: Professeur:
Module 4 (Semestre 1) 2
This course proposes a series of seven intensive #handson' workshops at a twoweek interval. We will focus on academic research and writing skills using short texts and specially designed class activities. Issues addressed: reading, taking notes and planning an essay; finding and working with secondary literature; developing an argument using primary and secondary sources; referencing and bibliographies.
Anglais Non CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT: 100%Portfolio: 100% PRÜM Agnès
Text and Context (D)
Module: ECTS:
Module 2 (Semestre 1) 4
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Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (Académique)  filière English
Modalité d'enseignement: Langue: Obligatoire: Evaluation: Professeur:
encouraging the students to reflect about the intricate negotiations between self, text and contexts involved in the practice of reading analysing how texts interact with their contexts over time and across changing or different social, economic and cultural conditions  encouraging the students to develop their reading and writing skills encouraging students to develop their critical thinking and analytical skills, both orally and in writing
This course aims to introduce different ways of looking at texts. By focusing more closely on the conditions particular texts are produced in, you will be encouraged to set your own reading (and your own context) against the context in which the text was written (and #meant' to be read), thereby enriching your own reading experience, awareness and analysis. Reading: AUSTEN, Jane, Pride and Prejudice, in the Norton Critical Editions Series, edited by Donald GRAY (New York and London: W.W. Norton, 2000).ISBN: 0393976041CONRAD, Joseph, Heart of Darkness, in the Norton Critical Editions Series, edited by Paul B. ARMSTRONG (New York and London: W.W. Norton, 2006).ISBN: 0393926362WOLFREYS, Julian and BAKER, William (eds.), Literary Theories: A case Study in Critical Performance(Houndmills, Basingstoke and Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, 1996).ISBN: 0333663020Note:The recommended editions provide historical and cultural documents and important information about the text and its author along with the literary works, thus covering a vital aspect of this course.MOVIES/FILMSApocalypse Now, directed by Francis Ford COPPOLA (1979) Pride and Prejudice, directed by Simon LANGTON (1995 BBC Adaptation) Muriel's Wedding, directed by P.J. HOGAN (1994) Bridget Jones' Diary, directed by Sharon MAGUIRE (2001)
Anglais Non Continuous Assessment: 50% (InClass Test and Case Study); Written Examination: 50% PRÜM Agnès
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