THE WEIGHT FILTRATION FOR REAL ALGEBRAIC VARIETIES II: CLASSICAL HOMOLOGY CLINT MCCRORY AND ADAM PARUSINSKI Abstract. We associate to each real algebraic variety a filtered chain complex, the weight complex, which is well-defined up to filtered quasi-isomorphism, and which induces on classical (compactly supported) homology with Z2 coefficients an analog of the weight filtration for complex algebraic varieties. This complements our previous definition of the weight filtration on Borel-Moore homology. We define the weight filtration of the homology of a real algebraic variety by first addressing the case of smooth, not necessarily compact, varieties. As in Deligne's definition [5] of the weight filtration for complex varieties, given a smooth variety X we consider a good compactification, a smooth compactification X of X such that D = X \X is a divisor with normal crossings. Whereas Deligne's construction can be interpreted in terms of an action of a torus (S1)N on a neighborhood of the divisor at infinity, we use an action of a discrete torus (S0)N to define a filtration of the chains of a semialgebraic compactification of X associated to the divisor D. The resulting filtered chain complex is functorial for pairs (X,X) as above, and it behaves nicely for a blowup with a smooth center that has normal crossings with D. We apply a result of Guillen and Navarro Aznar ([6] Theorem (2.3.6)) to show that our filtered complex is independent of the good compactification of X (up to quasi- isomorphism) and to extend our definition to a
- let
- definition x˜ ?
- weight complex
- deligne's definition
- double cover
- compact smooth
- bundle
- x˜
- varieties
- bundle ?