The Relation Between Philosophy and Religion in Blondel's ...








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The Relation Between Philosophy and Religion in Blondel's Philosophy of Action by John J. McNeill From the very beginning Blondel understood his philosophy of action as laying the foundation for a new philosophical understanding of the role religion plays in man's life and the achievement of human destiny. Two central insights governed the entire development of Blondel's philosophy. The first, philosophical and epistemological in nature, had to do with the relation between thought and action, intellect and will.
  • christian belief
  • spinoza
  • blondel
  • evolution of modern thought from spinoza to the final schelling
  • hegel
  • means
  • philosophy
  • man
  • action
  • problem
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How Class Works—2010
Conference Program
A Conference at SUNY Stony Brook
June 3-5, 2010his conference is the result of the work
and support of many people. At Stony
Brook, thanks to Provost Eric Kaler, T Vice-President for Research John Mar-
burger, Vice-President for Student Affairs Peter
Baigent, Graduate School Dean Lawrence Martin,
College of Arts and Sciences Dean Nancy Squires,
Dean of International Academic Programs Wil-
liam Arens, Dean of the School of Professional
Development Paul Edelson, Ann Brody and the
staffs of the Offi ce of Conferences and Special
Events, the Department of Student Union and
Activities, and the Department of Economics.
Thanks also to SUNY Vice-Provost for Diversity
Pedro Caban, and to the conference program com-
mittee: Michele Fazio, Fernando Gapasin, Fred
Gardaphe, Pepi Leistyna, Jack Metzgar, Michelle
Tokarczyk, Janet Zandy, and Michael Zweig. For
data base management, web support, and special
logistical organization, thanks to Daniel Wolman.
Thanks to the many Stony Brook faculty, staff,
and graduate students who are facilitating the pro-
gram by chairing sessions and dealing with logisti-
cal needs. And special thanks to all the presenters
who have come to share their work, the substance
of the conference.
Sponsored by
Center for Study of Working Class Life
Department of Economics
State University of New York
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4384
Conference Coordinator: Michael Zweig
Cover photos: Milton Rogovin
Design: Vockley•Lang
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in this
How Class Works—20101.3 Pedagogy of Class I, SAC 311Wednesday, June 2
Sarah Ryan and Emily Lardner, The Evergreen
8:00pm State University: Social Class as a “Night School”
0. Opening Party, Social and Behavioral Sciences Theme: Two quarters at The Evergreen State College
Building, Seventh Floor lobby/lounge
Heather A. Howley and E.R. Carlin, University
Music by Anne Feeney, readings by Barbara Jensen,
of Akron, Wayne College: Empathy: The Placebo
Gerald McCarthy, and Michelle Tokarczyk, Cash
Joel Saxe, Communication, University of Massa-
chusetts-Amherst: Generational Debt: catalyst to Thursday, June 3
social change and critical class(room) consciousness?1:00-2:15pm
Raymond A. Mazurek, English & American Registration begins in the Student Activities
Studies, Penn State University, Berks Campus: Center (SAC) Lobby
Students Gaze in a Working-Class Mirror: Teaching
the Working-Class Experience in America1:45-3:15pm
1. Concurrent Sessions, Student Activities
1.4 Country Studies 1, SAC 308Center
Ozgur Narin, Economics, Ondokuz Mayis Uni-
1.1 New Media in Labor Studies and versity and Ozgur Mutlu Ulus, Acıbadem Uni-
Working Class Studies, SAC 303 versity: Alpagut Factory Occupation: First Experience
Alyssa Lenoff, Center for Working-Class Studies, of Workers' Self Management in Turkey
Youngstown State University: New Media: Impli- Tara Martin, Sociology, University of New Mex-
cations for Working-Class Americans ico: Crosscurrents of Memory: Myth, Rank and File
Joseph B. Atkins, Journalism, University of Mis- Memory, and Britain’s Winter of Discontent
sissippi: Giving Voice to Southern Workers: The Hugo Chesshire, Political Science, Brock Univer-
Development of “Labor South” sity: In Hostile Waters: The 2009 Concessions of the
John Russo, Center for Working-Class Studies, Canadian Autoworkers Union
Youngstown State University: The Uses of New
Media at the Center for Working-Class Studies: A 3:30-5:00pm
Two-Year Assessment 2. Concurrent Sessions, Student Activities
1.2 Class and Gender, SAC 305
Francine Moccio, Former Director of the In- 2.1 Class Dynamics in Higher Education
stitute for Women and Work at ILR School at and the Professions, SAC 311
Cornell University: Live Wires For a Labor Cause: Amy E. Stich, Sociology of Education, SUNY
Women Electricians in New York City Buffalo: Working-Class Reputation and the Syntax of
Hester Eisenstein, Sociology, Queens College: Rusted Space: A Damaging Discursive Practice within
Feminism Seduced: How Global Elites Use Women’s Higher Education
Labor and Ideas to Exploit the World Kristin Cipollone, Sociology of Education, SUNY
M. Thandabantu Iverson, History Labor Studies, Buffalo: When College is the Only Choice: Post-
Indiana University-Northwest: Beyond Reduction- Secondary Selection Processes of Middle- and Upper
ism: Seeing Class Through Race and Gender in Black Middle-Class Students Attending an Affl uent Public
Healthcare Workers’ Lives High School
Melda Y. Öztürk, Economics, Ondokuz Mayıs Julie Withers, Butte College: Class Act: Negotiating
University and Özgün Akduran, Public Finance, class dynamics at a rural community college
Istanbul University: Women’s Labor in Tobacco
Producing: Before and After Privatization
How Class Works—2010 page 12.2 The Working Class after 2.5 Country Studies II, SAC 303
Neoliberalism, SAC 304 Frido Wenten, Political Science, Free University
Colm Breathnach Geography and Sociology, Berlin: Changing class relations and labour struggles
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow: Mapping the in post-1978 China
Global Working Class Today Kurtuluş Cengiz, Sociology, Abant Izzet Baysal
Neil Davidson, Geography and Sociology, Uni- University: The New Industrial Class of Turkey be-
versity of Strathclyde, Glasgow: Theory and 21st tween Community and Market: A Cross-Section from
Century Workers: Defi nitions, Boundaries, Interests an Anatolian City/Kayseri
Patricia McCafferty, Geography and Sociology, Ugo Palheta, Sociology, Sciences-Po Paris: Class
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow: From Work- Struggle, Struggling Classes. The Social Stratifi cation
shop of the World to Service Sector Central: Glasgow’s of the “anti-CPE” Movement in France (2006)
East End Today
6:30pm - 7:30pm
2.3 Class Issues in History, SAC 308 Registration reopens in the Student Activities
Gregory Wood, History, Frostburg State Univer- Center (SAC) Lobby
sity: Smokes on a Train: Smoking and Class Struggles
on the New York City Subway, 1904-1913 7:30-9:30pm
John Lloyd, History, California State Polytechnic 3. Opening Plenary Session, SAC Ballroom B
University, Pomona: Crowds, Class and Community: Provost Lecture Series, open to the public
The Pittsburgh ‘Mob’ and the Strike of 1877 Larry Cohen, International President, Commu-
Peter S. McInnis, History, St. Francis Xavier Uni- nications Workers of America: Economic Crisis,
versity: Incident at Reesor Siding: Bushworkers and Political Paralysis: What's the Working Class to Do?
the Historical Memory of Violent Confrontation
Vilja Hulden, History, University of Arizona: The
payoffs of class privilege: The National Association of
Manufacturers vs. labor in Congress, 1902-1914
2.4 Calling the Labor Movement to
Discover the Working Class, SAC 305
Bob Fitch, Former Union Organizer, Author:
Needed: A Labor Left that refl ects real democracy and
unites workers by reaching across restrictive jurisdic-
tional lines
Joseph B. Atkins, Journalism, University of Mis-
sissippi: A Call for an Independent, Consciousness-
Raising Labor Media
Martin Fishgold, Editor, The Unionist, AF-
SCME, past president of the International Labor
Communications Association: The Failure of
Unions and Their Media to Reach Out to the Working
Steve Early, Writer, Organizer: The High Price of
Health Care for Some: How EFCA Became The First
Casualty of ObamaCare
page 2 How Class Works—20105.3 Rank and File Research from the Friday, June 4
National Labor College, SAC 304
Eduardo Rosario, National Writers Guild: Dis-
Registration reopens 8:00am-5:00pm mantling The Manufacturing Clause: Another Victim
SAC lobby of Deregulation
Joe Potestivo, International Union of Elevator
8:00am Constructors: The Case of the I.U.E.C., Local One
Continental Breakfast, SAC Ballroom A New York City: Succeed Together or Fail Individually
John Graham, United Brotherhood of Carpenters:
9-10:30am Health Impact of Emergency Response and Recovery
4. Plenary Session: Right Wing Populism Work at the World Trade Center Following 9-11
and the Working Class, SAC Ballroom A Lainie Kitt, International Brotherhood of Team-
Bill Fletcher, Jr., Executive Editor, blackcommenta- sters and American Federation of Teachers, Adjunct Professor, National Labor College: Post-
William K. Tabb, City University of New York Traumatic Stress among Housing Authority Workers
in New York City after 9-1, Chair
10:45am-12:15pm Leah Rambo, Sheet Metal Workers International
5. Concurrent Sessions, Student Activities Center Association: Embracing Diversity: The Key to Build-
ing Strong Unions
5.1 Immigrant Class Identities, SAC 306
Anilyn Díaz-Hernández, Communication, UM- 5.4. What Do Working Class Students
ass Amherst: Morphing into Childhood: Changes, Need in Higher Education? - a roundtable
Chances and Choices in the Life of a Middle-Class discussion, SAC 302
Man Sherry Lee Linkon, Center for Working-Class
David Avishay, Communication, UMass Amherst: Studies, Youngstown State University
Class Journeys? T

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