The difference between Clocks and Turing Machines1. Giuseppe Longo CNRS and D?pt. de Math?matiques et Informatique Ecole Normale Sup?rieure, Paris Content: 1. Clocks and Logic. 2. Turing Machines and the distinction between Hardware and Software 3. Simulating Turing Machines by Clocks. 4. Finite representations in Physics and in Metamathematics. 5. Mathematics as an open system. 6. Interactive, asynchronous and distributed computing. 7. Plasticity and the wet brain. 8. Implicit Mathematics APPENDIX: More on the proofs of unprovable propositions. 1. Clocks and Logic. During several centuries the prevailing metaphor for human brain was a ÒclockÓ This metaphor became precise with Descartes. For Descartes, there is a mechanical body and brain, a << statue d'automate>>, similar to the fantastic automatic devices of his time and ruled by cog-wheels, gears and pulleys. Separated from it, but ruling it, is the << res cogitans >>. The physical connecting point of this dualism was provided by the pineal gland; the philosophical compatibility, in my opinion, was given by the fact that the res cogitans too is governed by rules, logical/deductive ones. << Non evident knowledge may be known with certainty, provided that it is deduced from true and known principles, by a continually and never interrupted movement of thought which has a clear intuition of each individual step>>.
- descartes' dualism
- mathematical logic
- turing
- human behaviour
- simulating turing
- into machines
- most modern computers
- fully govern