The action of the Frobenius map on rank vector bundles in characteristic Y Laszlo and C Pauly








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The action of the Frobenius map on rank 2 vector bundles in characteristic 2 Y. Laszlo and C. Pauly March 1, 2001 1 Introduction Let X be a smooth algebraic curve of genus g over a field k of characteristic p > 0. The behaviour of semi-stable bundles with respect to the absolute Frobenius Fa remains mysterious if g ≥ 2. Let us briefly explain why this question should be of interest. Start with a continuous representation ? of the algebraic fundamental group in GLr(k¯), where k¯ is the algebraic closure of k. Let E? be the corresponding rank r bundle over X. Then all the bundles F (n)?a E?, for n > 0, where F (n)a denotes the n-fold composite Fa ? · · · ? Fa, are semi-stable. Conversely, assuming that k is finite, let E be a semi-stable rank r bundle defined over k¯. Because the set of isomorphism classes of semi-stable bundles of degree 0 over Xk? , where k? is any finite extension of k, is finite, one observes (see [LS]) that some twist of E comes from a representation as above. Therefore, if one is interested in unramified continuous representations of the Galois group over k of a global field k(X) in characteristic p, it is natural to look at Frobenius semi-stable bundles, that is those whose pull-backs by F (n)a are all semi-stable.

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  • defined over

  • unique g˜ ?

  • frobenius map

  • frobenius semi-stable

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The action of the Frobenius map on rank 2 vector bundles in characteristic 2
Y. Laszlo and C. Pauly March 1, 2001
1 Introduction Let X be a smooth algebraic curve of genus g over a eld k of characteristic p > 0. The behaviour of semi-stable bundles with respect to the absolute Frobenius F a remains mysterious if g 2. Let us briey explain why this question should be of interest. Start with a continuous representation   of the algebraic fundamental group in GL r ( k ), where k is the algebraic closure of k . Let E be the corresponding rank r bundle over X . Then all the bundles F a ( n ) E , for n > 0, where F a ( n ) denotes the n -fold composite F a      F a , are semi-stable. Conversely, assuming that k is nite, let E be a semi-stable rank r bundle dened over k . Because the set of isomorphism classes of semi-stable bundles of degree 0 over X k 0 , where k 0 is any nite extension of k , is nite, one observes (see [LS]) that some twist of E comes from a representation as above. Therefore, if one is interested in unramied continuous representations of the Galois group over k of a global eld k ( X ) in characteristic p , it is natural to look at Frobenius semi-stable bundles, that is those whose pull-backs by F a ( n ) are all semi-stable. This condition is stable by tensor product ([Mi] section 5), which is not usually the case for ordinary semi-stability in positive characteristic. Assume that k is arbitrary of characteristic p . Let us emphasize that the locus of Frobenius semi-stable bundles of degree 0 is a countable intersection of open subsets of the coarse moduli scheme of semi-stable vector bundles of degree 0 over X . In particular, it is not clear at all if the Frobenius semi-stable points are dense in general. This could a priori depend on the arithmetic o n f 7 th e F b ( as ) e E eflodr k a.giWveenwvoeucltdorliketostudythedynamicsoftheFrobenius,namelythesequence an bundle E over X . If k is a discrete valuation eld of characteristic p and if X is a Mumford curve, the situation is well understood [F], [G]: among other results, it is shown for arbitrary genus and characteristic that there exist semi-stable bundles which are destabilized by the Frobenius F a , that E 7F a E induces a surjective (rational) map on the moduli space of semi-stable rank r vector bundles of degree 0, and that the set of bundles coming from continuous representations of the algebraic fundamental group is dense. Another case, which is studied in the literature, are elliptic curves (see e.g. [O],[S]). For example, it can easily be shown that over an elliptic curve semi-stability is preserved under pull-back by Frobenius and that a stable bundle of rank r and degree d is Frobenius stable if and only if pd and r are coprime. But in general, not much seems to be known. In this paper we study the action of the Frobenius map F a in a very particular case: X is an ordinary curve of genus 2 dened over an algebraically closed eld k of characteristic 2. In that case the coarse moduli space M X of semi-stable rank 2 vector bundles of trivial determinant
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