SEGAL ENRICHED CATEGORIES I HUGO V. BACARD Abstract. We develop a theory of enriched categories over a (higher) category M equipped with a class W of morphisms called homotopy equivalences. We call them Segal MW -categories. Our motivation was to generalize the notion of “up-to-homotopy monoids” in a monoidal category M , introduced by Leinster. The formalism adopted generalizes the classical Segal categories and extends the theory of enriched category over a bicategory. In particular we have a linear version of Segal categories which did not exist so far. Contents 1. Introduction 1 Acknowledgments 6 Yoga of enrichment 6 2. Path-Objects in Bicategories 9 3. Examples of path-objects 16 4. Morphisms of path-objects 28 Appendix A. Review of the notion of bicategory 35 Appendix B. The 2-Path-category of a small category 38 Appendix C. Localization and cartesian products 41 Appendix D. Secondary Localization of a bicategory 44 References 48 1. Introduction Let M = (M,?, I) be a monoidal category. An enriched category C over M , shortly called ‘an M -category', consists roughly speaking of : • objects A, B, C, · · · • hom-objects C (A,B) ? Ob(M), • a unit map IA : I ?? C (A,A) for each object A, • a composition law : cABC : C (B,C)? C (A,B) ?? C (A,C),
- category theory
- over
- cells satisfying
- bicategories generalizes
- categories
- enrichment
- category
- segal enriched
- cauchy completeness