*§r$p§§n **m*k**l**rs fud*rsti*n 20L2Brussels, 13 November OPENING UP EDUCATION CONSULTATION ON -TO THE PUBLIC EBF CONTRIBUTION INITIATIVEFOR A EUROPEAN A PROPOSAL N": 9031106115-62)(Register of tnterest Representdtives umbrella organisationis a non-cornmercial Booksellers Federation The European ["EBF"] and the EEA.European Union within the EU Associations in the representing national Booksellers booksellers. Dependingon behalf of more than 25,000 individual Through its members, EBF speaks bookshop chains,independent booksellers, national represented include on the country, booksellers general selling books.other cultural or outlets supermarkets, internet retailers and The objectives of EBF are to: o the image of 'The Bookseller'Enhance o links between booksellers' associationsStrengthen professiono promoting excellence in the associations in Assist booksellers' o in the European institutions.interest of the bookselling trade Represent the theopportunity to send its contribution to point, EBF very much welcomes the ln view of this last proposal for a European initiative.