1 SENSITIVITY OF RADIO REFRACTIVITY TO MOISTURE AND TEMPERATURE AND ITS INFLUENCE ON RADAR RAY PATH Jidong Gao P1P, Keith BrewsterP1 P and Ming Xue P1,2 1 PCenter for Analysis and Prediction of Storms and P 2 PSchool of Meteorology University of Oklahoma submitted to Adv. Atmos. Sci. August 2007 Corresponding author address: Dr. Jidong Gao, Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, National Weather Center, Suite 2500, 120 David L. Boren Blvd, Norman, OK 73072 E-mail: HTUjdgao@ou.
- gradient of refractivity
- sensitivity of radio refractivity
- thirds earth radius beam height equation
- national weather service
- sensitivity of refractivity
- ray path
- radar
- moisture
- data