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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

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®A d o b e
b cJDF Solutions
Reliable JDF Job Ticketing with 1 W h a ti sJ D F ?
2 J D FF i l e sA r eE x t e n s i b l e® ® Adobe Creative Suite using
2 W h e r ei st h eJ D FF i l eI n i t i a t e d ?
® 2 A d o b eC r e a t i v eS u i t e :T h eAcrobat 8 Professional
M i s s i n gL i n ki nt h eJ D F
W o r k f o w
2 J D FJ o bT i c k e t s ,V e r i f e d
JDF – Job Defnition Format – is well-known in the print production community, C o n t e n t ,a n dP r i n t - R e a d yP D F
but virtually unknown within the graphic design community. That is changing.
4 J D FT e m p l a t eW o r k f o w
JDF technology was frst integrated into Adobe Creative Suite software with the O v e r v i e w
introduction of Acrobat 7 Professional, and for the frst time content originators
5 C r e a t eS u b m i s s i o nS e t u p
had the ability to use this industry standard job ticketing format to describe their
6 C r e a t eJ D FT e m p l a t ejobs electronically, right on the desktop.
8 C r e a t eaN e wJ D FB a s e do nt h e
T e m p l a t ea n dS u b m i tWhat is JDF?
1 5 R e ce i v i n ga n dP r o ce s s i n gJ D FJDF is an XML-based fle format standard for information exchange in the graphic
arts environment. In the context of Adobe Creative Suite, JDF is a job ticketing, 1 6 J D FM a k e st h eW o r k f o wF l o w
or job intent, fle format designed to bridge the communication gap and automate 1 6 R e s o u r ce s
processes between creative professionals and print providers.
®It’s diffcult to overstate the importance of standards. In 1985, Adobe PostScript
technology ushered in the era of desktop publishing. Before then, every system
was completely and totally proprietary. Operators were burdened with steep
learning curves, and the expertise gained on one piece of equipment could not be
applied to another. PostScript, the device-independent page description standard
changed all that, and giant strides were made.
The development of PDF marked another milestone. Documents created in any
application, on any computer platform, suddenly became accessible to all –
m aking the format a de facto standard. Today, PDF fles are ubiquitous in the
graphic arts environment because they are viewable, small, and most importantly,
portable from one computer to the next and one stage of production to the next.
The PDF/X standard, now adopted by printing concerns across the globe, ensures
that the PDF is suitable for print production.
In the same way, JDF is a device-independent, vendor-neutral format. It is an
international standard, developed by a consortium of graphic arts vendors too
numerous to list, but initiated and led by Adobe, Agfa, Heidelberg, and MAN
Roland. Whereas PostScript describes p a g e s and PDF describes d o c u m e n t s, JDF
describes j o b s.white paper JDF Files Are Extensible
While there are similarities between PostScript and PDF, on the one hand, and
JDF, on the other, there are also signifcant differences. One of the most important
differences is the fact that a JDF fle is e x t e n s i b l e, whereas PostScript and PDF fles
Glossary are not. PostScript and PDF fles are either complete and correct, in which case they
can be processed, or they are incomplete and incorrect, in which case they cannot be CIP3/CIP4
used. Conversely, because JDF is based on the Extensible Markup Language (XML), C I P 4i st h eI n t e r n a t i o n a lC o o p e r -
a t i o nf o rt h eI n t e g r a t i o no f JDF fles can be added to as job information is gathered throughout the premedia
P r o ce s s e si nP r e p r e s s ,P r e s sa n d and printing processes by people with different job functions. A JDF fle can start its
P o s t p r e s s( C I P 4 ) .C I P 4t o d a yi sa n
life as a high-level job defnition describing only a rough outline and evolve into a i n t e r n a t i o n a l ,w o r l d w i d eo p e r a t -
detailed product description complete with all the necessary manufacturing details.i n gs t a n d a r d sb o d yl o c a t e di n
S w i t z e r l a n d .T h ep u r p o s eo ft h e
a s s o c i a t i o ni st oe n co u r a g e Where is the JDF File Initiated?
co m p u t e rb a s e di n t e g r a t i o no f
Before Adobe Creative Suite, JDF job tickets were predominantly initiated at the a l lp r o ce s s e st h a th a v et ob e
co n s i d e r e di nt h eg r a p h i ca r t s print production site, usually by a Customer Service Representative, who had to
i n d u s t r y ,i np a r t i c u l a rt h es p e c i - manually transcribe the information gleaned from discussions with the graphic
f c a t i o no fs t a n d a r d s ,s u c ha st h e
designer/customer. The job information was typically hand written or typed into J o bD e f n i t i o nF o r m a t .
a job ticket. As most of us know from practical experience, this process lends itself
Computer Integrated
to misunderstanding and error. Often three parties are involved: the customer, Manufacturing (CIM)
C o m p u t e ri n t e g r a t e dm a n u f a c - the graphic designer, and the CSR at the printing plant; the children’s game of
t u r i n gi sav a s tco n ce p tf o rd i g i t i z - “Telephone” all too often describes the unfortunate results. Furthermore, even
i n g ,a u t o m a t i n ga n di n t e g r a t i n g when communication is perfect, inadvertent typos can cause disaster.
p r i n tp r o d u c t i o np r o ce s s e s .
A d v a n ce si nt e c h n o l o g yh a v e
Adobe Creative Suite: The Missing Link in the JDF Workfowl e dt ow o r k f o wb e i n gw i d e l y
v i e w e da sad i g i t a lc o n t i n u u m ,
Communication problems and unnecessary rework and delay can be ameliorated
f r o mf l ec r e a t i o nt of n a lo u t p u t .
by digitally capturing job information upstream, in a standard job description fle. T h i ss h a r e dv i s i o nm e e t sw i t ht h e
i n d u s t r y ’ sm o v et o w a r dC I Ma n d With this goal in mind, Adobe has provided content originators with the ability to
i m p l e m e n t a t i o no ft h eJ D F( J o b create JDF fles on the desktop, directly within Adobe Creative Suite software.
D e f n i t i o nF o r m a t)s p e c i f c a t i o n .
A basic job description might include:extensible Markup l anguage
(XMl )
• number of pages X M Ls t a n d sf o rE X t e n s i b l e
M a r k u pL a n g u a g e ,am a r k u p • trim page size
l a n g u a g em u c hl i k eH T M Lt h a t • print quantity
w a sd e s i g n e dt od e s c r i b ed a t a .
• type of binding
X M Lt a g sa r en o tp r e d e f n e d .X M L
• inks (colors) u s e saD o c u m e n tT y p eD e f n i -
t i o n( D T D )o ra nX M LS c h e m at o • desired stock
d e s c r i b et h ed a t a . • cover type (separate cover or self-cover)
• contact information
JDF Job Tickets, Verifed Content, and Print-Ready PDF
Content originators can generate JDF job tickets from Adobe Creative Suite by us-
ing the JDF dialog within Acrobat 8 Professional. Using a JDF “template” supplied
by the print provider, the creative professional is assured that production-specifc
settings are appropriate and adequately describe the job. These templates typically
include PDF conversion settings, prefight profles, and may also include other
commonly-used job specifcations.
PDF Conversion, Prefight and Verifcation
The ability to embed PDF conversion and prefight settings in a JDF template en -
sures the integrity of the fles before the job enters print production.
JDF and Adobe Creative Suitef
Most importantly, Acrobat performs a c o m p a r i s o n between the job defnition white paper
in the job ticket and the properties of the assigned fles. Any inconsistencies or
discrepancies in page sizes, inks, and/or the number of pages available in the
associated documents result in an error. In other words, fles are not only pre -
fighted, they are v e r i e d .
Verifcation is a qualitative leap above prefight, and is of course impossible JDF (Job Defnition Format)
without a job description. Standalone prefighting cannot detect extra pages or T h eJ o bD e f n i t i o nF o r m a ti sa
co m p r e h e n s i v eX M L - b a s e df l emissing pages, for example, nor can it detect page size discrepancies. This impor-
f o r m a t / i n d u s t r ys t a n d a r df o rtant feature will surely prevent many of the errors that cause frustration, delay
e n d - t o - e n dj o bt i c k e ts p e c i f c a -
production, and hurt the bottom line. t i o n sco m b i n e dw i t ham e s -
s a g ed e s c r i p t i o ns t a n d a r da n d
Submission Options m e s s a g ei n t e r c h a n g ep r o t o co l .
J D Fi su s e dt os t o r ea n da cce s s
Once the JDF and associated content fles have been converted to PDF, pre -
j o bi n f o r m a t i o na n dt oa u t o m a t e
fighted, corrected/converted and verifed, they can be packaged into a single w o r k f o wp r o ce s s e s .
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) fle. MIME is a specifcation for JMF (Job Messaging Format)
formatting non-ASCII messages so they can be sent over the Internet, ensuring Aco m m u n i c a t i o nf o r m a tw i t h
m u l t i - l e v e lc a p a b i l i t i e s–t h ethey do not get separated from each other.
co m m a n da n dc o n t r o ll a n g u a g e
t h a ti sa ni n t e g r a lp a r to fJ D F .The JDF package is then submitted to the print production site, either manual

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