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  • revision - matière potentielle : critique de la paléonto
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  • mémoire - matière potentielle : sur les cérites fossiles des terrains secondaires du calvados
59 Abstract Two new caenogastropod genera are described from the Liassic (Pliensbachian) Amaltheenton Formation of Franco- nia (South Germany): Pseudokatosira and Francocerithium. Pseudokatosira is a relatively large and high-spired member of the Zygopleuroidea and is based on the type species “Katosira” undulata. The protoconch of this species is reported for the fi st time. Francocerithium is based on the species Francocerithium kochi (MÜNSTER in GOLDFUSS), a small stout cerithioid which is common in the Amaltheenton Formation of Franconia.
  • apertures
  • aperture
  • teleoconch whorls
  • turbo kochii
  • axial ribs
  • spiral ribs
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Two new gastropo
1 Textfi
agner-Stra . Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Malteserstraße 70-100, Haus D, 12249 Ber
Manuscript received August 16, 2007; revision accepted October 11, 2007.
Two new caenogastropod genera are described from the Liassic (Pliensbachian) Amaltheenton Formation of Franco-nia (South German ): n Pseudokatosiris a relatively large and high-spired member o the Z o leuroidea and is based on the t e s ecies “K. The rotoconch of this s ecies is re orted for the fist tFrancocerithiumis based on the speciesFrancocerithium (ÜNSTEGOLDFUSS)i in Am F Fr A lectoype is selected forurbo kochiiÜNSTEOLDFUS (=) and is illustrated.F h relativel
e words:Jurassic, PliensCaeno astro oda, astro ods, bachian, Amaltheenton Formation, South German
neue Gattun der Caeno werden aus der liassischen Pliensbachium Amaltheenton Formation (Süddeutschland) beschrieben: und Fein relativ  ist roßwüchsi er, hochturmförmi Vertreter der Z und basiert uf der Typus-Art “Katos raundulata. Der Protoconch dieser Art wird erstmals bele basiert auf der T us-ArtÜNSTEOLDFUSS, in m kleinwüchsigen, gedrungenen Vertreter der Cerithioidea, der in der Amaltheenton Formation Frankens häufi vorkommt. Für TÜNSTEROLDFUSS =wird ein Lectotyp festgelegt und abgebildet.F. kochbesitzt eine relativ
Schlüsselwörter: Gastropoden, Caenogastropoda, Jura, Pliensbachium, Amaltheenton Formation, Süddeutschland
arine Pliensbachian grey shales of the Amaltheenton of Franconia (N Bavaria, South German com-onl ield abundant astro ods. Gastro ods often form most abundant and diverse group in this facies. With a few exce these are small and most of them do not exceed an adult size of 1 cm and commonl the are much smaller. These gastropods represent species with a adult size as well as earl T , these fau-are numericall dominated b a few s es the blainvillei Kalchreuthia frankei nd b the heterobranch (o isthobranch)lindrobullina ÜTZEL & KIESSLING1997;RÜNDEL &ÜTZEL1998;ÜTZEL&ORNUNG2002). This paper reviews two long s from the Amaltheenton Formation: the small ÜNSTEROLDFUSS, 1844) and the rather large “atos raundulataE nIETE 1830) which are in new res .Fi more abundant gastropods from the Amaltheenton For-i n f Fr n ni . I r h iz f 1 m n n found both b surface collectin and also in washed residues. large speciesPseudokatosiraby contrast, is rare h n f r numerous washed residues. However, extensive collectin ffort of several amateurs yielded a good number of specimens. to these collectors we were able to examine well
material comes from cla form several of Franconia ( in Unterstürmi and Buttenheim ear Forchheim as well as Kalchreuth near Nürnberg; see extfi 1) (ÜTZEL& KIESSLING1997;RÜNDEL&ÜTZE
extfi 1:o t Ka an c o Butten in Northern Bavaria (Franconia); cities are in black; the outcrop of .
1998). The Amaltheenton in that area consists of bioturbated mudstones that were de under full marine conditions in an offshore situation. The Amaltheenton is well-known for its rich ammonite faunas but ields also a diverse and benthic fauna of mostl small invertebrates, mainl gastropods, bivalves, and ophiuroids. This benthic fauna re-a soft-bottom communit that lived under aerobic to d conditions (seeÜTZEL& KIESSLING1997 f further discussion).
The material is housed in the Ba Staatssammlun ür Paläontologie und Geologie (BSPG) in Munich unless
3. Systematic Palaeontology
u b c l a s s CaenogastropodaO, 195 S u e r f a m i l ZWENZ1938 a m i l ZWENZ1 S u b f a m i l y AmpezzopleurinaeÜTZE
T e s e c i e s :TENIETEN1830, arl Jurassic, South German . The enus is monot ic so far. here are several similar Mesozoic species which could belong but the status of the dia characters is
E t
m o l o
resembles the enus
D i a n o s i s : Relativel lar e, hi h-s ired caeno astro od; arval shell broad, multi-whorled, with numerous o isthoc rt, axial ribs which end at a distinct spiral rib somewhat the aba suture; earl teleoconch with strai axial ribs extendin from suture to suture; axial ribs reduced after everal whorls; mature teleoconch whorls with few, broad, round axial ribs which become increasin nodular and are ot extendin to ada ical suture; teleoconch covered with fine spiral ribs and furrows; aperture with anterior
D s c u s s o n :Pseudokatosira undulatpreviously was in theKKOKENs, 1892 (t K osira erinian, Pliensbachian, France .ISCHEREBER designated and illustrated a lectotype for this species is The of this s is and even the teleoconch ornament is insufficientl The original illustrations inD RBIGOSSMANNshow that (1909) K. exhibit the marked chan in teleoconch onto which presentPseudokatosira. Instead the ribs are continuous suture to suture throu and a reduction of the axial ri inK.Th ofK. per(wavy axial ribs and fine spiral striation)
Plate 1:Pseudokatosira undulataEZIETEN, 1830 Fi LarSCHOBERTco Fview of specimen showing ontogenetic change of teleoconch ornament; Kalchreuth; BSPG 2007 XXII 2. Apertural Fig. 3 Mature teleoconch fragment in lateral view; Kalchreuth;RADLcoll.; BSPG 2007 XXII 3. Fi Ka F Specimen with preserved larval shell; Buttenheim, Am Holzbachacker;RADcoll.; a: larval shell side view; b: apical whorls, side view; c: larval shell and first teleoconch whorl in side view; d: Larval shell and early teleoconch in side view; e: larval shell and early teleoconch in si Fwith fairly complete aperture, showing siphonal canal; Buttenheim, Am Holzbachacker; Specimen IETZcoll.
is also in s with a smooth larval shell e. in the Ba oc anatosira flexuosaÜNSTEnOLDFUSS1844 sensu RÜNDEwas(1999a). The smooth larval shell of this s documented b(1999a: fi 1.8–1.10). Other Z pleuridae (Zygopleurinae, e.g., , and forms) have lar smooth larval shells, sometimes short ribs or nodes near the suturesBA1991;ÜT-1998;RÜNDEL& NÜTZEL1998;1999a). Other have more slender larval shells with axial ribs from suture to suture; e.ÜTZE1998 (t from the Late Triassic Cassian Formation) is similar but the known s are much smaller (all known s less than 10 mm), have fewer, better confined s ribs, and continuous axial ribs on the larval shell.anaroides (CHMIDT1905) from the Late Jurassic of Poland as illustrated described b& KAIMsmall and lacks is the characteristic ontogenetic change of the teleoconch orna-m It does not belon to that The Ki seudokatosira is clearly a caenogastropod and belongs in the su Z The famil assi-nment of is somewhat more roblematic. The and teleoconch ornament would place in Z However, a si canal is unt for this famil , i.e. it is absent in the t ical enuso leura OKE1892 seeÜTZEL1998) as well as in most other genera included in this famil . But the z habitus nd teleoconch ornament (hi h-s ired with ornament of wav ribs) as well as the axially ribbed larval shell, we place Pnevertheless in Z
1836 1839 ?1854 1 1858
Pl. 1, Fi
(BENZ, 1830)
urritella undulatsp. – n. BE ZIETE: 43, pl. 32, fig. 2. urriteBENZROE (BENROE UENSTEDTPPEgs 13–18. BE PPE urrite un (EN) –UENSTEDT153, 19,
hemnitzia undulata (EN fig. 1.
 –TOLICZKA 163, pl. 1,
. 2002
Turritella undulata(EN) –RAUNS urritella undulataBEUENSTEDT305, pl. 196, figs
C emnitzia carusensisD’ORBIGNY –UENSTEDT 306, pl. 196, figs 55–56. Scalaria tornatelloide n. sp. –UENSTED 307, pl. 196, fig. 57. Katosira unBENZ OKEN Loxonema liasicumUENSTEDTSCHLOSSE Katosira undulata (BENZ –RÖSAMLENpl. 21, 286, fig. 18. Katosira undulataBE) –FRE Katosira unBENZSZABKBENZ) –HÄg.). Katosira undulataENZÜTZEL& HORNUNG58, pl. 1, figs 4–5.
M a t e r i a l : 66 specimens from the clay pits Buttenheim Am Holzbachacker) (mostl collected bJOHANNSCHOBER,
BSPG 2007 XXII 1: 1 specimen, Buttenheim (Am Holzbacha ,CHOBERTcoll.) (Pl. 1, Fi BSPG 2007 XXII 2: 1 s BSPG 2007 XXII 3: 1 specimen, KalchreuthRAD coll.)
BSPG 2007 XXII 4: 1 s BSPG 2007 XXII 5: 1 specimen, Buttenheim (Am Holzbacha ,RADcoll.) (Pl. 1, Fi BSPG 2007 XXII 6: 18 s Buttenheim (Am Holz-,CHOBERTcoll.) BSPG 2007 XXII 7: 40 s ecimens, mostl teleoconch fra ments ,CHOBERTcoll. BSPG 1999 XXII 8: 1 specimen, Buttenheim (Am Holzbacha ,CHOBERTcoll.) BSPG 1999 XXII 9: 1 s ecimen, Buttenheim (Am Holzbacha ,CHOBERTcoll.) BSPG 1999 XXII 10: 1 s ecimen, Buttenheim (Am Holzbacha ,CHOBERTcoll. BSPG 2007 XXII 11: 3 specimens, Kalchreuth, (RADcoll.)
D e s c r i t i o n : Shell hi h-s ired, slender; lar est s ecimen hand has 14 whorls (apex missing) is 10 cm high and 2.4 cm ide (Pl. 1, Fi . 1); s ecimen with about 16 whorls (a ex 65 mm hi 20 mm wide (Pl. 1, Fi 2);
Plate 2:Francocerithium kochÜNSTEOLDFUSS1844 FiÜNSTERsOLDFUSS1844: 193, i o15) ori ur”;b: (BSPG AS VII 1814) fromÜNSTERSs type lot (specimen illustrated byÜNSTER, see Fig. 1a). Fig. 2 Specimen from Unterstürmig, Zone; BSPG 2007 XXII 12; lateral view; basal view; lateral view of larval rst te F Specimen with complete aperture; Buttenheim, Am Holzbachacker;CHOBERTcoll. Fig. 4 Specimen from Kalchreuth,spinatumZone; side view, apertural; fromÜTZEL& KIESSLING(1997: pl. 35, fig. 3); BSPG 2007 XXII 14. Fi Juveni s UnterstürmisZone, s an a one te w ori oUCKELBAUEs 13, fig. 15) “Cryptaulaxcf.scobina(UDES-DESLONGCHAMPS)”, collection of the Institut für Paläontologie, Universität Erlangen; lateral view; lateral view; detail of larval shell, fine nodes above lower suture;dapical view. FiKa Zone, S RÜNDEL&ÜTZEL10 an (1998, 2, BSPG 1998 II 12;3, 1); a:, showing larval shell and one teleoconch whorl; apex of larval shell, side view; detail of larval shell with fine nodes on spiral carinae.
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