manuscript No. EXIF-D-10-00011 to appear in Experiments in Fluids Fast and accurate PIV computation using highly parallel iterative correlation maximization F. Champagnat1, A. Plyer1, G. Le Besnerais1, B. Leclaire2, S. Davoust2 and Y. Le Sant2 the date of receipt and acceptance should be inserted later Abstract Our contribution deals with fast computa- tion of dense two-component (2C) PIV vector fields us- ing Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). We show that iterative gradient-based cross-correlation optimization is an accurate and efficient alternative to multi-pass processing with FFT-based cross-correlation. Density is meant here from the sampling point of view (we ob- tain one vector per pixel), since the presented algo- rithm, folki, naturally performs fast correlation op- timization over interrogation windows with maximal overlap. The processing of 5 image pairs (1376 ? 1040 each) is achieved in less than a second on a NVIDIA Tesla C1060 GPU. Various tests on synthetic and ex- perimental images, including a dataset of the 2nd PIV- Challenge, show that the accuracy of folki is found comparable to that of state-of-the-art FFT-based com- mercial softwares, while beeing 50 times faster. 1 Introduction Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) has become an essen- tial tool for flow diagnosis and is therefore widely used in industrial as well as academic situations.
- based
- pixel
- based cross-correlation
- piv
- spatial resolution
- lk techniques
- using gpu versus cpu
- very robust
- gpu