Light Stemming for Arabic Information Retrieval








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Light Stemming for Arabic Information Retrieval Leah S. Larkey Univ. of Massachusetts Dept. of Computer Science Amherst, MA 01003 Lisa Ballesteros Computer Science Dept. Mt. Holyoke College South Hadley, MA 01075 Margaret E. Connell Univ. of Massachusetts Dept. of Computer Science Amherst, MA 01003 ABSTRACT Computational Morphology is an urgent problem for Arabic Natural Language Processing, because Arabic is a highly inflected language.
  • stem- classes
  • statistical machine translation approach
  • text collections
  • availability of standard arabic data sets from the nist
  • cross- language retrieval
  • stemmer
  • distinct words
  • roots
  • nist
  • arabic
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Oracle® Server Management Agents 2.2 User's Guide
Part No: E25305 November 2011
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Using This Documentation ......................................................................................................... ..........5
Documentation and Feedback ......................................................................................................5
About This Documentation ......................................................................................................... ..5
Change History .................................................................................................................. .............6
Oracle Server Management Agents 2.2 User's Guide Overview .......................................................7
Oracle Server Management Agents ................................................................................................... ...9
Installing Components Using the Oracle Hardware Management Pack Installer ...................... 11
Getting Started ................................................................................................................. ............ 11
Getting the Software ............................................................................................................. ....... 11
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................. ............... 13
Installation Issues ............................................................................................................. ............ 14
Installing Hardware Management Pack Components Using Installer .................................. 15
Configuring Hardware Management Agent and Hardware SNMP Plugins ................................ 43
Hardware Management Agent Configuration File .................................................................. 43
Configuring the Hardware Management Agent Logging Level ............................................. 44
How to Configure the Hardware Management Agent Logging Level ................................... 45
(Solaris and Linux) Hardware Management Agent Runtime Options ................................. 45
Configuring your Host Operating System's SNMP ................................................................. 46
(Solaris and Linux ) Configuring Net-SNMP/SMA ................................................................ 46
(Windows) Configuring SNMP ................................................................................................. 48
Oracle Server Hardware SNMP Plugins Overview ......................................................................... 51
Overview of Sun HW Monitoring MIB ..................................................................................... 51
Overview of Sun HW Trap MIB ................................................................................................. 55
Overview of Sun Storage MIB .................................................................................................... 55
Working With Management Agents ................................................................................................. 59
Retrieving and Setting Information Through SNMP .............................................................. 59
sunHwMonProductGroup ......................................................................................................... 59
sunHwMonProductChassisGroup ............................................................................................ 61
sunHwMonSPGroup ................................................................................................................ ... 61
sunHwMonInventoryTable ........................................................................................................ 6 2
sunHwMonSensorGroup ............................................................................................................ 63
sunHwMonIndicatorLocator ..................................................................................................... 65
Generating SNMP Traps ............................................................................................................ . 66
Troubleshooting Management Agents ............................................................................................. 69
General Management Agents Troubleshooting ....................................................................... 69
Solaris Operating System Troubleshooting .............................................................................. 69
Linux Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................... .... 71
............................................................................................................................... .......................75
Oracle Server Management Agents
November 2011
Using This Documentation
This section describes product information, documentation and feedback, and a document change history.
“Documentation and Feedback” on page 5 “About This Documentation” on page 5 “Change History” on page 6
Documentation and Feedback
The following documentation is available related to the Oracle Hardware Management Pack.
All Oracle products
Oracle Hardware Management Pack
Oracle ILOM 3.0
Provide feedback on this documentation at:
About This Documentation
Link pls/topic/lookup?ctx=ohmp pls/topic/lookup?ctx=ilom30
This documentation is available in both PDF and HTML. The information is presented in topic-based format (similar to online help) and therefore does not include chapters, appendixes, or section numbering.
You can get a PDF that includes all information about a particular topic subject (such as hardware installation or product notes) by clicking the PDF button in the upper left corner of the page.
Change History
Change History
The following changes have been made to the documentation set.
September 2010, initial publication Installation Guide and Management Agent User's Guide updatedJanuary 2011, July 2011, updated document URLs September 2011, updated to match software version 2.2. Changes include adding sections for hwmgmtcli and zoningcli, update of features for raidconfig, ilomconfig and fwupdate. November 2011, updated to integrate information related to Oracle Solaris OS 11 and for various CRs.
Oracle Server Management Agents 2.2 User's Guide
• November 2011
Oracle Server Management Agents 2.2 User's Guide Overview
This guide provides an overview of Oracle Hardware Management Agents (Management Agents) and how to use them with your Oracle server. The following topics are covered in this guide:
“Oracle Server Management Agents” on page 9 “Installing Components Using the Oracle Hardware Management Pack Installer” on page 11 “Configuring Hardware Management Agent and Hardware SNMP Plugins” on page 43 “Oracle Server Hardware SNMP Plugins Overview” on page 51 “Working With Management Agents” on page 59 “Troubleshooting Management Agents” on page 69
Oracle Server Management Agents
Oracle Server Management Agents provide operating-system-specific agents to enable management and configuration of your Oracle servers.
Oracle Server Management Agents provides the following software:
Oracle Server Hardware Management Agent Oracle Server Hardware SNMP Plugins Oracle Server Hardware Storage Access Libraries
This section contains a description of each of these parts.
Oracle Server Hardware Management Agent
The Oracle Server Hardware Management Agent (Hardware Management Agent) and associated Oracle Server Hardware SNMP Plugins (Hardware SNMP Plugins) provide a way to monitor and manage your server and server module's hardware without having to connect the management port of the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) service processor to the network. This in-band functionality enables you to use a single IP address (the host's IP) for monitoring you servers and blade server modules.
The Hardware Management Agent and Hardware SNMP Plugins run on the host operating system of your Oracle servers, communicating with the Oracle ILOM service processor. By regularly polling the service processor, information about the current state of the server is fetched automatically by the Hardware Management Agent daemon, called hwmgmtd. The Hardware Management Agent can poll the service processor for hardware information over either the KCS interface or the LAN-Over-USB interface. This information is then made available by Hardware Management Agent, via SNMP using the Hardware SNMP Plugins.
In addition, the Hardware Management Agent provides sensor and indicator readings by reading System Event Log (SEL) records stored on the service processor. The SEL is used for recording hardware events such as temperatures crossing a threshold. The Hardware Management Agent reads the service processor's SEL records and the host operating sy t ' s em s syslog and sends the appropriate SNMP traps via the OS-native SNMP daemon. Finally, the Hardware Management Agent also maintains a separate log that contains information about the Hardware Management Agent status, which can be used for troubleshooting.
Oracle Server Management Agents
Note –Previous versions of Hardware Management Pack have included a separate Storage Management Agent, but starting with Oracle Hardware Management Pack 2.1, the Storage Management Agent has been merged with the functionality of the Hardware Management Agent.
Oracle Server Hardware SNMP Plugins
The Oracle Server Hardware SNMP Plugins consists of Net-SNMP plugins, that are compiled versions of hardware-specific Management Information Bases (MIB) which have been designed to enable you to monitor your Oracle servers effectively.
The sunHwMonMIB describes the state of sensors and alarms on your servers and provides the following information: Overall system alarm status Aggregate alarm status by device type FRU Alarm status Lists of sensors, sensor types, sensor readings, and sensor thresholds Indicator states System locator control Inventory including basic manufacturing information Product and chassis inventory information (such as serial number and part numbers) Per-sensor alarm status The sunHwTrapMIB describes a set of traps for hardware events that can be generated by an Oracle server and provides the following information: Conditions affecting the environmental state of the server (such as temperature, voltage, and current out-of-range conditions) Error conditions affecting the hardware components in the server such as FRU insertion and removal and security intrusion notification
The sunStorageMIB provides the following information about system storage: information, properties, and alarm status for controllersBasic manufacturing Properties and alarm status for disks Properties and alarm status for RAID volumes Status of logical components
Oracle Server Management Agents 2.2 User's Guide • November 2011
Installing Components Using the Oracle Hardware Management Pack Installer
This section describes how to install and uninstall Hardware Management Pack components on an Oracle server using the supplied Oracle Hardware Management Pack Installer. This section contains the following:
“Getting Started” on page 11 “Prerequisite ” 13 s on page “Installation Issues” on page 14 “Getting the Software” on page 11 “Installing Hardware Management Pack Components Using Installer” on page 15
Getting Started
The following methods are available for installing the Hardware Management Pack components:
GUI mode Console mode Silent mode
Regardless of the installation method you choose, you must carry out the installation as a user with administrative privileges, such as root on Oracle Solaris OS or Linux based operating systems and Administrator on Microsoft Windows.
Getting the Software
Before you start, check that your target server and operating system are supported. For more information on the supported servers, see the Hardware Management Pack information on the Technologies tab at:
Then make sure that you have downloaded the latest Hardware Management Pack compatible with the operating system on your target server. You can find software, firmware, and drivers downloads for all Oracle servers and server modules (blades) on My Oracle Support (MOS). On MOS, you can find the following two types of downloads:
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