Executive remuneration: Discussion paper Submission to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) November 2011
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Kindergarten – I Know How Families are Different Stage 1 Desired Results Established Goals: (Reference Both:Essential Understandings Regarding Montana Indians andMontana Content Standards) SS Standard 3 Benchmark 4.3, 4Identify the many cultures to which he/she is exposed, through materials, activities experienced in learning processes. SS Standard 6 Benchmark 4.3, 6Identify how families are different. Essential Understandings EU 1There is great diversity among the 12 Tribal Nations of Montana … EU 2There is great diversity among individual American Indians as identity is developed, defined and redefined… EU 3Each tribe has its own oral histories … These histories predate the "discovery" of North America. Understandings EssentialQuestions People from the 12 Tribal Nations of Montana are allHow do people from one tribe live today (food, different; they may eat different food, they may wearclothing, shelter)? different clothes and they may live in differentHow did people from one tribe live long ago (food, places. They are not all the same.clothing, shelter)? People amongst one tribe may be different from oneWhat are some of the special celebrations for one tribe another in their hair color and facial features.when they eat traditional food? Dress in traditional Different (traditional) food is eaten and prepared forclothes? And stay in traditional lodging to celebrate a special celebrations.special day? Different (traditional) clothing is sewn and preparedWhy is a tradition passed on to family members? for special celebrations. Different (traditional) shelter and lodging is prepared for special celebrations. Students will be able toStudents will know Name at least one of the 12 Tribal Nations ofThey will name at least one tribe of the 12 Tribal Montana. Nationsof Montana. Identify and name contemporary ways people fromPeople of the 12 Tribal Nations shop for groceries, an Montana Tribal Nation live today (food, clothing,wear contemporary clothing and live in frame houses. shelter) through the creation of an individualPeople of the 12 Tribal Nations changed their way of drawing or a pictogram.eating, dressing, and means of shelter over time. Identify and discuss historical ways people of aSome (not all) people of the 12 Tribal Nations may eat
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tribal nation lived long ago, through historicaltraditional (special) food for feasts, wear traditional photographs. (special)clothing for celebrations, and spend time in a Compare and contrast past ways of living (food,traditional form of lodging for traditional (special) clothing, shelter) with present ways of living;events. students identify and discuss why they believe theFamily members share and make traditional clothing past or present way of living might be important.for celebrations or make it to pass on to family Describe and find pictures of contemporary clothing.members because it tells a traditional story. Describe the clothing worn in a special celebration (from one of the 12 Tribal Nations of Montana) andwhy the clothing might be important.Write and label a drawing or pictogram usingvocabulary words and discuss the meaning of: tribal nation, powwow, shelter, lodging, feast, celebration, tradition. Stage 2 Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks 1.Student will point to or attach a sticker to show a location and say the name of one tribal nation that lives closest to the classroom community (lesson and map from First Grade SS Lesson 1). Each student creates a drawing or picture chart of historical Montana Plains Indian food, clothing, shelter (one item for each category) before there was storebought food, clothing and shelter. Student labels the drawing with vocabulary words. 2.Student creates drawings of contemporary food, clothing, shelter (one item for each category) from people of a tribal nation to build the awareness and to understand the significance that everyone needs to eat healthy food (from the food pyramid), wear clothing, and live in homes that protect us from the elements. Students will deduct that needs are the same for everyone. 3.Student presents an oral review of both drawings, and names one reason people of a tribal nation had to change to storebought food, clothing and shelter. 4.description of a traditional way one tribal nation may dress for a special celebration andGive an oral explain why it might be important to that tribal nation.
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Model Lesson Plan Social Studies Kindergarten
Kindergarten I Know How Families Are Different Stage 3 Learning Plan Learning Activities What learning experiences and instruction will enable students to achieve the desired results:“I know how families are different”explores the understanding of diversity among the people of one of the 12 Tribal Nations of Montana; the food, clothing, and shelter of past and present of that same tribe; and a contemporary celebration. Students will engage in thoughtprovoking misconceptions about what they may believe is true about American Indians in exchange for authentic information written by Montana Indian Tribal authors, authentic photographs, and Web sites which support education about Montana Indian Tribal Nations. While the 12 Tribal Nations of Montana have different traditions amongst each other, we can learn about not only differences, but what similar needs our families all have. Materials/Resources Needed: Resources are not limited to the following list. Literature Arlee, Johnny.Overa Century of Moving to the Drum: Salish Indian Celebrations on the Flathead IndianReservation.St. Ignatius, Mont.: Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Salish Culture Committee, and Montana Historical Society Press, Helena, Mont., 1998. 92 pages. ISBN 0917298578 Erdrich, Louise(Turtle Mountain Chippewa/German). The Range Eternal.Illustrated by Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher. New York: Hyperion Books for Children, 2002. ISBN: 0786802200 Marra,Ben.Powwow: Images Along the Red Road.Abrams Publishing, 1996. ISBN: 0610926806. Wheeler,Bernelda (Cree/Saulteaux). Where Did You Get Your Moccasins?Illustrated by Herman Bekkering. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Peguis Publishers, 1992.20 pages. ISBN: 1895411505 Wheeler, Bernelda (Cree/Saulteaux). I Can’t Have Bannock.Illustrated by Herman Bekkering. ISBN:0895411483DVD Long Ago in Montana.Montana Office of Public Instruction Indian Education Division. Kindergarten – I Know How Families Are Different, Cont. How will the design … W= help students know where the unit is going and what is expected? Reviewor determine what is a tribe (see Glossary of Terms for the Indian Education for All SS Model LessonPlans). Askstudents what they know about Montana Plains Indian people and how they may have lived long ago
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(food,clothing, shelter) through a discussion and openended questions. Ask what students know about MontanaPlains Indian celebrations. Buildan understanding of tradition; what traditions do we celebrate and why do our parents teach us about them? Value each idea and record it (KWLH chart); this will be reviewed later in an ongoing manner to rethinkand revise with authentic information as the lesson develops; it is the responsibility of the teacherto be the facilitator of authentic information, allowing students to make new associations and connectionswhich may replace earlier,misinformed information. Theteacher will explain to students that they are all going to explore and learn together how one tribe of Montanalived long ago and how that same tribe may live today, as well as some of the things which changedover time. Use a classroom Venn diagram to present a classroom discussion to compare and contrasthow one tribe may have lived in the past and how that tribe lives now (Past, Same, Present) or createa classroom pictogram of past and present. Developa classroom food pyramid to support foods eaten by Montana Plains Indians (meat, vegetables, fruit,grains) past and present. What food needs are the same and what food needs may have changed? Assessments(1, 2, 3, 4) for students will occur after the above ongoing discussions and students have practicedcomparing their understandings of the Montana map, Venn diagram and food pyramid. H= hook all students and hold their interest? Viewa DVDLong Ago in Montana. Readaloud to view photographs,Powwow: Images Along the Red Road. Readaloud and view historical photographs,Over a Century of Moving to the Drum Salish Indian Celebrationson the Flathead Indian Reservation,by Johnny Arlee.E= equip students, help them experience the key ideas and explore the issues? Forreview, use a Montana map outline manipulative to locate a specific tribe's reservation (first grade SS Lesson1). Readliterature selections that will best support the cultural identity of a tribe – it does not have to match exactly. Exploreone tribe to gain an understanding of the great diversity of how a tribe lives differently now than longago, and how this same tribe is made up of many different ways their people dress, eat and live. Where canwe look to explore this – on the Internet, in the library, in books? Who can help us? Studentscreate an individual drawing or pictogram of historical Montana Plains Indian food, clothing, and shelterin a booklet form. Findout why it is culturally important for a tribe to have a special celebration and what happens during the celebration(clothing, food, shelter). Assessment(5) for students occurs after students gain an understanding of past and contemporary customs and celebrations. R= provide opportunities to rethink and revise their understandings and work? Reviewclassroom Venn diagrams or pictograms through classroom discussion, allowing individual students to Kindergarten – I Know How Families Are Different, Cont. lead, teach and ask questions. Reviewand determine things that are true about the way tribes lived in the past and present, and things that are false (madeup) from earlier discussions. Reviewstudents' early understandings of Montana Plains Indian celebrations as the lesson develops, in order for studentsto gain authentic knowledge about contemporary celebrations and why a Montana Plains Indian may dress differently,eat different food, and stay in a traditional type of lodging for special celebrations – not daytoday living.
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E= allow students to evaluate their work and its implications? Practiceand provide classroom time throughout the week for each student to present (before the final assessment presentation)an individual map with a specific tribe, to name the tribe (and show the tribe's location on the map if thishasn't been done before), and share some things they have learned about their food, clothing and shelter. Studentstake turns speaking about their pictograms, using new vocabulary, complete sentences, describing a celebration(clothes, dance, food, etc.) and key learning expectations from "Students will know…" Studentswill review their own vocabulary list and may add new words as the lesson develops. T= be tailored and personalized to the different needs, interests and abilities of learners? Createand organize a small learning center with a classroom pictogram model where students can work on individual drawings,pictograms and/or food pyramids (paper, markers, grocery store adds, old catalogs, pencils, glue, etc.) Providevocabulary books made from appropriately lined paper, as well as drawing paper for students to draw word descriptionsand any accompanying student art work. Studentswho have difficulty with writing the words may need extra support with handwriting or gluing prewritten labels. O= be organized to maximize initial and sustained engagement as well as effective learning? Reviewall literature and DVDs ahead of time to support specific objectives, through Web sites and library materials. Seeka tribal speaker to visit the classroom if possible. Providenonstereotypical pictures for classroom use of Montana Plains Indian historical food, clothing and shelter to representthe tribe through the use of accurate books, tribal Web sites, etc.