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Coming of Age
In Partnership with the Denver Public Schools
and the Metropolitan State College of Denver
El Alma de la Raza ProjectComing of Age
By Richard A. Bock
Grades 9-12
Implementation Time
for Unit of Study: 6 weeks
Goals 2000 - Partnerships for
Educating Colorado Students
El Alma de la Raza Curriculum
and Teacher Training Project
Loyola A. Martinez, Project Director
El Alma de la Raza SeriesIntroduction
The focus of this unit is Coming of Age: the ways in which adolescent girls and boys make the transition into fully
functioning and contributing members of a society. Drawing on the writings of a variety of Latino, other Ameri-
can, and world authors, students will “read and recognize literature as a record of human experience” as they
“read, view, listen, respond, and discuss novels, poetry, short stories, nonfiction, plays, essays and speeches.”
Because initiatory rites exist in all cultures, students will better “understand the common themes in literature of
the United States and in relationship to world literature.” Additionally, students will “read and understand a
variety of materials” as they develop their knowledge of how societies throughout the world confer adult status
on their progeny. By assessing their own progress toward adulthood, students will “apply thinking skills to their
reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing” activities. As a culminating activity, students will compose an
essay comparing and contrasting the Coming of Age process in two or more distinct cultures for presentation to
the whole class.
McREL Planning for Learning Unit Title: Coming of Age
September 1997 Grades 9–12About the Author
Richard Bock attended Denver Public Schools from kindergarten through twelfth grade. He received his B.A.
degree in English and Psychology from Williams College. He did graduate study in Psychology at The Naropa
Institute and received his teaching certification from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Before becoming a
teacher, he lived and traveled extensively in south-central Asia and in Mexico and Central America. He has been
a teacher in DPS for the past eight years and currently teaches English and Hispano-American literature at West
High School.
McREL Planning for Learning Unit Title: Coming of Age
September 1997 Grades 9–12Standards Addressed by this Unit
Reading and Writing
Standard 1 Students read and understand a variety of materials.
Standard 3 Students write and speak using formal grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation,
capitalization, and spelling.
Standard 4 Students apply thinking skills to their reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing.
Standard 6 Students read and recognize literature as a record of human experience.
McREL Planning for Learning Unit Title: Coming of Age
September 1997 Grades 9–12Lesson 1
What will students be learning? What will be done to help students learn this?
Benchmark Specifics Instructional Resources/
Strategies Activities Materials
Students will read literature Students will understand Rites of Define and discuss Students will brain- Board or overhead,
to investigate common issues Passage as a theme in Latino lit- “Rites of Passage.” storm examples and spiral notebooks.
and interests in relation to self erature and culture, and recog- share personal ex-
and others. nize Rites of Passage and cultural Raise issues and periences.
traditions by which adult status questions:
Students will read literature is conferred on youth within 1. Function?
to understand places, people, Latin society (e.g., Confirmation, 2. Earned vs. auto-
events, and vocabulary, both Quincineras, high school gradu- matic?
familiar and unfamiliar. ation, receiving a driver’s license, 3. Gender issues?
parenthood, etc.) in works of 4. Failure?
Students will read literature Latino literature and in students’ 5. Peer vs. society
that reflects the uniqueness, own lives. definition?
diversity, and integrity of the
American experience. Students will identify character- Introduce Anaya’s Students will read Bless Me, Ultima
istics of adult behavior (e.g., re- Bless Me, Ultima as Rodolfo Anaya’s multiple copies for
Students will read classic and sponsibility, independence, self- one example of a novel, Bless Me, Ul- class.
contemporary literature of respect, tolerance, etc.) in works traditional Latino tima.
the United States about the of Latino literature and in stu- Rite of Passage.
experiences and traditions of dents’ own lives.
diverse ethnic groups. Use chapter quizzes Students will take
to check reading chapter quizzes,
Students will make connec- comprehension and and discuss an-
tions between prior knowl- generate class dis- swers in groups and
edge and what they need to cussion. as a whole class.
know about a topic before
reading about it.
McREL Planning for Learning Unit Title: Coming of Age
September 1997 Grades 9–12Lesson 1 (cont.)
What will students be learning? What will be done to help students learn this?
Benchmark Specifics Instructional Resources/
Strategies Activities Materials
Students will identify the Students will distinguish be- Explain reading log Students will write Student reading
purpose, perspective, and tween definitions of man/wom- and give writing responses in read- logs.
historical and cultural influ- anhood as determined by peers prompts. ing logs.
ences of a speaker, author, or vs. parents and adult society at
director. large; and consider social and Give writing
sexual mores, behavioral expec- prompts to help stu-
Students will evaluate the re- tations, initiations, and ways of dents focus on sig-
liability, accuracy, and rel- earning respect, in works of nificant coming of
evancy of information. Latino literature and in students’ age themes in the
own lives. novel.
Students will analyze risk-taking Organize discussion Students will share
behaviors as indicators of matu- groups and estab- individual reading
rity level in characters from lish guidelines. responses in small
Latino literature, and apply in- groups.
sights from literature to their own
life experiences. Lead whole class Students will share
discussions. group responses in
Students will evaluate personal whole class setting.
development toward adulthood.
McREL Planning for Learning Unit Title: Coming of Age
September 1997 Grades 9–12Lesson 2
What will students be learning? What will be done to help students learn this?
Benchmark Specifics Instructional Student Resources/
Strategies Materials
Students will read classic and Students will understand Com- Select representa- Copies of selected
contemporary literature of ing of Age as a recurrent theme tive novels from
U.S. novels for each
the United States about the in U.S. literature. various time peri-
group member.
experiences and traditions of ods and cultural mi-
diverse cultural and ethnic Students will read about and lieus in U.S. history. Suggested texts:
groups. recognize Rites of Passage and
Adventures of Huck-
other means by which adoles- Establish time line
leberry Finn
Students will read literature cents earn and are granted adult for reading novel
to investigate common issues status within various cultural and and presenting
Little Women
and interests in relation to self ethnic groups in the U.S. Readers’ Theater.
and others.
A Separate Peace
Students will demonstrate under- Divide students into
Students will read literature standing of similarities and dif- groups of 4 or 5 and
The Bluest Eye
to understand places, people, ferences between Coming of Age assign a novel to
events, and vocabulary, both processes in Latino and other cul- each group. Catcher in the Rye
familiar and unfamiliar. tures in the United States.
Provide study ques- Students will read
All the Pretty Horses
Students will read literature Students will refine skills as tions to help groups novels on their own
that reflects the uniqueness, effective audience members and/ identify coming of
and discuss in See also annotated
diversity, and integrity of the or performers. age issues in each groups, using study bibliography and
American experience. novel. questions for direc- reading list of Com-
ing of Age novels in
Students will make connec-
tions between prior knowl-
edge and what they need to
know about a topic before
reading it.
McREL Planning for Learning Unit Title: Coming of Age
September 1997 Grades 9–12Lesson 2 (cont.)
What will students be learning? What will be done to help students learn this?
Benchmark Specifics Instructional Student Resources/
Strategies Materials
Students will identify the Present expecta- Each group will se-
purpose, perspective, and tions and directions lect, script, and pro-
historical and cultural influ- for presenting scene duce a scene from
ences of a speaker, author, or from novel in Read- their respective
director. ers’ Theater format novel displaying
(scene selection, one or more issues
Students will evaluate the re- scripting, perform- inherent to the com-
liability, accuracy, and rel- ing, costuming, ing of age process.
evancy of information. etc.).
Videotape and Camcorder f

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