- dissertation - matière potentielle : to the deadline
- fiche de synthèse - matière potentielle : report introduction
- exposé - matière potentielle : at the end of the project year
- exposé
- dissertation - matière potentielle : cannot
- expression écrite
- cours - matière potentielle : the project
- dissertation - matière potentielle : at the relevant time
- exposé - matière potentielle : software
- exposé - matière potentielle : the project
- dissertation - matière potentielle : that the student
- dissertation
DT228 Final Year Degree Project Guidelines 2011-2012 This document contains information relevant to final year degree projects. It is the student‟s responsibility to be familiar with the contents of this document.
- ideas of the student under the guidance of the supervisor
- ideas with a member of the computer science staff
- data from a data
- data about data
- data data
- staff
- project
- supervisor
- student
- work