Solapur University, Solapur. Syllabus Of Third Year MCA (Under Faculty Of Engg.) Semester Paper Name L T P TH TW POE Total 5 Mobile communication 4 100 100
Web design techniques Internet technology Elective2 Network administration Programming Laboratory –V (.NET Programming) Software project development in .NET Total
Software Development Project
Grand Total Elective 1: 1.Distributed Database 2.BioInformatics 3.Neuro and Fuzzy System
3 3 4 2
2 2 4
100 100 100 100
25 50 25
125 100 100 150 75 100
MOBILE COMMUNICATION Theory: 4 Hours per Week Total Lectures: 40 Theory: 100 Marks Section – I 1.Introduction: (3)Applications, A short history of wireless communications, A market formobile communications, Some open research topics, A simplified reference model, overview, review exercise, references. 2.(5)Wireless Transmission: Frequencies for radio transmission, signals, antennas, signal propagation, multiplexing, modulation, spread spectrum, cellular systems, summary. 3.(6)Medium Access Control: Motivation for a specified MAC, SDMA, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, comparisons of S/T/F/CDMA. 4.Telecommunications Systems: (6)GSM, DECT, TETRA, UMTS & IMT2000, summary.Section – II 5.Wireless LAN: (6)Infra red vs radio transmission, infrastructure & adhoc network, IEEE 802.11, HIPERLAN, Bluetooth, summary. 6.Mobile Network Layer: (6)Mobile IP, Dynamic host configuration protocol, Mobile adhoc networks, summary. 7.(8)Overview of the Wireless Application protocol: The Origins of WAP, overview of the WAP Architecture, Components of the WAP standard, Network Infrastructure services supporting WAP Architecture Design Principles, Relationship to other Standards, conclusion.Text Books: 1. Mobile Communications (second edition) By Jochen SchillerReference Books:1.The Wireless Application Protocol (PEA) By Sandeep Singhal, Jari Alvinen
WEB DESIGN TECHNIQUES Theory: 3 Hours/Week Total Lectures: 40 Practical: 2 Hours/Week Section – I
Theory: 100 Marks TermWork:25 Marks
1.HTML & Forms 1.1.Introduction to HTML 1.2.World Wide Web 1.3.Web Publishing 1.4.Physical & logical HTML 1.5.HTML <body> tag 1.6.HTML Text formatting tags 1.7.Ordered and unordered List tags : < ol>, <ul>, <li> , <dl>, <dt>, <dd> 1.8.Inserting image : <img> Tag 1.9.HTML Links : text, image and image mapping 1.10.Tables 1.11.Frames 1.12.HTML Forms : controls and validations 2.Cascading Style Sheet 2.1.Introduction to CSS 2.2.Types of style sheets 2.3.Text formatting properties 2.4.CSS Borders 2.5.Margin Properties 2.6.Use of classes in CSS 2.7.Color properties 2.8.Use of <div> and <span> tag 3.JavaScript 3.1.Introduction to JavaScript 3.2.JavaScript Identifiers 3.3.Operators 3.4.Control and looping structure 3.5.Functions 3.6.Arrays 3.7.JavaScript objects : math, string, Date 3.8.DOM objects 3.9.Event Handling and validation Section – II 4.VBScript 4.1.Introduction to VBScript 4.2.Variables and Data types 4.3.Control structure and loops 4.4.Functions in VBscript 4.5.Validations and Handling errors 4.6.DOM
5.XML (8) 5.1.Introduction and features of XML 5.2.XML syntax and elements 5.3.XML attributes 5.4.XML CSS 5.5.Document Source Object 5.6.Namespaces 5.7.XML DTD and Schemas 5.8.XML XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) 5.9.DOM using XML 6.(8)Active Server Pages 6.1.Introduction to ASP 6.2. Working with ASP Page 6.3.Request and Response object 6.4.Application and session 6.5.Role of Global.asa file 6.6.Server Object 6.7.Error Handling in ASP 6.8.Database handling in ASP Reference Books: 1)HTML : the complete reference by Thomas A. Powell 2)HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Perl and CGI by Ivan Bayross 3)Web enabled commercial application development using HTML, DTHML, JavaScript by Ivan Bayross 4)JavaScript Bible, 7th Edition 5)VB Script programmer's reference, wrox publication 6)VBScript in a nutshell By Paul Lomax, Matt Childs, Ronald Petrusha 7)Beginning XML, Wrox publication 8)Programming with ASP by Ivan Bayross 9)Beginning ASP 3.0, Wrox publication Reference Web Sites: 1)www.w3schools.com2)www.devguru.comPractical will consist of minimum 8 programs based on above syllabus.
INTERNET TECHNOLOGY No. of Lectures: per week 3hrs Total Lectures: 40 Total Marks: 100 Section I Internet Basics: (2) Overview of Internet, history, web system architecture, Uniform Resource Locator (URL), HTTP protocol basics, HTTP request & response, Cookies Basics E – Commerce: (8) Introduction Ecommerce as business need, types advantages, disadvantages, Ecommerce Architecture, Internet Payment Systems, Characteristics 4C payment methods SET protocol for Credit card payment ECash, Echeck Overview of Smart Card , Ecommerce security, Need of security Encryption: Public, Private & Hybrid Digital signature Authentication Servlets: (10) Introduction, Servlet vs CGI, Servlet API Overview, Servlet Life Cycle, Coding, Writing & running simple servlet, Generic servlet, HTTPServlet , ServletConfig, ServletContext, Writing servlet to handle Get & Post methods, reading use request data Session tracking in servlets, Servlets & JDBC. Writing threadsafe servlet Note: Apache HTTP server is used at server side.Section II JSP: (8) Why JSP?,JSP Directives, Writing simple JSP page, Scripting Elements, Default Objects in JSP, JSP Actions, Managing Sessions using JSP, JSP with beans, JSP & Databases, Error Handling in JSP, Introduction to custom tag Note: Apache HTTP server is used at server side. PHP (Introduction): (4) Obtaining, Installing & Configuring PHP, Introduction PHP & web server Architecture, Model Overview of PHP Capabilities, PHP HTML embedding tags & syntax, Simple script examples, PHP & HTTP Environment variables, PHP Language Core Variables, constants, data types. PHP (Basic Operations): (8) Operators, flow control & loops, Arrays, string, functions, Include & require statements, Simple File & Directory access operations, Error handling, Processing HTML form using GET, POST, SESSION, COOKIE variables, Sending Email, Introductio of Objectoriented PHP, Database Operations with PHP, Built in functions, Connecting to MySQL (or any other database), Selecting a dataaseb, building & sending Query, retrieving, updating & inserting data Note: Apache HTTP server is used at server side. Reference Books: 1.ECommerce Fundamentals & Application Wiley publications 2.Programming the World Wide Web Robert W. Sebesta 3.Web enabled commercial application development using HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, 4.I nside Servlets Dustine R. Callway 5.Developing Java Servlets James Goodwill 6.Professional JSP Wrox press 7.Complete reference JSP 8.Java Server Programming VolI Wrox press. 9.Beginning PHP5 10.Complete Ref. PHP 11.Beginning PHP, Apache, My Sql web Development
ELECTIVE – 2 (1. DISTRIBUTEDDATABASES) Theory: 4 Hours Per Week Total Lectures: 40 Theory: 100 Marks Section – I 1.Introduction: (3)Features of distributed Vs centralized databases, uses of distributed databases, Distributed databases management System (DDBMS) 2.Levels of Distribution transparency: (6)Architecture for Distributed Databases, Types of Data Fragmentations, Distribution Transparency for update application, Distributed database access primitives, Integrity Constraints in distributed databases. 3.(4)Distributed Database Design: A framework for Distributed database design, Design of database fragmentation. The collection of fragmentation. 4.Transportation of Global Queries to fragmented queries: (7) Equivalence transformationfor queries, Transforming global queries into fragment queries, Distributed Grouping and Aggregate function evaluation, Parametric queries, Framework for query optimization, Join queries, General queries Section – II 5.The management of distributed transactions: (4) A frame work for transaction management, Supporting atomicity of Distributed Transactions, Concurrency Control for Distributed Transactions, Architectural aspects of distributed transactions. 6.(6)Concurrency control: Foundations of distributed concurrency control, Distributed deadlocks, concurrency control based on time stamps, optimistic methods for distributed concurrency control. 7.Reliability: (5)Basic Concepts, Nonblocking commitment: Protocols, Reliability and concurrency control, Determining consistent view of the network, Detection and Resolution of inconsistency, Check points and cold restart. 8.Distributed database Administration: (5) Catalog management in distributed databases, Authorization and protection, a distributed database manager based on adaplex, Multibase. Text Books: 1.DistributedDatabases–Principles&SystemsbyStefanoCeri,GiuseppePelegatti(MGH)Reference Books: 1. Database Management System Concepts By Silberschatz, Korth & Sudharshan (MGH) 2. An Introduction to Database Systems By Bipin Deasi (Galgotia Publications) 3. Distributed Computing System By Parkar & Versus ( Academic Press) 4. Distributed Databases – Principles & Systems by Carl & Pelegatti (MGH) 5. Distributed Systems –Methods & tools Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 190 (Springer Verlog)
ELECTIVE 2 (2.BIOINFORMATICS) No. of Lectures: per week 4hrs Total Lectures: 40 Total Marks: 100 Section – I 1. History and Bioinformatics Applications: (10) History, definition, bioinformatics introduction, information technology,biological data, biomolecules introduction; proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids. Importance and uses of bioinformatics, Database development, protein sequencing, nucleic acid sequencing, and genetics related applications, sequence analysis, protein structure prediction, nucleic acid structure prediction, sequence to structure relationship and drug discovery 2.(09)Information network: Internet uses, communication protocol; WWW; web browsers, home page, servers, Netscape navigator, Internet explorer. HTML, HTTP, and URLs, Computer application; transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP); Internet facilities; domains, File transfer protocol (ftp), telnet protocol, Email, messenger, Chat, Searching of Information. Section – II 3.(10)Human Genome Project: History, Nucleic acids, Genes, Genomes; Contribution of various countries, Introduction about National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Library of Medicines (NLM), National centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI): various databases developed by NCBI, European Bioinformatics Institutes, Swiss Institutes of Bioinformatics. National Institutes of Human Genome Project (NHGRI); Introduction and need of Human Genome Project, rough and final draft of the Human Genome Project, Goals of the HGP, uses and applications; Genomics and proteomics; drug discovery 4.(06)Nucleic Acid sequence Databases: Introduction, nucleosides and nucleotides, genes, discussion of various genomes; Genome databases; introduction to nucleic acid sequence databases; GenBank, European, Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), DNA Databank of Japan (DDBJ), data storage and gene annotations. Literature databases : (05) Data, biological data, literature data, collection of literature data, databases, introduction to database management system (DBMS), Entrez; Life sciences search engine; Entrez databases and their description, PubMed; Introduction, and uses of PubMed, PubMed Central; OMIM, OMIA, Journal databases. Reference Books: 1. Bioinformatics Sequence and Genome analysis, II Edition by David W. Mount. 2. Introduction to Bioinforamtics by Attwood, T. K. and ParrySmith, D. J. 3. Bioinforamtics Methods and Applications by Rastogi, S. C., Mendiratta and Rastogi,P. 4. Discovering, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics by A. Malcom Campbell and Laurie J. Heyer. 5. Bioinformatics by Shalini Suri. 6. NCBI web site
ELECTIVE 2 (3.NEURO AND FUZZY SYSTEM) Lecture: 4 hr / week Total Lectures:40 Theory: 100 Marks SectionI 1. Introduction to Neural Network: (2) Introduction , human and computers, organization of the brain, biological neuron, biological and artificial models, characteristics of ANN, McCullochPitts model, applications of ANN. 2. Essentials of Artificial Neural networks: (6) Artificial neuron model, operations of artificial neuron, types of neuron activation functions, ANN architectures, classification taxonomy of ANN –connectivity, learning strategy (Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement), learning rules. 3. Feed Forward Neural Network: (6) Single layerIntroduction, perceptron model, training algorithms discrete and continuous perceptron network, Limitations of perceptron model. Multilayer Generalized delta rule, backpropagation algorithm, Kolmogorov theorem, learning difficulties and improvements. 4. Associative Memories: (6) Paradigms of associative memory, hebbian learning ,general concept of associative memory, bidirectional associative memory(BAM) architecture, BAM training algorithm Storage and recall algorithm, BAM energy function. SectionII 5. Classical and fuzzy sets: (8) Introduction to classical setsproperties, operations and relations, fuzzy sets fuzzy relations, cardinalities, membership functions. 6. Fuzzy Logic System Components: (8) Fuzzification, membership value assignment, development of rule base and decision making system, defuzzification to crisp sets, defuzzification methods. 7. Applications: (4) Neural network applicationsprocess identification ,control fault diagnosis. Fuzzy logic applicationsfuzzy logic control and fuzzy classification. Text books 1. S.Rajasekharan and G.A. Vijayalakshmi pai,”Neural Network,Fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms:synthesis and applications”,PHI publication 2. John yen and reza langan,”Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence,control and information ”,pearson education Reference books 1. Simon haykin,”Neural networksA comprehensive foundation”,pearson education 2. S.N.Shivanandam,S.Sumathi,S.N.Deepa,”Introduction to neural networks using MATLAB 6.0”,TMH 3. James A Freeman and Davis Skapura,”Neural Networks”pearson education 4. Timothy J.Ross,”Fuzzy Logic with Engineering applications”,McGraw=Hill Inc
NETWORK ADMINISTRATION Lectures: 2 Hrs/week Theory 100 marks Practical: 2 Hrs/week Termwork50 marks SectionI 1) Data communication and network management overview: (8) Analogy of telephone network management, Data and telecommunication network, distributed computing environment, TCP/IP based networks, internet &intranet, communication protocol and standards, challenges of information technology manager network managementgoals, organization and functions, network and system management ,network management system platform, current status and future of network management.2) Basic Foundation: (6) Standards, models and languages: Network management standards, network management model, organization model, information model, communication model,ASN.1 ,Encoding structure,, macros and functional model. 3) SNMP 1 network management: (6) Organization and information models: Managed network, International Organization and standards SNMP model, organization model, system overview information model. SectionII 4) SNMP v1 network management: (4) Communication and functional models, SNMP model, functional model, Major changes in SNMP v2 and v3. 5) SNMP management: (8) RMONRemote Monitoring ,RMON,SMI & MIB,RMONI,RMOPN2,ATM Remote monitoring, case study of internet traffic using RMON. 6) Network management tools and Systems: (8) Network management tools, network statistics measurement system, network management systems, commercial network management systems, System management, Enterprise management solutions. Text Books: 1) Network management principles and practiceMani Subramaniam (Pearson Edition) 2) SNMPSNMPv2, SNMPv3 &RMON1William Stalling (Pearson Edition) 3) Network Administration –Steve Wisniewski. Practicals: Practical will consist of minimum 08 programs based on above syllabus.
PROGRAMMING LABORATORY – V (DOT NET PROGRAMMING) TW:25 Marks POE:50 Marks Unit 1: Introduction to ASP.Net (4) Overview of dot net framework 2.0 Unit 2: Application and Page Frameworks (6) The ASP.NET Page Life Cycle The ASP.NET Page Structure Options Inline Coding New CodeBehind Pages ASP.NET Page Events Dealing with PostBacks CrossPage Posting Global.asax
Unit 3: ASP.NET Server Controls and ClientSide Scripts ASP.NET Web Server Controls Types of Server Controls Building with Server Controls Working with Server Control Events Applying Styles to Server Controls Examining the Controls’ Common Properties Changing Styles Using Cascading Style Sheets HTML Server Controls Unit 4: Validation Server Controls Understanding Validation ClientSide versus ServerSide Validation ASP.NET Validation Server Controls Validation Causes The RequiredFieldValidator Server Control The CompareValidator Server Control The RangeValidator Server Control The RegularExpressionValidator Server Control The CustomValidator Server Control The ValidationSummary Server Control Turning Off ClientSide Validation Working with Validation Groups Unit 5: Working with Master Pages Why Do You Need Master Pages? The Basics of Master Pages Coding a Master Page Coding a Content Page Mixing Page Types and Languages Specifying Which Master page to Use Working with the Page Title Working with Controls and Properties from the Master Page Specifying Default Content in the Master Page Programmatically Assigning the Master Page Master Page Events
Unit 6: Site Nevigation (6) The SiteMapPath Control SiteMapPath ControlThe retrieval using SiteMapPath behaviours SiteMapPath Appearance SiteMapPath Styles SiteMapPath Templates The TreeView Control Adding nodes to a TreeView dynamically Adding Nodes to a TreeView Control using Datasource Property to a TreeView using Visual EditorAdding Nodes The Menu Control Creating Menu control Menu display properties Menu Styles The Wizard Control architectureWizard control Wizard control common properties Unit 7:ASP.Net State Management (4) Application State Session State View state Unit 8:Working with DataBases (8) Working with ADO.NET Data Binding using DataBound Control Working With GridView Conrol Working With DetailsView Conrol Working With FormView Conrol Working With Repeater References: 1)Professional ASP.NET 2.0 – Wrox Publication. ByBill Evjen, Scott Hanselman, Farhan Muhammed, Sirnivasa Sivakumar, Devin Rader. 2)ASP.NET 2.0 (Black Book) – Dreamtech Press 3)Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Step by Step Microsoft Press By George Shepherd.