15 - 25 February 2012








Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres








Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

  • cours - matière potentielle : concerts
  • cours - matière potentielle : uniforms
  • leçon - matière potentielle : at the famous gnessin
  • cours - matière potentielle : fees for sixteen orphans
15 - 25 February 2012 Classical Chamber Music and more in Stellenbosch, Somerset West, Paarl and Cape Town
  • social relief projects
  • cape classic
  • orchestra of the bayreuther festspiele
  • access to classical music
  • chamber music
  • philharmonic orchestra
  • horn
  • concerts
  • music
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A d o b e
b cVDP Solutions
ContentsA New Generation of Variable 1 S u cce s s f u lV D PA p p l i c a t i o n s
2 V D PS o l u t i o n sA r eA v a i l a b l e
T o d a yData Publishing Solutions
2 V D Pf o rC r e a t i v eP r o f e s s i o n a l s
3 D e s i g na n dP u b l i s h i n gHelps Marketers Meet Today’s
S o f t w a r e
4 A d o b eV D PP a r t n e r sCommunications Challenges
8 V D PS o l u t i o n sf o rP r i n tS e r v i ce
P r o v i d e r s
8 D i g i t a lP r i n t i n gS y s t e m s
We live in a media-rich world where an over abundance of mail, e-mail, bill- 9 A d o b eP r i n tS o l u t i o n sP a r t n e r s
boards, television, periodicals, and radio all compete for consumer attention.
1 1 B r i n g i n gI tA l lT o g e t h e r
With consumers receiving thousands of media impressions per day, communica-
1 2 T h eT i m ef o rV D Pi sN o wtions professionals are challenged to fnd more effective, effcient methods for
breaking through the clutter to capture attention.
Variable Data Publishing (VDP) – also known as database-driven, personalized, or
one-to-one marketing – has emerged as a key enabling technology that automates
the production of unique, relevant communications that resonate with recipients
and motivate them to take action. Whether used to acquire leads, increase sales or
secure customer loyalty, a growing number of communications professionals are
leveraging the power of VDP to achieve unprecedented results.
®Adobe is bringing together software and printing partners to educate creative
professionals and print service providers on the benefts of variable data publish -
ing, from design to output. Through Adobe’s network of software development
and digital printing partners, a new generation of VDP tools have emerged that
automate the design and production of highly personalized communications for
print, mobile devices, and the Web. Creative professionals with Adobe Creative
®Suite installed on their desktops can use Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator,
Flash, Dreamweaver and Acrobat to design, compose and publish variable data
® ®campaigns. Likewise, print professionals with Adobe PDF - or PostScript -based
workfows are positioned to drive color printing systems that produce high
quality, variable data campaigns.
Successful VDP Applications
VDP is being successfully applied in a broad range of communications programs
today, from business correspondence and simple 1-to-1 to custom publications
and more comprehensive multi-channel campaigns. Each application provides
businesses of all sizes with the opportunity to harness the power of personalized
communications.white paper
VDP market t ren Ds • Business Correspondence
Business correspondence incorporates name, address and static product informa-
N u m e r o u st r e n d s ,t o o l sa n d
tion to produce a unique piece for each recipient.
t e c h n o l o g i e sh a v eco n v e r g e dt o
s e tt h es t a g ef o raw i d e s p r e a d • Simple One-to-One
a d o p t i o no fV D Ps o l u t i o n s . Simple one-to-one incorporates some graphical elements and variable text that are
T h ef o l l o w i n gt r e n d sa r ei m p a c t - included based on a simple set of rules, to produce a unique composition that is
i n gt h ew a yt h a tm a r k e t i n gm e s - customized to each recipient.
s a g e sm u s tb ed e l i v e r e d :
• Custom Publications
• Communications o ptions
Custom publications are business applications that allow a database to drive spe-
C o r p o r a t i o n sa n dt h e i rc r e a t i v e
cifc content into an existing template for immediate publishing or for inclusion in a n dco m m u n i c a t i o n sp a r t n e r s
h a v eag r o w i n gn u m b e ro f a newsletter or periodical, for example.
o p t i o n sf o rp r o m o t i n gt h e i r • Multi-channel Campaigns
p r o d u c t sa n ds e r v i ce s .E - m a i li s
Multi-channel campaigns incorporate completely unique text, images and graph-i n c r e a s i n g l yu s e da sac o m m u n i -
ics for each recipient based on rules that make decisions on the demographics, c a t i o n sv e h i c l et oas e l e c tg r o u p
o fc u s t o m e r sa n dp r o s p e c t s , purchasing history or other descriptive methods. These communications enhance
o f t e nw i t hah o t - l i n kt oaW e b the relevance to the recipient, and are published through a combination of print,
s i t eo rP e r s o n a l i z e dU R L( P U R L ) web and email.
f o ra d d i t i o n a li n f o r m a t i o na n d
o r d e rp r o ce s s i n g .T e l e v i s i o n , These VDP applications are producing impressive results, markedly improving
c a b l e ,a n dr a d i oco m p a n i e s response rates and average order sizes.
c a nu t i l i z eu n i q u em e s s a g i n g
t ot a r g e tg e o g r a p h i cr e g i o n s . VDP Solutions Are Available Today
P r i n t e dd i r e c tm a i lp i e ce sc a nb e Adobe has taken a leadership role in the development of end-to-end publishing
c u s t o m i z e da cco r d i n gt od e m o -
solutions, and with its VDP partners, is promoting a more effcient, effective way g r a p h i cr e q u i r e m e n t s .
for communications professionals to connect with their customers. Adobe InDesign
• Government mandates
has long been an effective application for VDP solutions. Combined with the Adobe T h eS a r b a n e s - O x l e yA c ti sd r i v -
Creative Suite, Adobe offers a solid publishing platform for the development of a i n gc u s t o m i z a t i o no ff n a n c i a l
s t a t e m e n t sb e c a u s ei tr e q u i r e s broad range of multi-channel personalized communications. No other company
d i s c l o s u r eo ft h ef n a n c i a l provides a stronger foundation for developing VDP workfows from design through
r i s ko fe a c hi n v e s t m e n ti nt h e distribution.
p o r t f o l i o .T h i sr e q u i r e st h a t
e v e r ys t a t e m e n ti su n i q u ea n d VDP for Creative Professionals
t h eco m p l e x i t yo ft h ec o m p o s i -
Today, implementing VDP campaigns has never been a more fuid and fexible t i o no ft h ed o c u m e n tb e co m e s
m o r ed i f f c u l t .A sm o r eu n i q u e process than in the integrated design environment of the Adobe Creative Suite,
i n f o r m a t i o ni sm a n d a t e d ,V D P which includes a growing list of VDP plug-ins provided by independent software
s o l u t i o n sw i l lco n t i n u et og r o w . ® ®development partners including: Document Sciences , Em Software , Hewlett-
®• mailing Costs Packard/Indigo, Kodak Print On-Demand Solutions , Meadows Publishing,
M a i l i n gc o s t sco n t i n u et or i s e ® ® ® ®Objectif Lune, Pagefex , Printable Technologies , Saepio Technologies , Sansui
a st h e yb e co m ea ni n c r e a s -
®and XMPie . Adobe and these partners offer creative professionals fexible, easy-to-
i n gp e r ce n t a g eo ft h eco s to f
® ®use solutions for both Macintosh and Windows platforms, providing a complete aco m m u n i c a t i o n sc a m p a i g n .
D a t a b a s e sw i t hd u p l i c a t eo r design environment for print, mobile devices, and Web.
“ d e a de n d ”co n t a c t sm u s tb e Creative professionals that expand their offerings to include VDP solutions differ-
s c r u b b e d ,s om a r k e t e r sa r en o t
entiate themselves from the competition with a value-added service that is proven s p e n d i n gv a l u a b l em a r k e t i n g
to deliver better results. By offering customers a more successful way of conveying d o l l a r so nco m m u n i c a t i o n st h a t
w i l ln e v e rb ed e l i v e r e d . messages with clarity and impact, creative professionals position themselves as long-
term strategic partners.
Utilizing familiar applications like those in the Adobe Creative Suite, creative
professionals can explore the limits of their artistic abilities, and by using VDP tools
Variable Data Publishingwhite paper
HiGHli GHts from a that are based on industry standards like Adobe PDF and PPML, they have greater
t ren DWat CH r ePort, fexibility to collaborate with other VDP workfow partners.
“Variable Data Printin G 2006:
Adobe PDF will continue to be the standard format for fle exchange. With Adobe’s Gro Wt H an D CHan Ges in t He
® market Pla Ce.”best-in-class offerings for page layout (InDesign), Web authoring (Dreamweaver ),
®illustration (Illustrator ), video/animation (Flash), document sharing and collabo- •3 7 %o fg r a p h i ca r t sf r m s( p r i n t e r s
® ®ration (Acrobat ), and image manipulation (Photoshop ), creative professionals can a n dt r a d es h o p s )p r o d u ces o m e
s o r to fV D Pj o b si n - h o u s e–u pbe assured that these products will work reliably together in developing a variable
f r o m2 8 %o n ey e a ra g o .data campaign.
•1 8 %o fd i g i t a lp r i n t e r ss a yt h e i rAdobe InDesign Server also supports the development of personalized marketing
v o l u m eo ff u l l - co l o rV D Pj o b s
applications. Systems integrators and third-party developers can build design-
w i t h1 3 +f e l d sh a si n c r e a s e d“ a
driven publishing systems that automate template-driven document creation, such l i t t l e ”–af v ef o l di n c r e a s ef r o m
as web-based collateral creation and personalized marketing materials, using Adobe o n ey e a ra g o .

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  • Univers Univers
  • Ebooks Ebooks
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  • Presse Presse
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  • BD BD
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