RETRACTION OF THE BIVARIANT CHERN CHARACTER Denis PERROT Mathematisches Institut, Einsteinstr. 62, Munster, Germany March 10, 2010 Abstract We show that the bivariant Chern character in entire cyclic cohomol- ogy constructed in a previous paper in terms of superconnections and heat kernel regularization, retracts on periodic cocycles under some fi- nite summability conditions. The trick is a bivariant generalization of the Connes-Moscovici method for finitely summable K-cycles. This yields concrete formulas for the Chern character of p-summable quasihomomor- phisms and invertible extensions, analogous to those of Nistor. The latter formulation is completely algebraic and based on the universal extensions of Cuntz and Zekri naturally appearing in the description of bivariant K-theory. Keywords: Bivariant cyclic cohomology. 1 Introduction In a previous paper [27] we introduced a bivariant Chern character in entire cyclic cohomology. We were mainly motivated by the need for a noncommu- tative generalization of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem for families of Dirac operators, with potential applications to mathematical physics. The basic in- gredient of the construction is the use of heat kernel regularization for infinite- dimensional traces, in the spirit of the Bismut-Quillen approach of the families index theorem [2, 30]. For the sake of definiteness, we have to work in the category of bornological algebras.
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- linear maps
- ?a given
- complete locally
- direct sum bornology
- entire cyclic
- bivariant cyclic
- kasparov product
- infinite-dimensional cocy- cles
- bornological algebras