1 STATISTIQUE-2005 References Revues avec Comite de Lecture Annee 2005. [1] Y. Aragon, A. Daouia, and C. Thomas-Agnan. Nonparametric fron- tier estimation: a conditional quantile-based approach. Econometric Theory, 21(2):358–389, 2005. [2] Jean-Marc Azaıs, Jose R. Leon, and Joaquın Ortega. Geometrical char- acteristics of Gaussian sea waves. J. Appl. Probab., 42(2):407–425, 2005. [3] Jean-Marc Azaıs and Mario Wschebor. Upper and lower bounds for the tails of the distribution of the condition number of a Gaussian matrix. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 26(2):426–440 (electronic), 2004/05. [4] Jean-Marc Azaıs and Mario Wschebor. On the distribution of the maximum of a Gaussian field with d parameters. Ann. Appl. Probab., 15(1A):254–278, 2005. [5] Jean-Marc Azaıs and Mario Wschebor. On the roots of a random sys- tem of equations. The theorem on Shub and Smale and some extensions. Found. Comput. Math., 5(2):125–144, 2005. [6] Yannick Baraud, Sylvie Huet, and Beatrice Laurent.
- selection automatique du parametre de lissage pour l'estimation
- approach revisited
- test- ing qualitative
- gaussian vector
- shorth estimators
- models bus
- estimation