Reaching Students Through Synectics: A Creative Solution Elvadine R. Seligmann EDF 500 – Educational Foundations and Curriculum Studies Dr. Alexander Sidorkin and Dr. Michael Jacobs University of Northern Colorado May 10, 2007
Professional Development Programme Postgraduate Certificate/Postgraduate Diploma/ MA Inclusive Education & Special Educational Needs, 2012/13
Masters-level study in Inclusive Education & SEN atManchester Metropolitan University enables you to deepen and extend your understanding of how to develop more inclusive practices within your own professional setting.
Special Features • Coursesare led by highly qualified tutors from the Centre for Inclusive Education & SEN, with experience as educational psychologists or in local authority advisory, development and school leadership roles • TheProgramme is linked to world-leading research at the Education & Social Research Institute, rated in the top ten for educational research in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise
• Manyemployers recognize the value of your professional development with us by negotiating flexible approaches, to enable attendance at evening sessions.
Introduction The Inclusive Education and SEN pathway provides outstanding professional development at Masters level, leading to Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma or MA degrees.
The Centre for Inclusive Education & SEN The ‘Inclusive Education and SEN’ Masters provides outstanding professional development opportunities, leading to Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma or MA degrees. Masters-level study in inclusive education & SEN atManchester Metropolitan University enables you to deepen and extend your understanding of how to develop more inclusive practices within your own professional setting. Our team offers a stimulating balance of study around inclusive practice in mainstream settings, together with opportunities to focus on more specialist areas of SEN. Our programme is highly flexible to suit teachers and other professionals working in a range of settings and phases of education. Manyemployers recognize the value of your professional development and supervised research with us, by sponsoring all or part of tuition fees, or by negotiating flexible timetabling. •Courses are led by highly qualified lecturers active in research and publications, with experience as educational psychologists or as school leaders or advisers •Our Education & Social Research Instituteis rated in the UK top ten for educational research by the government’s Research Assessment Exercise (2008) •We have an excellent reputation for specialist programmes in Specific Learning Difficulties, Autism Spectrum Conditions and Special Educational Needs Coordinators •Manchester Metropolitan University’s Institute of Educationis rated ‘outstanding’ for initial teacher training by Ofsted (2011) •Our campus-based taught programme in inclusive education and SEN gives the experience of direct teaching and group interaction that many students prefer
•OurMoodlevirtual learning environment and specialist on-site library offer all the resources you will need to succeed with independent study in your own time Course structure Postgraduate courses atManchester Metropolitan University are organised in Units of study, each worth 30 credits, with an MA requiring a total of 180 credits. Part-time students normally take two 30 credit Units per year, one each in the Autumn and Spring terms. Units are normally offered over 10 evening sessions, usually 5.30-8.00; or 5 Saturdays, usually 10.00-4.00. The programme comprises: •Two mandatory Core Units (total 60 credits) And either: •Two Option Units (60 credits) and a Dissertation (60 credits) Or •Three Option Units (90 credits) and a Report (30 credits) Core Units: The core units are mandatory and focus on key areas of inclusive education. They are offered in the Autumn term: •Understanding inclusive education Saturdays (probably 29/09, 13/10, 03/11, 17/11, 01/12: dates to be confirmed) •Research for inclusive education Tuesdays (probably 25/09 – 04/12 with break at half term: dates to be confirmed)
Option Units: A choice of Option Units is available in the Spring term, focusing on areas of special educational needs where we can offer particular expertise. For example these may include:
•Introduction to the autism spectrum •Specific learning difficulties (dyslexia): developing inclusive practice •Behaviour, emotional and social difficulties: developing inclusive practice •Inclusive teaching for bilingual learners Students who for academic or personal reasons are unable to successfully complete the 180 credits required for the Masters award may exit with the completion of 60 or 120 credits respectively (achieved through taught elements) and be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma in the subject area. It’s also possible to study just one Unit per year.
Assessment Each Unit is assessed through a written assignment equivalent to 5,000 words; this may include alternative formats such as a presentation. Each assignment is designed to be flexible to enable you to focus your research on an area that is most relevant to you. Assignments are normally submitted 6 weeks after completing tuition, in January or May. ‘Research Project’ and ‘Dissertation’ are longer and are submitted in September.
Study Support Each Unit has a website within our virtual learning environment, Moodle. This contains all your learning materials plus a wealth of additional resources you can access from home.
The Institute of Education atManchester Metropolitan University is fortunate in having a dedicated education library on campus, offering a modern, relaxed learning environment which is kept up-to-date with books and journals in the area of inclusive education and special educational needs.
“My confidence has grown immeasurably! I am really enjoying my learning and taking it back to the workplace with me!” “I am more confident in addressing student’s issues in my classroom due to having a greater understanding of their needs.” “When discussing SEN issues in School, I feel confident to discuss practices I have studied on this course.” From a recent student evaluation of a unit on Inclusion and SEN
All students have access to a Student Support Officer and to a range of Study Skills resources. The Core Units include specialist briefings on information skills and assignment writing.
Accrediting Prior Learning •Masters credits in a relevant area of education from another University can be recognised, withinManchester Metropolitan University regulations •Students with PGCE accredited at Masters level can have up to 60 credits •SENCOs who have been awarded PGCert (NASENCo) have 60 credits •Specialist teachers with a Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma in an area of SEN can have their credits recognised towards MA •Experienced teachers can be awarded 30 credits for ‘Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning’ (APEL) by completing an APEL Unit including a written assignment •Senior teachers who have completed NPQH can be awarded 60 credits by completing an application including a written assignment
Fees For 2012/13 fees are £660 per 30 credit Unit, or £1320 for two Units for the year. Fees can be paid by instalment.
Schools or other employers can sponsor tuition fees in full or part. This is exceptionally good value for schools or colleges, with teachers studying in their own time researching issues of value to the school with the support of the University.
The Department for Education has a Scholarship Fund to pay tuition fees for Masters level Continuing Professional Development for teachers, with SEN as a priority area. Look out for announcements of Scholarships for 2012/13. You can also apply for a Professional and Career Development Loan, details are available from: studentfinance/ support_postgrad_students.php
Entry requirements •EITHER a good Honours degree (minimum second class or equivalent) together with introductory experience relevant to inclusive education. •OR teaching or other equivalent professional qualification and relevant experience; with evidence of ability to study successfully at Masters level. In this case you may be required to complete a qualifying assignment, for example: an essay, a critical review, a written statement, an unseen written paper.
Where will I study? This programme is offered at Didsbury campus, which is located in an attractive urban village 5 miles south of Manchester city centre. Transport links between Didsbury and Manchester are very good, with frequent buses and trains.
What career opportunities could this programme open up for me? Many of our students go on to take up a range of leadership roles related to inclusion and diversity in schools and other educational settings; or for example become Special Educational Needs Coordinators. What are the opportunities for further study? There are opportunities for successful students to progress to research degrees with the Education and Social Research Institute, leading to Ed.D or PhD. How do I apply? You can download an application form from our website at: postgraduate/taught/2012/9551/ Or you can request an application form through ManchesterMetropolitan University’s Direct Admissions office by phoning us on 0161 247 6969 where staff can also offer advice on the application process. After completing the application form, please e-mail post to: Direct Admissions Team Manchester Metropolitan University All Saints (GMS), Manchester M15 6BH
Institute of Education Manchester Metropolitan University’s Institute of Education is acknowledged to be one of the UK’s leading internationally recognised, educational centres.
In addition to providing initial teacher training, the Institute has an extensive portfolio of postgraduate courses in professional development. There are a wide range of courses covering areas such as Inclusive Education, Childhood Studies & Practice, Urban Education, Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM), Primary and Secondary Education, Language Education, Coaching and Mentoring, Maker teacher (Art) and Education leadership and Management. Professional Development Programmes are taught on a part-time basis outside normal working hours to ensure that they are as accessible as possible.
The Education and Social Research Institute (ESRI) is one of the leading UK centres for applied educational research and evaluation.
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This information is correct at the time of going to press. For terms and conditions applicable to the provision of the University’s Educational Services please refer to the 2011/12 Prospectus.
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