b-MINIMALITY by Raf Cluckers & Franc¸ois Loeser Abstract. — We introduce a new notion of tame geometry for structures admitting a reasonable notion of balls. We develop a dimension theory and prove a cell decom- position theorem. The notion applies in particular to the theory of Henselian valued fields of characteristic zero, where balls have the natural meaning of open balls, as well as when a cross section or similar more general sections are added to the lan- guage. Structures which are o-minimal, or v- or p-minimal and which satisfy some slight extra conditions, are also b-minimal, one of the advantage of b-minimality being that more room is left for nontrivial expansions. The b-minimal setting is intended to be a natural framework for the construction of Euler characteristics and motivic integrals. 1. Introduction Originally introduced by Cohen [6] for real and p-adic fields, cell decomposition techniques were later developed by Denef and Pas as a useful device for the study of p-adic integrals [8][9][18][19]. Roughly speaking, the basic idea is to cut a definable set into a finite number of cells which are like balls and points. For general Henselian valued fields of residue characteristic zero, Denef and Pas proved a cell decompo- sition theorem where cells were no longer finite in number, but are parametrized by residue field variables [18].
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- henselian valued
- sort
- minimal theories
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