ON THE MONODROMY OF THE HITCHIN CONNECTION YVES LASZLO, CHRISTIAN PAULY, AND CHRISTOPH SORGER Abstract. For any genus g ≥ 2 we give an example of a family of smooth complex projective curves of genus g such that the image of the monodromy representation of the Hitchin con- nection on the sheaf of generalized SL(2)-theta functions of level l 6= 1, 2, 4 and 8 contains an element of infinite order. 1. Introduction Let pi : C ? B be a family of smooth connected complex projective curves of genus g ≥ 2 parameterized by a smooth complex manifold B. For any integers l ≥ 1, called the level, and r ≥ 2 we denote Zl the complex vector bundle over B having fibers H0(MCb(SL(r)),L ?l), where MCb(SL(r)) is the moduli space of semistable rank-r vector bundles with trivial determinant over the curve Cb = pi?1(b) for b ? B and L is the ample generator of its Picard group. Following Hitchin [H], the bundle Zl is equipped with a projectively flat connection called the Hitchin connection. The main result of this paper is the following Theorem. Assume that the level l 6= 1, 2, 4 and 8 and that the rank r = 2.
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- fundamental weight
- group
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- isomorphism
- pure braid
- picard group
- conformal field
- braid group