ON SUPERSIMPLICITY AND LOVELY PAIRS OF CATS ITAY BEN-YAACOV Abstract. We prove that the definition of supersimplicity in metric structures from [Ben05b] is equivalent to an a priori stronger variant. This stronger variant is then used to prove that if T is a supersimple Hausdorff cat then so is its theory of lovely pairs. Introduction A superstable first order theory is one which is stable in every large enough cardinality, or equivalently, one which is stable (in some cardinality), and in which the type of every finite tuple over arbitrary sets does not divide over a finite subset. In more modern terms we would say that a first order theory is superstable if and only if it is stable and supersimple. Stability and simplicity were extended to various non-first-order settings by various people. Stability in the setting of large homogeneous structures goes back a long time (see [She75]), and some aspects of simplicity theory were also shown to hold in this setting in [BL03]. The setting of compact abstract theories, or cats, was introduced in [Ben03b] with the intention, among others, to provide a better non-first-order setting for the development of simplicity theory, which was done in [Ben03c], and under the additional assumption of thickness (with better results) in [Ben03d].
- finitely many
- over
- virtual tuples
- finite tuple
- thus identified
- metric
- come up