On Circuits and Numbers Jean E. Vuillemin Digital Equipment Corp., Paris Research Laboratory (PRL), 85 Av. Victor Hugo. 92563 Rueil-Malmaison, Cedex France. October 13, 1993 Abstract We establish new, yet intimate relationships between the 2adic integers 2 Z from arithmetics and digital circuits, finite and infinite, from electronics. (a) Rational numbers with an odd denominator correspond to output only synchronous circuits. (b) Bit-wise 2ading mappings correspond to combinational circuits. (c) On-line functions, 8n 2 N; x 2 2 Z : f(x) = f(x mod 2n) (mod 2n); correspond to synchronous circuits. (d) Continuous functions 2 Z 7! 2 Z, correspond to circuits with output enable. The proof is obtained by constructing synchronous decision diagrams SDD. They generalize to sequential circuits what classical BDD constructs achieve for combinational circuits. From simple identities over 2 Z, we derive both classical and new bit-serial circuits for computing: f+;;; 1=(1 + 2x);p1 + 8xg. The correctness of each circuit directly follows from the 2adic definition of the corresponding operator. All but the adders (+;) above are infinite.
- synchronous circuit
- bit
- adic integers
- digital circuit
- upon infinite
- output only
- global clock period