Numerical Verification of the Stark-Chinburg Conjecture for Some Icosahedral Representations Arnaud Jehanne, Xavier-Franc¸ois Roblot, Jonathan Sands October 6, 2003 Abstract In this paper, we give fourteen examples of icosahedral representations for which we have numerically verified the Stark-Chinburg conjecture. 1 Introduction LetK/k be a Galois extension of number fields, with Galois groupG = Gal(K/k), and suppose ? : G ? GLn(C) is a non-trivial irreducible representation of G. Stark's conjectures [Tate 1984] aim to unravel the arithmetic information en- coded in the leading coefficient of the Taylor series for the Artin L-function L(s, ?) of ? at s = 0. When G is abelian and one modifies the Artin L-function by removing the factors in the Euler product at primes in a finite set S which contains all of the infinite primes, Stark formulated an especially precise conjec- ture for the case of a first-order zero at 0 [Stark 1980]. It states that the exact value of this coefficient may be obtained from an “L-function evaluator” ele- ment in K which is an S-unit in the typical case. Rubin [Rubin 1996], Popescu [Popescu 2003], Burns [Burns 2001], Sands [Sands 1987] and others have formu- lated similarly precise conjectures for abelian L-functions with any order of zero at s = 0.
- icosahedral representations
- following stark
- simultaneously gaining numerical
- conjecture
- trivial irreducible
- has confirmed
- stark's contribution
- galois groupg
- stark