MULTIPLE SOLUTIONS FOR CRITICAL ELLIPTIC SYSTEMS IN POTENTIAL FORM EMMANUEL HEBEY AND JEROME VETOIS Abstract. We discuss and prove existence of multiple solutions for critical elliptic systems in potential form on compact Riemannian manifolds. 1. Introduction Let (M, g) be a smooth, compact Riemannian n-manifold, n ≥ 3. Let also p ≥ 1 be a natural number and M sp (R) be the vector space of all symmetric p? p real matrices. Namely, M sp (R) is the vector space of p ? p real matrices S = (Sij) which are such that Sij = Sji for all i, j. For A : M ?M sp (R) smooth, A = (Aij), we consider vector valued equations like ∆pgU + A(x)U = 1 2? DU |U| 2? , (1.1) where U : M ? Rp is a map, referred to as a p-map in order to underline the fact that the target space is Rp, ∆pg is the Laplace–Beltrami operator acting on p-maps, 2 ? = 2n/(n ? 2), and DU is the derivation operator with respect to U . Writing U = (u1, . . . , up), we get |U|2 ? = ∑p i=1 |ui| 2? , 12?DU |U| 2? = ( |ui| 2??2 ui ) i , and ∆pgU = (∆gui)i, where
- also critical
- then
- diagonal blocks
- elliptic systems
- systems like
- sole diagonal
- c? ?
- critical
- there holds