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LIMIT THEOREMS FOR ONE AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL RANDOM WALKS IN RANDOM SCENERY FABIENNE CASTELL, NADINE GUILLOTIN-PLANTARD, AND FRANÇOISE PÈNE Abstract. Random walks in random scenery are processes defined by Zn := ∑n k=1 ?X1+...+Xk , where (Xk, k ≥ 1) and (?y, y ? Zd) are two independent sequences of i.i.d. random variables with values in Zd and R respectively. We suppose that the distributions of X1 and ?0 belong to the normal basin of attraction of stable distribution of index ? ? (0, 2] and ? ? (0, 2]. When d = 1 and ? 6= 1, a functional limit theorem has been established in [16] and a local limit theorem in [7]. In this paper, we establish the convergence in distribution and a local limit theorem when ? = d (i.e. ? = d = 1 or ? = d = 2) and ? ? (0, 2]. Let us mention that functional limit theorems have been established in [3] and recently in [10] in the particular case when ? = 2 (respectively for ? = d = 2 and ? = d = 1). 1. Introduction Random walks in random scenery (RWRS) are simple models of processes in disordered media with long-range correlations.

  • zn

  • skorohod j1- topology

  • when ?

  • local limit

  • random scenery

  • characteristic function

  • stable distribution

  • limit theorems

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Abstract.Random walks in random scenery are processes defined byZn:=Pkn=1ξX1+...+Xk, where(Xk, k1)and(ξy, yZd) variables randomare two independent sequences of i.i.d. with values inZdandRrespectively. We suppose that the distributions ofX1andξ0belong to the normal basin of attraction of stable distribution of indexα(0,2]andβ(0,2]. When d= 1andα6= 1, a functional limit theorem has been established in [16] and a local limit theorem in [7]. In this paper, we establish the convergence in distribution and a local limit theorem whenα=d(i.e.α=d= 1orα=d= 2) andβ(0,2]. Let us mention that functional limit theorems have been established in [3] and recently in [10] in the particular case whenβ= 2(respectively forα=d= 2andα=d= 1).
Random walks in random scenery (RWRS) are simple models of processes in disordered media with long-range correlations. They have been used in a wide variety of models in physics to study anomalous dispersion in layered random flows [21], diffusion with random sources, or spin depolarization in random fields (we refer the reader to Le Doussal’s review paper [17] for a discussion of these models).
On the mathematical side, motivated by the construction of new self-similar processes with stationary increments, Kesten and Spitzer [16] and Borodin [4, 5] introduced RWRS in dimension one and proved functional limit theorems. This study has been completed in many works, in particular in [3] and [10]. These processes are defined as follows. Letξ:= (ξy, yZd)and X:= (Xk, k1)be two independent sequences of independent identically distributed random variables taking values inRandZd sequencerespectively. Theξis called therandom scenery. The sequenceXis the sequence of increments of therandom walk(Sn, n0)defined byS0:= 0 andSn:=Pni=1Xi, forn1. Therandom walk in random sceneryZis then defined by n1 Z0:= 0andn1, Zn:=XξSk. k=0 Denoting byNn(y)the local time of the random walkS: Nn(y) := #{k= 0, ..., n1 :Sk=y}, it is straightforward to see thatZncan be rewritten asZn=PyξyNn(y). As in [16], the distribution ofξ0is assumed to belong to the normal domain of attraction of a strictly stable distributionSβof indexβ(0,2], with characteristic functionφgiven by φ(u) =e−|u|β(A1+iA2sgn(u))uR,
2000Mathematics Subject Classification.60F05; 60G52. Key words and phrases.Random walk in random scenery; local limit theorem; local time; stable process This research was supported by the french ANR project MEMEMO2. 1
LIMIT THEOREMS FOR 1-D AND 2-D RWRS 2 where0< A1<and|A11A2| ≤ |tan(πβ/2)| will denote by. Weϕξthe characteristic function of theξx’s. Whenβ >1, this implies thatE[ξ0] = 0. Whenβ= 1, we will further assume the symmetry condition supEξ01I{|ξ0|≤t}<+.(1) t>0 Under these conditions (forβ(0; 2]), there existsCξ>0such that we have t >0,P(|ξ0| ≥t)Cξtβ.(2) Concerning the random walk, the distribution ofX1is assumed to belong to the normal basin of attraction of a stable distributionS0αwith indexα(0,2]. Then the following weak convergences hold in the space of càdlàg real-valued functions defined on[0,)and onRrespectively, endowed with the SkorohodJ1-topology (see [2, chapter 3]) : n1Sbntct0n=L( (t))t0 U andn1βbnkX=x0cξke10n=L(Y(x))x0,withe1= (1,0,∙ ∙ ∙,0)Zd, xwhereUandYare two independent Lévy processes such thatU(0) = 0,Y(0) = 0,U(1)has distributionS0α,Y(1)has distributionSβ. Functional limit theorem. Our first result is concerned with a limit theorem for(Z[nt])t0 speaking,. Intuitively whenα < d, the random walkSnis transient, its range is of ordern, andZnhas the same behaviour as a sum of aboutnindependent random variables with the same distribution as the variablesξx. It was proved in [5] that forβ= 2,n1(Z[nt])t0converges in distribution in the spaceD([0,))of càdlàg functions endowed with the SkorohodJ1-topology, to a multiple of the process(Yt). The caseβ(0,2]was also mentioned in [16] (see Remark 3). Whenβ <1is positive, a functional limit theorem inand the scenery the spaceD([0,))endowed with the SkorohodM1-topology, is proved in [1] or [14]. whenα > d(i.e.d= 1and1< α2), the random walkSnis recurrent, its range is of ordern1, its local times are of ordern11, so thatZnis of ordern11α+α1β. In this situation, [16] and [4] proved a functional limit theorem forn(1α1+α1β)(Z[nt], t0) in the spaceC([0,))of continuous functions endowed with the uniform topology, the limiting process being a self-similar process, but not a stable one. whenα=d(i.e.α=d= 1, orα=d= 2),Snis recurrent, its range is of order 1 n/log(n), its local times are of orderlog(n)so thatZnis of ordernβ1log(n)ββ this. In situation, a functional limit theorem in the space of continuous functions was proved in [3] ford=α=β= 2, and in [10] ford=α= 1andβ= 2.
Our first result gives a limit theorem forα=dand for any value ofβ(0; 2). We establish the convergence in the sense of finite distributions, and prove that the convergence in distribution does not hold for theJ1-topology whenβ6= 2but that the convergence in distribution holds for theM1-topology whenβ6= 1(for technical reasons, our proof does not apply whenβ= 1). Theorem 1.Letβ(0; 2) assume that the random walk is strongly aperiodic and that. We
(a)eitherd= 2andX1is centered, square integrable with invertible variance matrixΣand then we defineA:= 2det Σ;
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