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sell. is. éd.Graduated German Reading-
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George Sand's Les Maîtres
son, is. tti.
Mosaïstes. By C. H. Parry.
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tice in Unseen Translation. By A.
Prosper Mérimée's Colomba.R. Lechner. 2s. td.
By C. H. Parry. s. 6d.
German Passages forEasy
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Caesar de Bello Civili.
Vol. I. The Original Passages.
By H. Avvdry. 2s. 6d. Vol. IL The English Version.
Waterloo Place, London.Y
In compiling this sélection of extracts I hâve
aimed at variety of subject and style, and a pro-
gressive arrangement in point of difficulty. I
hâve examination papers, though Inot dravvn on
hâve looked for my standard.to them
In the notes I hâve given meanings and ex-
ofplanations which seemed necessary to a pupil
average knowledge, ofin order that ignorance a
word should not be a fatal stumbling-block.
toWhere dérivations are given, they are intended
fix the meaning on the memory, not to be an
exhaustive account of the words. The notes are
printed at the end of the text, so that the teacher
may, if lie wishes, hâve the translation written
without any aid.
I hâve to thank my colleagues, M. G. Petilleau
and Mr. G. G. Robinson, for kind aid and advice.
I also tender my best thanks to M. Clapin for
kind correction of the text.
I am largely indebted to the dictionaries of
Littré and Brachet, and to Fasnacht's Synthetic
French Grammar.
1. carefulîy through, at leastRead the passage
an unknown word,2. When you are stopped by
considcr any possible dérivation of the
word looking to the form and sound, and
the meaning of the context.
Observe most accurately distinctions of tense3.
and mood, and give their force.
Mind the small words, the pronouns, con-4
junctions, négative and other adverbs, and
auxiliary verbs.
Keep as close as possible to the original5.
in sensé, but use English idiom boldly.
6. Never write down nonsense.