Kernels for Feedback Arc Set In Tournaments Stephane Bessy? Fedor V. Fomin† Serge Gaspers‡ Christophe Paul? Anthony Perez? Saket Saurabh† Stephan Thomasse? Abstract A tournament T = (V,A) is a directed graph in which there is exactly one arc between every pair of distinct vertices. Given a digraph on n vertices and an integer parameter k, the Feedback Arc Set problem asks whether the given digraph has a set of k arcs whose removal results in an acyclic digraph. The Feedback Arc Set problem restricted to tournaments is known as the k-Feedback Arc Set in Tournaments (k-FAST) problem. In this paper we obtain a linear vertex kernel for k-FAST. That is, we give a polynomial time algorithm which given an input instance T to k-FAST obtains an equivalent instance T ? on O(k) vertices. In fact, given any fixed > 0, the kernelized instance has at most (2 + )k vertices. Our result improves the previous known bound of O(k2) on the kernel size for k-FAST. Our kernelization algorithm solves the problem on a subclass of tournaments in polynomial time and uses a known polynomial time approximation scheme for k- FAST. 1 Introduction Given a directed graph G = (V,A) on n vertices and an integer parameter k, the Feedback Arc Set problem asks whether the given digraph has a set of k arcs whose removal results in an acyclic directed graph.
- let d?
- parameterized complexity
- time algorithm
- minimum sized feedback
- feedback arc
- using only
- has
- algorithm solves
- polynomial time