In p ro g re ss Horn inequalities for nonzero Kronecker coefficients N. Ressayre May 25, 2011 Abstract 1 Introduction Let ? = (?1 ≥ ?2 ≥ · · · ≥ ?e ≥ 0) be a partition. Set |?| = ∑ i ?i. Then ? is a partition of |?|. Consider the symmetric group Sn acting on n letters. The irreducible representations of Sn are parametrized by the partitions of n, see e.g. [Mac95, I. 7] . Let [?] denote the representation corresponding to ?. The Kronecker coefficients k?? ? , depending on three partitions ?? and ? of the same integer n, are defined by the identity [?]? [?] = ∑ ? k?? ? [?]. (1) A classical result due to Murnaghan is the following statement. Proposition 1 If k?? ? 6= 0 then we have (n? ?1) + (n? ?1) ≥ n? ?1. (2) The aim of this note is to prove many other explicit inequalities which are consequences of the nonvanishing of a Kronecker coefficient. The length l(?) of the partition ? is the number of nonzero parts ?i. Let V be a complex vector space of dimension d. If l(?) ≤ d then S?V denotes the Schur power (see e.
- c???s ?v
- using schur-weyl
- kronecker coefficient
- littlewood-richardson coefficient
- f0 ?
- group acting
- semigroups