ar X iv :0 80 2. 04 57 v1 [ ma th. RT ] 4 F eb 20 08 Geometric theta-lifting for the dual pair GSp2n, GO2m Sergey Lysenko Abstract Let X be a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field of charac- teristic > 2. Consider the dual pair H = GO2m, G = GSp2n over X , where H splits over an etale two-sheeted covering π : X˜ ? X . Write BunG and BunH for the stacks of G-torsors and H-torsors on X . We show that for m ≤ n (respectively, for m > n) the theta-lifting functor FG : D(BunH) ? D(BunG) (respectively, FH : D(BunG) ? D(BunH)) commutes with Hecke functors with respect to a morphism of the corresponding L-groups involving the SL2 of Arthur. In two particular cases n = m and m = n + 1 this becomes the geometric Langlands functoriality for the corresponding dual pair. As an application, we prove a particular case of the geometric Langlands conjectures. Namely, we construct the automorphic Hecke eigensheaves on BunGSp4 corresponding to the endoscopic local systems on X . 1. Introduction 1.1 The classical theta correspondence for the dual reductive pair (GSp2n,GO2m) is known to satisfy a version of strong Howe duality (cf.
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