Fast Arithmetic Coding (FastAC) Implementations








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  • mémoire - matière potentielle : location
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  • mémoire - matière potentielle : buffer
  • cours - matière potentielle : on coding
Fast Arithmetic Coding (FastAC) Implementations Amir Said 1 Introduction This document describes our fast implementations of arithmetic coding, which achieve opti- mal compression and higher throughput by better exploiting the great numerical capabilities of the current processors. References [1, 2] contain descriptions of the particularities of the coding methods used, and reference [3] presents the experiments and speed measurements used for optimizing our code. Objectives During the development of our program we had the following objectives: 1.
  • unsigned max code bytes
  • unsigned char
  • adaptive data model
  • plot segment
  • current color
  • compression
  • version
  • function
  • bit
  • data
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MONTANA STANDARDS FOR ARTSArts have intrinsic value. They cultivate the whole child, building many kinds of literacy while developingintuition, reasoning, creativity, imagination, and dexterity into diverse forms of expression and communi-cation. The Arts enable students to make decisions and seek multiple solutions. They improve perception,reflection, and creative thought. They advance higher order thinking skills of analysis, synthesis andevaluation. The Arts provide powerful tools for understanding human experiences and cultures—past,present and future.Arts education engages students in a creative process that helps them develop the self-motivation,discipline, cooperation and self-esteem necessary for success in life.The Arts consists of Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts. The content and performance standardsfor the Arts describe what all Montana students should know and be able to do in the Arts. Althoughliterary arts are generally considered a part of the Arts, standards for the literary arts are integrated through-out the Communication Arts.Content Standards indicate what all students should know, understand and be able to do in a specific content area.Benchmarks define our expectations for students’ knowledge, skills and abilities along a developmental continuum in each contentarea. That continuum is focused at three points—at the end of grade 4, the end of grade 8 and grade 12.Content Standard 1—Students create, perform/exhibit, and respond in the Arts.Content Standard 2—Students apply and describe the concepts, structures, and pro-cesses in the Arts.Content Standard 3—Students develop and refine arts skills and techniques to expressideas, pose and solve problems, and discover meaning.Content Standard 4—Students analyze characteristics and merits of their work and thework of others.Content Standard 5—Students understand the role of the Arts in society, diverse cultures,and historical periods.Content Standard 6—Students make connections among the Arts, other subject areas,life, and work.10/00-1-
Arts Content Standard 1Students create, perform/exhibit, and respond in the Arts.RationaleStudents understand and express themselves in depth through an art form by:generating original art;participating, re-creating, and exhibiting; andreacting and placing value.As a result, they arrive at their own knowledge and beliefs for making personal and artistic decisions.BenchmarksStudents will:End of Grade 41.identify their own ideas and imagesbased on themes, symbols, events andpersonal experiences.2.use a variety of materials and sourcesto experiment with an art form.3.present their own work and works ofothers.4.collaborate with others in the creativeprocess.5.describe how a variety of materials,techniques and processes cause differ-ent responses.10/00End of Grade 8Upon GraduationEnd of Grade 121.create a work from their own ideas and1.conceive and create works of art.images based on themes, symbols, eventsand personal a variety of materials and sources2.demonstrate imagination and technicalto demonstrate a specific art form.skill in a minimum of one art form usingtraditional and nontraditional resources.3.prepare and/or revise works for or adapt the elements of a presen-tation.tational style.4.collaborate with others to make artistic4.apply artistic discipline (e.g., concentra-choices.tion and focus) to complete a collabora-tive work.5.describe and analyze artistic choices in5.articulate meaning by describing andtheir own work and works of others.analyzing artistic choices in their ownwork and works of others.-2-
Arts Content Standard 2Students apply and describe the concepts, structures, and processes in the Arts.RationaleThe ability to use and share knowledge is fundamental to human experience. The Arts: Dance, Music, Theatre,Visual Arts, provide many of the tools for students to successfully interact with their world.BenchmarksStudents will:End of Grade 4End of Grade 8Upon Graduation—End of Grade 121.COMPOSITION1.COMPOSITION1.COMPOSITIONDance: apply the elements of space (shape,Dance: apply the elements of space (shape,Dance: apply the elements of space (shape,level, path in space, pattern, form), timelevel, path in space, pattern, form), timelevel, path in space, pattern, form), time (du-(duration, rhythm), and energy (movement(duration, rhythm), and energy (movementration, rhythm), and energy (movement qual-quality) to compose dance phrases.quality) to compose dances.ity) to compose dances.Music: apply the elements of rhythm,Music: apply the elements of rhythm,Music: apply the elements of rhythm,melody, harmony, timbre/tone color, andmelody, harmony, timbre/tone color, andmelody, harmony, timbre/tone color, andform.form.form.Theatre: apply the elements of plot, char-Theatre: apply the elements of plot, char-Theatre: apply the elements of character andacter and setting.acter, setting and mood.plot as exposition, action, climax, and reso-Visual Arts: apply the elements of line,Visual Arts: apply the elements of line,lution.shape, form, color, space, value, and tex-shape, form, color, space, value, and tex-Visual Arts: apply the elements of line,ture to compose works of art and the prin-ture to compose works of art and the prin-shape, form, color, space, value, and texturecipals of design-pattern, balance, contrast,cipals of design-pattern, balance, contrast,to compose works of art and the principalsrhythm, proportion, economy, movement,rhythm, proportion, economy, movement,of design-pattern, balance, contrast, rhythm,dominance.dominance.proportion, ecomony, movement, domi-nance.2.TECHNIQUES2.TECHNIQUES2.TECHNIQUESDance: identify and apply the techniquesDance: apply the techniques of body aware-Dance: apply the techniques of body aware-of body awareness (e.g., control, flexibil-ness (e.g., control, flexibility, dynamics, ex-ness (e.g., control, flexibility, dynamics, ex-ity, dynamics, expression, musicality) inpression, musicality) in class and perfor-pression, musicality) in class and perfor-class and performance.mance.mance.Music: identify and apply the techniquesMusic: apply the techniques of expressiveMusic: apply the techniques of expressiveof expressive devices, dynamics, tempo,devices, dynamics, tempo, phrasing, accom-devices, dynamics, tempo, phrasing, accom-phrasing, accompaniment, interpretationpaniment, interpretation, and improvisation.paniment, interpretation, and improvisation.and improvisation.Theatre: apply techniques to write, direct,Theatre: apply techniques to write, direct,Theatre: identify and apply techniques toact, and design.act, design and produce.develop scenarios, direct and act.Visual Arts: apply knowledge of techniquesVisual Arts: apply techniques to createVisual Arts: identify and apply the tech-to create works (e.g., painting, drawing,works (e.g., painting, drawing, printmaking,niques common to drawing, painting, sculp-printmaking, photography, computer arts,photography, computer arts, graphic design,ture, design, printmaking, and indigenous/graphic design, sculpture, and indigenous/sculpture, and indigenous/traditional arts).traditional arts.traditional arts).3.MEDIUM3.MEDIUM3.MEDIUMDance: demonstrate the human body inDance: demonstrate the human body in mo-Dance: demonstrate the human body in mo-motion.tion.tion.Music: perform vocal and/or instrumentalMusic: perform vocal and/or instrumentalMusic: perform vocal and/or instrumentalsolos, or in ensembles.solos, or in ensembles.solos, or in ensembles.Theatre: perform in ensemble (e.g., live,Theatre: perform solo and in ensembleTheatre: perform solo and in ensemble (e.g.,film, video productions).(e.g., mime, live, film, video productions).mime, live, film, video productions).Visual Arts: select a course of action us-Visual Arts: select a course of action usingVisual Arts: select a course of action usinging two-dimensional processes (e.g., paint-two-dimensional processes (e.g., painting,two-dimensional processes (e.g., painting,10/00-3-
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