Niveau: Supérieur
Variational formulation of convected dominated problems Some simple remarks Model problem, objective, general framework Extension to systems 3D, Very high order Residual Distribution Schemes for inviscid and viscous problems. R. Abgrall, A. Larat ?, A. Krust†, G. Baurin+, M. Ricchiuto Team Bacchus INRIA Bordeaux Sud Ouest and Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux ? ADIGMA, now Post doc in Stanford † funded by ERC advanced grant ADDECCO + CIFRE SNECMA-INRIA ONERA, october 7th, 2010 R. Abgrall, A. Larat ? , A. Krust† , G. Baurin+ , M. Ricchiuto Very high order Residual Distribution Schemes for inviscid and viscous problems.
- viscous problems
- very high order
- problem
- erc advanced grant
- remarks model