Niveau: Supérieur, Licence, Bac+1
VALIDITY OF NONLINEAR GEOMETRIC OPTICS FOR ENTROPY SOLUTIONS OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCALAR CONSERVATION LAWS GUI-QIANG CHEN STEPHANE JUNCA MICHEL RASCLE Abstract. Nonlinear geometric optics with various frequencies for entropy so- lutions only in L∞ of multidimensional scalar conservation laws is analyzed. A new approach to validate nonlinear geometric optics is developed via entropy dissipation through scaling, compactness, homogenization, and L1–stability. New multidimensional features are recognized, especially including nonlinear propagations of oscillations with high frequencies. The validity of nonlinear geometric optics for entropy solutions in L∞ of multidimensional scalar con- servation laws is justified. 1. Introduction We are concerned with nonlinear geometric optics for entropy solutions of mul- tidimensional scalar conservation laws: (1.1) ∂tu+ divxF(u) = 0, u ? R, x ? Rn, where F : R ? Rn is a smooth flux function. Consider the Cauchy problem (1.1) with Cauchy data: (1.2) u|t=0 = u ? 0(x) := u+ ?u1(?1/? ?1 , · · · , ?n/? ?n), where u1 is a periodic function of each of its n arguments whose period is denoted by P = [0, 1]n (without loss of generality), u is a constant ground state, the linear phases ? := (?1, · · · , ?n): (1.3) ?i := n∑ j=1 Jijxj are linearly independent with constant matrix J = (Jij)1≤i,j≤n,
- u?
- geometric optics
- entropy solution
- hunter-majda-rosales
- nonlinear geometric
- dissipation through
- flux function