Niveau: Supérieur
Using social norms to promote money acceptability Vincent Bignon University of Paris 10 at Nanterre and Ecole Polytechnique, France Preliminary version Address for correspondence: Université de Paris 10-Nanterre, FORUM/MINI Bât. K, 200, Avenue de la République, 92000 Nanterre cedex, France 00 33 1 40 97 78 86 (Fax) may 2002 Abstract Although the study of the origin of money is usually restricted to the familiar opposition between a market-based and a state-based theories, the de?nition of money acceptability o?ers no compelling reason to restrict our attention to those two factors. Hence, this paper uses the search theoretic framework to highlight the role of social norms in enhancing the acceptability of a money linked to a social code. We assume that the population is divided into two subsets : one subset is skeptical regarding the social code and hence behaves as in the basic search model; the other part believes in that code, so that their behavior results from a trade-o? between both social and economic motives. We then address the impact of such social motives (as opposed to economic motives) on the coordination of agents on the monetary equilibrium and show that if the population of believers - or the disutility of violating the code - is large enough, the barter equilibrium disappears. Keywords : ?at money, search, social norms JEL Classi?cation : E41, Z13 1
- agent can
- lived agents who
- money
- such mechanism
- meeting between
- monetary theorists1
- can choose his
- social code
- agents without