Niveau: Supérieur
The Organization of Extended Producer Responsibility in Waste Policy with Product Di?erentiation Pierre Fleckinger, Matthieu Glachanty This version: February 2009 Abstract The paper analyzes the e¢ ciency of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for waste management. We consider a vertically di?erentiated duopoly where endogenous market quality a?ects waste disposal costs. Each producer has to meet a take-back requirement that forces it to collect and treat the waste associated with its products. In line with reality, we assume that the producers can either organize themselves in- dividually or cooperate by setting up a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO). We study the various implementations of EPR. Central to the analysis is the trade-o? between collusion made possible by the existence of a PRO and market power in the waste industry. Key words: extended producer responsibility, waste policy, product di?erentiation JEL codes: L13, Q53 University of Paris 1 & Paris School of Economics. Email: . yCorresponding author. Mines ParisTech, CERNA, 60 Boulevard Saint-Michel 75006 Paris. Email: . Phone: + 33 140519229. Fax: . 1
- product di?erentiation
- targeting producers
- epr
- disposal costs
- costs ?like
- packaging
- waste
- reducing disposal
- producers su¢