Niveau: Supérieur
Reconstruction of Attacks against Cryptographic Protocols? Xavier Allamigeon Ecole Polytechnique and Corps des Telecommunications, Paris Bruno Blanchet CNRS, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris Abstract We study an automatic technique for the verification of cryptographic protocols based on a Horn clause model of the protocol. This technique yields proofs valid for an un- bounded number of sessions of the protocol. However, up to now, it gave no definite information when the proof failed. In this paper, we present an algorithm for reconstructing an at- tack against the protocol when the desired security property does not hold. We have proved soundness, termination, as well as a partial completeness result for our algorithm. We have also implemented it in the automatic protocol verifier ProVerif. As an extreme example, we could reconstruct an attack involving 200 parallel sessions against the f200g200 protocol [21]. 1. Introduction The verification of cryptographic protocols is a very ac- tive research area. Recent progress in this area yields auto- matic security proofs valid for an unbounded number of ex- ecutions of the protocol, in order to handle, for instance, the execution of a server which accepts many connections, pos- sibly in parallel. Handling an unbounded number of ses- sions is important for obtaining actual proofs of security properties of protocols.
- when secrecy
- protocol
- against protocols
- cryptographic protocols
- let msecret
- public key
- red out