Paul Verlaine University Metz








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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

Niveau: Supérieur, Licence, Bac+3
1 Paul Verlaine University – Metz Knowledge control methods COURSE L Passed by the CEVU on 09/06/23 Passed By the CA on 09/07/07 This knowledge control modalities are in line with the national regulatory frame defined by the following texts: Decree nr 2002-482 dated April 8, 2002 in relation with the application of the higher education European Community construction to the French higher education system. Decree date April 23, 2002 in relation with university studies leading to the bachelor grade. Amended by the decree dated August 26, 2008. For the vocational bachelors, the knowledge control methods are defined by priority reference to the statutory text which is are specific to them (decree dated November 17, 1999). The bachelor cycle is structured within 6 semesters. It is organized in the frame of domains and mentions, in typical careers, of which the constituent basis unit, is the teaching unit. The teaching units can be accumulated. They are allocated with European credits. Each study semester has a value of 30 credits. The bachelor L is validated by the getting of 180 European credits. The validation of 120 European credits allows the attribution of an intermediary national diploma (DEUG: Diplôme d'Etudes Universitaires Générales: General university studies diploma, DEUST: Diplôme d'Etudes Universitaires Scientifiques et Techniques: Scientific and technic university studies diploma). In italics: articles of reference in the decree dated April 23, 2002 Registration The administrative registration is annual.

  • compensation

  • can also ask

  • final examination

  • registration per transfer

  • team within

  • hope sport

  • intern-university preventive medicine

  • sports constraints

  • teaching units

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Paul Verlaine University – Metz Knowledge control methods COURSE L Passed by the CEVU on 09/06/23 Passed By the CA on 09/07/07 This knowledge control modalities are in line with the national regulatory frame defined by the following texts: Decree nr 2002482 dated April 8, 2002 in relation with the application of the higher education European Community construction to the French higher education system. Decree date April 23, 2002 in relation with university studies leading to the bachelor grade. Amended by the decree dated August 26, 2008. For the vocational bachelors, the knowledge control methods are defined by priority reference to the statutory text which is are specific to them (decree dated November 17, 1999). The bachelor cycle is structured within 6 semesters. It is organized in the frame of domains and mentions, in typical careers, of which the constituent basis unit, is the teaching unit. The teaching units can be accumulated. They are allocated with European credits. Each study semester has a value of 30 credits. The bachelor L is validated by the getting of 180 European credits. The validation of 120 European credits allows the attribution of an intermediary national diploma (DEUG: Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaires Générales: General university studies diploma, DEUST: Diplôme d'Etudes Universitaires Scientifiques et Techniques: Scientific and technic university studies diploma). In italics: articles of reference in the decree dated April 23, 2002 Registration The administrative registration is annual. The definite knowledge control modalities are accepted by the councils no later than one month after the beginning of the academic year. The number of registrations on the whole L cycle is limited according the following modalities:  one repeating by full rights every year;  one possible supplementary registration during the whole cycle L by dispensation granted by the university president. The students who have interrupted their studies since at least three years and those who have validated the L level reget the right to the annual registrations as defined above. Sessions(article 22 and 29) The aptitudes and the acquisition of knowledge are uppermost assessed by a continuous and regular test and/or a final st nd examination. The continuous test is notably offered to the students in L1 during the 1and the 2semesters. The second session takes place in JuneJuly. At least one extrahelp week is organized. For the branches, in which the internship is compulsory, the board of examiners may also meet in September. Two knowledge tests sessions are organized during each semester.
The papers confidentiadility The papers confidentiadility is compulsory, except in the case of occasional and regular continuous. European Credits(article 25 to 27) The European credits are devoted to the teaching units. Generally, allocation does not exist at the CE level (Constitutive Element). It is recalled that any credit allocation makes the CE capitalizable. The European credits are shared out by full points. Those regulations concern the trainings leading to the issue of a French national diploma. Credits, if applicable per halfpoints, may be allocated at the level of the constitutive elements in the frame of the interntational exchanges (notably Erasmus). Validation – Capitalization Compensation(articles 25 to 28) If “note floors” exist (cf. concerned paragraph), the following rules are applicable: Ateaching unitis acquired:  as soon asthe average mark of the constitutive elements which are part of it, with their ratio, is equal to or higher than 10/20. Then, it is definitively acquired and capitalized, without any possibility to reregister in it. or  by compensation during the semester orduring the year. Then, it is definitively acquired and capitalized, without any possibility to reregister in it. However, it is not transferable in another career, except the gateways provided and defined in the authorization file of the concerned mentions. Aconstitutive elementof a teaching unit is not capitalizable. However, if the student does not renounce to them, he or she will keep the constitutive elements having a mark equal to or higher than 10 during the whole following academic year. Asemestreis validated:  as soon as the student validates every teaching units which are part of it (the mark of the teaching unit must be equal to or higher than 10/20). ou  per compensation between the varied teaching units which are part of it (average marks of the teaching units with their ratio, equal to or higher than 10/20). The compensation is biannual. However, if two semesters of the same level (L1, L2 or L3) are validated, the level is validated per compensation between the varied teaching units which are part of it (average mark of the teaching units with their ratio equal to or higher than 10/20). Ratios are allocated to the teaching units. Those ratios can vary from 1 to 3. As far as the branches with a compulsory internship are concerned, neither a diploma nor a compensation will be delivered if the internship is not done and validated in accordance with the regulation belonging to each mention. Consequently, the compensation is implemented:  in the European Community, between the CE or between the varied tests of the teaching units;  in the semestre, between the varied teaching units of the semester;  within the level between the varied teaching units belonging to the same year. Mark floors Mark floor cannot exist neither in L1 nor in vocational bachelor. As far as the other levels are concerned, if a mark floor exists, it is set at 6/20 for a teaching unit. If the student gets a lower mark than the mark floor, the compensation in the semester or in the level cannot be done. The regulation of each mention defines the existence or not of a mark floor and the teaching units to which it is applied.
Progress – repeating(article 28) A student is authorized to register by full rights in the upper level in his or her career as soon as he has validated the whole previous level. nd After the 2session, a student who is only missing a semester of the previous semester is authorized to register in the following level. A student who has validated none of the two semesters of the previous level in its totality is authorized to register in the upper year if he or she has validated 70% of the teaching units ratios of the level. In case of simultaneous registration in two levels (L1 and L2 or L2 and L3), the second level validation cannot take place before the validation of the first missing level. Neither the board of examiners, nor the president of the university has the power to depart from those progress regulations. Board of examiners(article 30) A board of examiner is appointed by the president of the university upon proposal of each training team. The board of examiners deliberates and decides the students’ marks after each session of each studies semester. It pronounces on the getting of the teaching units, the validation of the semesters, the validation of the level applying, if necessary, the compensation regulations (cf. concerned paragraph) and on the allocation of corresponding European credits. The existence of the possibility or not “jury awards points” is defined in the regulation of each mention. Getting of the intermediary diploma, DEUG The board of examiners systematically deliberates after the four first semesters of the cycle L in preparation of the delivery of the DEUG. To get the DEUG, the student must have validated the L1 and the L2. The DEUG is delivered with the distinction: .Cum laudefor a grade point average of 12 out of 20, calculated on the semesters 5 and 6, .Magna cumlaudefor a grade point average of 14 out of 20, calculated on the semesters 5 and 6, .Summa cum laudefor a grade point average of 16 out of 20, calculated on the semesters 5 and 6 In case of success, the diploma is automatically edited. Getting of the bachelor final diploma To get the bachelor, the student must have validated independently L1, L2 and L3. The bachelor is delivered with the distinction licence: .Cum laudefor a grade point average of 12 out of 20, calculated on the semesters 5 and 6, .Magna cum laudefor a grade point average of 14 out of 20, calculated on the semesters 5 and 6, .Summa cum laudefor a grade point average of 16 out of 20, calculated on the semesters 5 and 6. Exams results communication and diplomas After the proclamation of the results, the board of examiners must communicate the marks. The individual marks and results can be consulted on the ENT (Espace Numérique de Travail: work digital space) of the university.
Papers consultation The students have the right to consult their papers and to an interview if they ask for it in a reasonable time limit, i.e. before the next session. Registration per transfer The training team or pedagogical team examines the student’s earlier university career and expresses its point of view upon the demand defining for each student the acquired teaching units and those which remain to be acquired for the bachelor getting. Registration by acquisites validation (decree dated August 23, 1985), validation of acquired experience (decree dated April 24, 2002) or validation of higher education done in France or abroad (decree dated April 16, 2002) The validation of teaching is done within entire teaching units, under the form of exemption, without mark. The European credits which correspond are acquired. However, those teaching units are not taken into account for the calculation of the compensation. Absence The absence during one or several continuous tests leads to one or several replacing tests, if the student justifies his or her absence within eight calendar days with supporting evidences. An absence during a final exam cannot lead to a replacing test. Special system(article 18) This system includes:  specific pedagogical modalities: The student who is concerned benefits at least of an exemption of diligence to the teachings; other disposals can be provided by the regulation of the mention (particular pedagogical follow up, support, etc.);  specificmodalities of knowledge control: the involved student benefits of an exemption for the continuous tests. Consequently, all the tests of knowledge control are organized under the form of final exams. The student can also ask for the staggering of his or her training in accordance with the pedagogical team within maximum twice the normal length. The board of examiners only gives a ruling on the validation of the level at the end of the two academic years applying, if necessary, the compensation rules. Arrangements are provided following the regulation for audiences which are cited above. Specific arrangements for student athletes The students who practice competition at an interregional or national level can benefit from a particular status: The status “High level or hope sports student”devoted to the students registered on the national lists “high level athlete” or “hope sport student” of the youth and sports ministry or belonging to a branch giving access to the high level sport. After an individual analysis of the situation, it allows (Bill nr 2006123 dated 2006/1/8)  an arrangement of courses adapted to the sports constraints;  a specific organization of the schedule (recognition of trainings, competitions and trips) and priority in the choice of the practical course and tutorials groups  an arrangement of the exams (choice of the mode of knowledge control, whether continuous or final exams, capitalizable teaching units, special sessions), and keeping of the acquired teaching units, in case of academy changing; Those two status are part of a contract between the student and the university. An arrangement cannot be accepted out of those status. The student draws up a file at the beginning of the academic year. This file is submitted to the high level sport commission. The students and the component managers are informed about the decisions of the commission.
Specific arrangements for the student in situation of handicap Reference: decree 20051617 and bill 2006215 Are concerned the candidates who present, at the time of the tests, a handicap as defined in the article L.114 of the social action and family code, of which writing is the following at this date: Constitutes a handicap any activity limitation or restriction of participation in the society life suffered in her environment by a person, due to a substantial, lasting or definitive impairment of one or several physical, sensory, mental, cognitive or psychological functions, of a polyhandicap or an incapacitating health disorder”. Candidates seeking for the exams or competitive examinations conditions arrangement will put their demand to the SIUMPPS, service interuniversitaire de médecine préventive Internuniversity preventive medicine service at the day of their registration, or, latest, within a time limit of two months before the date of the first test of the exam or of the competitive examination. The referent physician values the arrangements which, according to him, are necessary:  given the particular situation of the candidate;  given the updated medical information transmitted to support his or her request;  taking into account the sequence conditions of his or her academic career and notably of the arrangements he or she could previously benefit from;  taking in support the clinical elements described in the guidescale of the assessment of the disabled person’s deficiencies and handicaps. The opinion specifies the particular conditions of the tests sequence for:  the increased time of writing indicating the type of test concerned (written, oral, practical);  the access to the premises;  the material installation in the exam class;  the use of machine or technical or IT material;  the secretariat or assistance;  the material to write in Braille;  the assistance of a specialist in a communication mode;  the adaptation in the presentation of the subjects;  any other measure considered as being useful by the referent physician. Moreover, the opinion specifies if the candidate is authorized to:  benefit from an adapted test according to the possibilities offered by the regulation of each exam;  be exempted of a test or a part of test according to the possibilities offered by the regulation of each exam;  spread the taking of the tests, during the same year, during the normal session and the replacing tests when an exam is subjected to replacing tests;  spread on several consecutive annual sessions the taking of the tests of one of the exams of the school or higher education in the conditions provided by the regulation;  keep, test per test, or unit per unit, during five years, marks delivered during tests or within units of one of the exams of the school or higher education, as well as, if applicable, the advantage of acquisites obtained in the frame of the procedure of the acquired experience, according to the modalities provided by the regulation of each exam. The physician puts his or her opinion, in which he or she offers arrangements, to the president of the university who decides upon arrangements which will be accepted and notifies the candidate of his or her decision taking in support the opinion expressed by the referent physician. This opinion is communicated to the tuition service and the professor in charge of the training in order for them to take all the necessary measures.
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