Niveau: Supérieur
MELL in the Calculus of Structures Technical Report WV-2001-03 Accepted for publication in Theoretical Computer Science Lutz Straßburger Technische Universitat Dresden, Fakultat Informatik, 01062 Dresden, Germany E-mail: February 21, 2003 Abstract The calculus of structures is a new proof theoretical formalism, like natural de- duction, the sequent calculus and proof nets, for specifying logical systems syn- tactically. In a rule in the calculus of structures, the premise as well as the conclusion are structures, which are expressions that share properties of formu- lae and sequents. In this paper, I study a system for MELL, the multiplicative exponential fragment of linear logic, in the calculus of structures. It has the following features: a local promotion rule, no non-deterministic splitting of the context in the times rule and a modular proof for the cut elimination theorem. Further, derivations have a new property, called decomposition, that cannot be observed in any other known proof theoretical formalism. Keywords: Calculus of structures, linear logic, proof theory, cut elimination. 1
- logic
- hilbert system
- such syntactic tools
- multiplicative exponential
- cut elimination
- rule gives
- rule
- implication between
- rules
- proof reduction