Cours de Francis Clarke








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Niveau: Supérieur, Master
Chapter 5 Banach spaces Analyse Master 1 Cours de Francis Clarke (2011) 5.1 Completeness of normed spaces A normed space X is said to be a Banach space if its metric topology is complete: every Cauchy sequence xi in X (that is, one that satisfies lim i, j?∞ xi ? x j = 0) admits a limit in X : there exists a point x ? X such that xi? x? 0. Informally, the absence of such a point x would mean that the space has a hole where x should be. For purposes of minimization, one of our principal themes, it is clear that the existence of minimizers is imperiled by such voids. Consider, for example, the vector space Q of rational numbers. The minimization of the function (x2?2)2 does not admit a solution over Q, as the Greek mathematicians of antiquity were able to prove. The existence of solutions to minimization problems is not the only compelling reason to require the completeness of a normed space, as we shall see. The property is essential for such tools as uniform boundedness, variational principles, and weak compactness. The reader is asked to observe that completeness of a normed space is invariant under equivalent norms, and that a closed subspace of a Banach space is itself a Banach space. It is easy to see as well that the Cartesian product of two Banach spaces is a Banach space.

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Chapter 5
Banach spaces
Analyse Master 1
Cours de Francis Clarke (2011)
5.1 Completeness of normed spaces
A normed spaceXis said to be aBanach spaceif its metric topology iscomplete: every Cauchy sequencexiinX(that is, one that satisfies limi,j￿xixj￿=0) admits a limit inX: there exists a pointxXsuch that￿xix￿ →0. Informally, the absence of such a pointxmean that the space has a hole wherewould xshould be. For purposes of minimization, one of our principal themes, it is clear that the existence of minimizers is imperiled by such voids. Consider, for example, the vector spaceQof rational numbers. The minimization of the function(x22)2 does not admit a solution overQas the Greek mathematicians of antiquity were, able to prove.
The existence of solutions to minimization problems is not the only compelling reason to require the completeness of a normed space, as we shall see. The property is essential for such tools as uniform boundedness, variational principles, and weak compactness.
The reader is asked to observe that completeness of a normed space is invariant under equivalent norms, and that a closed subspace of a Banach space is itself a Banach space. It is easy to see as well that the Cartesian product of two Banach spaces is a Banach space. A less evident fact is that the dual space is always a Banach space.
Cours de Francis Clarke : Banach spaces
5.1 Theorem.The dualXof a normed spaceXis a Banach space.
Proof.It is understood, of course, thatXis equipped with its usual dual norm ￿￿. The issue here is to show that a given Cauchy sequenceζninXadmits a limitζX. For eachxX, it follows that￿ζn,xis a Cauchy sequence inR, since ￿ζn,x￿ζm,x￿ζnζm￿x￿. SinceRis complete, the sequence converges to a limit, denoted￿ζ,x. The function ζso defined is a linear functional; we now show that it is continuous. FixxB, together withNsuch thatm,nN=ζmζn￿1.Then, for m,nN, we have: ￿ζn,x￿￿ζnζm,x+￿ζm,x￿1+ζm. Lettingn, we deduce￿ζ,x￿1+ζm, which implies thatζX. To conclude, we must confirm thatζnζ0. Letε>0. There existsNεsuch thatm,nNε=ζnζm<ε. FixnNε. Then, for anyxBandm>Nε, we have ￿ζnζ,x￿￿ζnζm,x+￿ζmζ,x￿ε+￿ζmζ,x. Now￿ζmζ,x0 asm, whence￿ζnζ,x￿ε. Sincexis an arbitrary point inB, this revealsζnζ￿εnNε. The proof of the theorem readily adapts to prove
5.2 Corollary.IfYis a Banach space, thenLc(X,Y)is a Banach space.
We remark that any space that is isometric to a dual space is necessarily a Banach space, in view of the following fact:
5.3 Exercise.A normed space which is isometric to a Banach space is itself a Ba-nach space.
5.4 Exercise.We return to the spaces of sequences defined in Example 1.5. a) Show that￿1is a Banach space. b) Use Theorem 5.1 and Exer. 5.3 to prove that￿p(1<p￿)is a Banach space, and deduce that the spacescandc0are Banach spaces. c) Show that￿cis not a Banach space.
We proceed now to pass in review some of the well-known Banach spaces that will be of use to us.
5.1 Completeness of normed spaces
Spaces of continuous functions.We have met the normed spaceC(K)in Example 1.3. Iffiis a Cauchy sequence inC(K), then, for eachxK, the sequencefi(x)is Cauchy inR. If we denote its limit byf(x), then an argument very similar to the proof of Theorem 5.1 shows thatfC(K)andfifC(K)0. Thus,C(K)is a Banach space.
We observed earlier in Example 1.1 that whenK= [0,1], another norm on the vec-tor spaceC[0,1]is provided byf1=01f(t)dt. This norm is not complete, however: 5.5 Exercise.Show that the sequencefi(t) =min2t,1iis Cauchy inL1(0,1) relative to the norm￿￿1, and thatficonverges pointwise and inL1(0,1)to a dis-continuous function.
When the compact metric spaceKis replaced by a normed spaceX, we can restrict attention to bounded functions, and in so doing, obtain a Banach space:
5.6 Proposition.LetXbe a normed space andYbe a Banach space. Then the vector spaceCb(X,Y)of bounded continuous functionsg:XYis a Banach space when equipped with the norm
Once again, the proof can be patterned after that of Theorem 5.1.We turn now to Lipschitz functions.
5.7 Proposition.LetXbe a normed space andYbe a Banach space. The vector spaceLipb(X,Y)of bounded, Lipschitz functionsϕ:XYequipped with the norm ϕLipbϕCb(X,Y)+supϕ(x)ϕ(u)Y (X,Y)=x,uXxuX x=u is a Banach space.
Proof.It is easy to see that we do have a normed space; we verify that it is complete. Letϕnbe a Cauchy sequence in Lipb(X,Y). Thenϕnis also a Cauchy sequence in Cb(X,Y), which is complete. In consequence, there existsϕCb(X,Y)such that ϕnϕCb(X,Y)0. Note that the functionsϕnhave a common Lipschitz constant, which we denote byL. Passing to the limit in the inequality ϕn(x)ϕn(u)Y￿LxuX, we see thatϕis Lipschitz. ThusϕLipb(X,Y).
Cours de Francis Clarke : Banach spaces
We complete the proof by showing thatϕnϕLipb(X,Y)0, which amounts to showing that lim supϕnϕ(x)ϕnϕ(u)Y=0. nx,uxuX
The left side of this desired equality coincides with lim sup limϕnϕm(x)ϕnϕm(u)Y nx,u mxuX ￿lim lim supϕnϕm(x)ϕnϕm(u)Y nmx,uxuX
since the sequenceϕnis Cauchy in Lipb(X,Y).
A space of differentiable functions.The following space will be used later in connection with minimization principles.
5.8 Proposition.LetXbe a normed space. The vector spaceCb1,1(X)of bounded continuously differentiable functionsg:XRwhose derivativegis bounded and Lipschitz is a Banach space when equipped with the norm gCb1,1(X)=gCb(X,R)+gLipb(X,X).
tPhraotoitf.eltlg,ydrnicoAce.etplomsciewodAniagntdeatthti,iviseghnnbaraoeemsdaevscaeminquenhpyacsee;CiatuicCab1t,t1e(rXo)gnihyef.iTrheevfnt sequencegnis Cauchy in the Banach spaceCb(X,R), so there existsgCb(X,R) such that gngCb(X,R)=xsuXpgn(x)g(x)0. It also follows that the sequencegnis Cauchy in the space Lipb(X,X), which is complete by the preceding result; thus, there also existsϕLipb(X,X)such that gnϕLipb(X,X)0. We now claim thatgexists and coincides withϕ. Note that the functionsgnhave a common Lipschitz constantL. Letxandube distinct points inX. Then g(u)g(x)￿ϕ(x),ux=nlimgn(u)gn(x)￿gn(x),ux=nlim￿gn(zn)gn(x),ux,
5.1 Completeness of normed spaces
for someznx,u, by the Mean Value theorem. We deduce g(u)g(x)￿ϕ(x),uxnLznx ux￿Lux2. ￿lim This estimate reveals thatg=ϕ, and it follows thatgngC1,1(X)0. b
Lebesgue spaces and Sobolev spaces.It is shown in courses on integration that the Lebesgue spaceLp() (1￿p￿)is complete1. SinceACp[a,b](see Example 1.12) is isometric toR×Lp(a,b), it follows that it too is a Banach space (by Exer. 5.3).
We introduce now a class of spaces that may be thought of as extensions of abso-lutely continuous functions to several dimensions, and which play a central role in the multiple integral calculus of variations, and in partial differential equa-tions. Letube an element ofLp(,R), whereis a nonempty open subset of Rn. Thenuis said to admit aweak derivativeinLpif there exists an element g1,g2, . . . ,gnLp(,Rn)such that, for each indexi, u(x)xϕi(x)dx=gi(x)ϕ(x)dxϕCc(,R). Here,Cc(,R)refers to the functionsϕ:Rwhich admit partial derivatives of all orders, and which have compact support in. We learn in integration thatCc(,R)is a dense subset ofLp(); this implies that the weak derivativeg=g1,g2, . . . ,gnofuis unique when it exists. It is clear from the integration by parts formula that ifuhappens to be continuously differentiable, then its weak derivative is precisely its gradient. This justifies, by extension, the use of the notationDufor the weak derivativegofu. We also writeDiufor the function gi. It is easy to see that if two functionsuandvadmit the weak derivativesDuandDv, and ifc,kare scalars, thencu+kvadmits the weak derivativecDu+kDv. Let 1￿p￿. TheSobolev spaceW1,p()is by definition the vector space of all functionsuLp(,R)which admit weak derivatives inLp, equipped with the following norm:
uW1,p()=uLp()+in=1DiuLp(). The spaceW1,2()is usually denotedH1().
5.9 Exercise.Letujbe a sequence inW1,p()(1￿p<) such thatujconverges weakly inLp()to a limitu, and such that, for eachi=1,2, . . . ,n, the sequence
1See for exampleAnalyse fonctionnelle, B ´ i rez s.
Cours de Francis Clarke : Banach spaces
Diujconverges weakly inLp()to a limitvi. Prove thatuW1,p(), and that Du=v1,v2, . . . ,vn.
The following exercise shows that, whenn=1, with= (a,b), the functionsuin W1,1()are essentially the elements of AC[a,b]. 5.10 Exercise.Prove thatulies inW1,1(a,b)if and only if there is a functionfAC[a,b]such thatu(t) =f(t),t[a,b]a.e., in which case we haveDu=f.
In a context such as this, bearing in mind that the elements ofLp(a,b)are really equivalence classes, it is common to say thatuadmits a continuousrepresentative. Whenn>no longer that case that an element of1, it is W1,p()necessarily admits a continuous representative, or even a locally bounded one. 5.11 Exercise.Prove thatW1,p()is a Banach space.
The Uniform Boundedness principle.The following highly useful Banach tool, also known as the Banach-Steinhaus theorem, plays a central role in the the-ory.
5.12 Theorem.LetXbe a Banach space andYa normed space. LetΓbe a col-lection of operators inLc(X,Y). IfΓis simply bounded(meaning that, for every xX, the image setΛx:ΛΓis bounded inY), thenΓis uniformly bounded: there existsM0such that ΛL(X,Y)￿MΛΓ.
The theorem affirms that if the setΓinLc(X,Y)is simply bounded, then it is, quite simply, bounded.
Proof.For each integern, we define a subset ofXby Fn=xX:ΛxY￿nΛΓ. Note thatFnis closed, since, for eachΛΓ, the functionx→ΛxYis continuous. By hypothesis, we haveX=n1Fn. SinceXis complete, Baire’s theorem2tells us that, for someN, there existszXandr>0 such thatBz,rFN. Thus we have Λ(z+ru)Y￿NuB,ΛΓ. We deduce rΛuY￿N+ΛzYuB,ΛΓ.
2Theorem.LetE,dbe a complete metric space, andFna sequence of closed subsets ofEsuch thatintnFn=0/.Then there existsNsuch thatintFN=/0.
5.1 Completeness of normed spaces
ButK:=supΛΓΛzYis finite by hypothesis, so the preceding inequality leads to Λ=supBΛuY￿(N+K)/r=:MΛΓ. u The next three exercises are rather immediate corollaries of the Uniform Bounded-ness principle. In each case, one may find counterexamples to show the necessity of the completeness hypothesis.
5.13 Exercise.LetΛnbe a sequence of linear operators mapping a Banach space Xto a normed spaceY. Suppose that for eachxX, the limitΛx:=limnΛnx exists. Prove that the (linear) mappingΛis continuous.
5.14 Exercise.Prove that a weakly compact subset of a normed space is bounded. Deduce that a weakly convergent subsequence in a normed space is bounded. 5.15 Exercise.LetXbe a Banach space and letζnbe a sequence inXconverging weak that is, such that for every ;to 0xX, we have limn￿ζn,x=0. Prove thatζnis bounded inX.
Support functions and boundedness.As we now see, in a normed space, and in the dual of a Banach space, the boundedness of a (nonempty) set is equivalent to its support function being finite-valued.
5.16 Proposition.LetXbe a normed space. A subsetSofXis bounded if and only if HS(ζ) =sup￿ζ,x<ζX. xS IfXis a Banach space, then a subsetΣofXis bounded if and only if HΣ(x) =sup￿σ,x<xX. σΣ prove is that the given propertyIt is clear that, in each case, the only thing of the support function implies the boundedness of the set. We may assume that the sets involved are nonempty; thus, the support function is finite-valued. EveryxSengenders anΛexlexmeSisntΛsxofimpLc(X,R)viaΛx(ζ) =￿ζ,x, withΛx= x. The familyΓ=ly bounded since, for a givenζX, we have xinfS￿ζ,x=HS(ζ)>,xsupS￿ζ,x=HS(ζ)<+. Then, sinceXis a Banach space (Theorem 5.1), the familyΓis bounded by Theo-rem 5.12, whence the boundedness ofS. The argument forΣis similar, using the familyΛζ, whereΛζ(x) =￿ζ,x. Note that now we need to posit thatXis complete.
Cours de Francis Clarke : Banach spaces
5.17 Exercise.In the second assertion of the preceding theorem, it is assumed that XBanach space. Show that this is essential: give an example of an unboundedis a setΣin the dual of a normed spaceXwhose support functionHΣis everywhere finite-valued.
Continuity of convex functions.In a Banach space, the convexity of a lower semi-continuous function automatically implies its Lipschitz continuity (compare with Theorem 2.34):
5.18 Theorem.LetXbe a Banach space, and letf:XRbe convex and lsc. Thenfis locally Lipschitz in the setint domf.
Proof.[Exercise] Letx0int domf. In view of Theorem 2.34, it suffices to prove thatfis continuous atx0. a) Toxd0os+o,εiibhgienasfodoohrohy?)0.(Wufcestotsof,tynarvorpahteε>0, the setyX:fx0+y￿ f b) It suffices therefore to show that the following setCis a neighborhood of 0: C=yX:fx0+y￿fx0+ε,fx0y￿fx0+ε. Show thatCis convex, closed, and symmetric (C=C).
c) Prove that, for every pointzX, there existst>0 such thattzC. (Cor. 2.35 is relevant here.)
d) Invoke Baire’s theorem to deduce that intC=0/. e) LetαintC. Then 0intCαand 0intC/2α/2intC/2C/2=intC/2+C/2=intC.
We deduce thatCis a neighborhood of 0.
It follows from Theorem 5.18 that a discontinuous linear functional on a Banach space cannot be lower semicontinuous. Things are otherwise on general normed spaces: 5.19 Exercise.We setX=￿cand, forx=x1,x2, . . .X, we definef(x) = ixi. Show that the functionf:XRis lsc, but not continuous.
We deduce from this example that the completeness hypothesis in Theorem essential (as is the lower semicontinuity).
5.18 is
5.2 Perturbed minimization
5.2 Perturbed minimization
It is clear that the completeness of a normed space is an important factor in the quest to identify a set of ingredients allowing us to affirm that minimization problems ad-mit a solution. But completeness is not enough: we generally require a pinch of compactness. Later, we shall find a way to obtain it by exploiting the weak topol-ogy. Here, however, we examine a more modern consideration that has been very fruitful, an approach in which the original problem (that may not admit a minimum) is slightly perturbed to obtain a new problem thatdoeshave one. We refer to a the-orem making this type of assertion as aminimization principle(for short; a more descriptive term would be “perturbed minimization principle”). We shall prove two such results. Rtrfofauhtsepuopcallthatetyastahancfuontiϕtcoinnsaibϕu:mXp funRctiisotnlosuhwnehceϕontireiosfcthesenutoux:saϕn(dx)ha=s 0 . We nonempty bounded support.
The first minimization principle we examine is the following.
5.20 Theorem. (Deville, Godefroy, and Zizler)LetXbe a Banach space, and let Gbe a Banach space of bounded continuous functionsg:XRwith the following properties:
a)For everyt>0andgG, the functionh:x→h(x):=g(tx)belongs toG. b)We havegGsupxXg(x)gG. c)The norm onGis invariant under translation:for everyuXandgG, the functionh:x→h(x):=g(x+u)belongs toGand satisfieshG=gG. d)Gcontains a bump functionϕ. Then, for any proper lsc functionf:XRthat is bounded below, the set of functionsgGfor whichf+gattains a minimum overXis dense inG.
Proof.Consider the set3 Un=gG:x0Xs.t.(f+g)(x0)<inf(f+g)(x):xX\B(x0,1/n). It follows from hypothesis (b) thatUnis an open set inG. We proceed to show that it is also dense. LetgGandε>0. We wish to exhibithGwithhG<ε, together withx0X such thatg+hUn; that is, such that, for somex0, f+g+h(x0)<inf f+g+h(x):xX\Bx0,1/n .
3We reproduce the proof given in [?, p.11].
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