Niveau: Supérieur
1 COMMUNICATION AUX XIXEMES JOURNEES INTERNATIONALES D'ECONOMIE MONETAIRE ET BANCAIRE DU GDR, LYON, 6 ET 7 JUIN 2002 JEUDI 6 JUIN 2002, 16H45 – 17H45 ATELIER : LIBERALISATION FINANCIERE LE TROC DANS LA RUSSIE POST-SOVIETIQUE : UNE ANALYSE EN TERMES D'HYSTERESIS Pepita OULD-AHMED* The experience of barter in Russia during the decade 90 presents a peculiar interest. From its nature and its persistence, it confronts the various macroeconomic analysis of barter with a serie of theoretical and empirical objections. We will see in particular that these interpretations, which show that the explanations of barter are to be sought in the problems of the national money, do not manage to explain the maintain of barter at a high level in spite of the monetary stabilization started since 1995. Then, mobilizing a institutional and microeconomic analysis of barter and of his organization, we will precisely try to elucidate the roots of this phenomenon which we can qualify of hysteresis of barter. Such an approach will make it possible to demostrate how barter organized in network exerts a structuring influence over the productive activities in a context of radical uncertainty. In particular, we will see indeeed how the barter network represents, in the absence of banking intermediation in Russia, an informal institution of payment and financing, and permits to support at the same time the continuity of the productive activity.
- troc au sens strict
- légitimité du rouble
- réforme monétaire
- troc
- réseau de troc
- monnaie privée
- troc organisé en réseau
- problèmes de liquidités