Niveau: Supérieur, Master, Bac+4
Chapter 3-bis: superconducting electronics quasihole excitations quasiparticle excitations Cooper pairs superconducting gap ? ? ?F E many-particles condensate wavefunctionground state : )(exp)( rinr ?? ≈ ??? =?≤ )(rL non commuting variables :? and n ? : phase of the superconductor n : number of excess Cooper pairs inopop =],[? ?∂ ∂=? inop BCS ground state eigenstates of ?op with eigenvalue ?. )()(exp ???? += BCSBCSinop QM of a superconducting box: 1 pair of canonical conjugate variables ? : “position” n : “momentum” 1≈?? n?
- wavefunctionground state
- ??? ?
- paires de cooper
- many-particles condensate
- quasiparticle excitations
- circuit lc externe
- superconducting electronics
- tan ?
- ?? ??