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Asymptotic behavior of global
solutions to the Navier-Stokes
3Equations in
∗Fabrice Planchon
Centre de Math´ematiques,
U.R.A. 169 du C.N.R.S.,
Ecole Polytechnique,
F-91 128 Palaiseau Cedex
We construct global solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations with
initial data small in a Besov space. Under additional assumptions, we
show that they behave asymptotically like self-similar solutions.
their asymptotic behavior, as it is usually a simpler way to describe the long
term behavior than the solution itself. Global solution of the non-linear heat
Princeton NJ 08544-1000 , USA
R[7]. Under certain conditions, we will show how to obtain similar results for
the incompressible Navier-Stokes system,.
We recall the equations
∂u = Δu−∇·(u⊗u)−∇p,
(1) ∇·u = 0, 3u(x,0) = u (x), x∈ , t≥ 0.0
As we are in the whole space, ifu(x,t) is a solution of (1), then for allλ> 0
2u (x,t) =λu(λx,λ t) is also a solution.λ
We now note that studying the asymptotic behavior ofu(x,t) for large time
is equivalent to studying the asymptotic behavior ofu (x,t) for largeλ withλ
fixed time. Actually, we shall show that, as t goes to ∞, the natural space
x√scale is t as in the heat equation. If we replacex by and lett→∞, we
obtainthesameresultasifweletλ→∞inu (x,t). Thisnewpointofviewisλ
interesting for the following heuristic reason: we expect that the limitv(x,t)
ofu (x,t) will also be a solution of (1). Furthermore, one might assume thatλ
v(x,t) is the solution with initial data v (x) = lim λu(λx,0). Of course,0 λ→∞
1 x√ √thelimiting solutionis invariant under thescaling, sov(x,t) = V( ), and
t t
v (x) is an homogeneous function of degree −1.0
Such self-similar solutions have been studied previously (see [4],[2]), and we
shall see in the present work how to make rigorous the previous heuristic
Let us define the projection operator onto the divergence free vector fields:
u u R σ1 1 1
(2) u = u − R σ 2 2 2
u u R σ3 3 3
where R is the Riesz transform of the symbolj
(3) σ (ξ) = ,Rj |ξ|
and where
(4) σ =R u +R u +R u .1 1 2 2 3 3
PTherefore is a pseudo-differential operator of order 0.
tΔWe transform the system (1) into an integral equation, where S(t) = e
denotes the heat kernel,
Z t
(5) u(x,t) =S(t)u (x)− S(t−s)∇·(u⊗u)(x,s)ds.0
This equation can be solved by a classical fixed point method (see [1],[5],[6]).
Following themethodof[1], we remarkthatthe bilinear termintheprevious
equation can be reduced to a scalar operator
Z t 1 ·
√(6) B(f,g) = G ∗(fg)ds,
2(t−s) t−s0
where G is analytic, such that
(7) |G(x)| ≤
(8) |∇G(x)| ≤ .
This comes easily from the study of the symbol of B, as we have an exact
expressionundertheintegral. Thematrixofthispseudo-differential operator
has components like
ξ ξ ξ 2j k l −t|ξ|(9) − e
2−t|ξ|off the diagonal, with an additional term ξ e on it. The function G isj
then the inverse Fourier transform of any of these functions at t = 1. The
1 ∞only thing we will need is that G∈L ∩L .
Thispaperisorganizedasfollows. Inafirstpart,wewilldefinethefunctional
setting which is well-suited for our study, then study global existence in this
setting, and lastly the behavior of attracting solutions for large time, if they
exist. Then in a second part, we will try to state a partial converse to
the theorem 3, that is a condition on the initial data in order to obtain
a convergence to a self-similar solution for large time. The third part will
be devoted to a better understanding of this condition, and will include
reformulations of the condition and examples.
P1 Global existence in Besov spaces
3A well suited functional space to study (1) is L ([5]), as ku k 3 = kuk 3.λ L L
3But homogeneous functions of degree −1 are not in L , and we easily see
that the weak limit of u is 0. We therefore have to enlarge functional0,λ
space to include homogeneous functions of degree −1. We have chosen the
3−(1− ),∞
p˙homogeneous Besov spaces B . We will see later they arise naturallyp
in our problem. Let us recall their definition ([9],[10])
Definition 1
n cb bLet φ ∈ S( ) such that φ ≡ 1 in B(0,1) and φ ≡ 0 in B(0,2) ,
nj j ′ nφ (x) = 2 φ(2 x), S =φ ∗·, Δ =S −S . Let f be in S ( ).j j j j j+1 j
n n s,q˙• If s < , or if s = and q = 1, f belongs to B if and only of thepp p
following two conditions are satisfied
Pm ′– Thepartialsum Δ (f)convergetof forthetopologyσ(S,S)j−m
js q
p– The sequence ǫ = 2 kΔ (f)k belongs to l .j j L
n n n s,q˙• If s> , or s = and q > 1, let us denote m =E(s− ). Then Bpp p p
is the space of distributions f, modulo polynomials of degree less than
m+1, such that
– We have f = Δ (f) for the quotient topology.j−∞
js q
p– The sequence ǫ = 2 kΔ (f)k belongs to l .j j L
We remark that nothing in this definition restrictss from being negative. In
fact, wewilluses =−(1−3/p)whichisindeednegativeasp> 3. Inthepar-
ticular case wheres< 0, it is worth noting that we can replace the condition
js q js q
p pǫ = 2 kΔ (f)k ∈ l by the equivalent condition ǫ˜ = 2 kS (f)k ∈ l .j j L j j L
This second condition implies easily the first one, and conversely, we remark
( 1thatǫ˜ can be seen as a convolution betweenǫ andη = 2sj)∈l . We shallj j j
obtain the following theorem which extends the results of [1].
RTheorem 1
There exists a positive function η(q), q > 3 such that
3−(1− ),∞
if u ∈B , ∇·u = 0, p≥ 3, satisfies0 p 0
(10) ku k 3 <η(q)0 −(1− ),∞q
for a fixed q >p, then there exists a unique solution of (1) such that
−(1− ),∞
p˙(11) u∈C ([0+∞),B ),pw
where C denotes the weakly continuous functions, and, ifw
p≤ 6 and u =S(t)u +w(x,t), then0
∞ 3 3(12) w∈L ([0+∞),L ( ))
3(13) kwk <γ(q),L
where γ(q) depends only of η(q).
We remark that the restriction p ≤ 6 in order to obtain (12) is merely due
to the linear part: the equivalent of (12) actually holds for p > 6 if one
considers higher order terms, ifu is written as an infinite sum of multi-linear
operatorsofu . Forsakeofsimplicity, werestrict ourselves totthefirst term,0
which yields thisrestriction. Wewill prove thetheorem1, using afixedpoint
argument via the following abstract lemma (Picard’s theorem in a Banach
Lemma 1
Let E be a Banach space, B a continuous bilinear application, x,y∈E
(14) kB(x,y)k ≤γkxk kyk .E E E
RThen, if 4γkx k < 1, the sequence defined by0 E
x =x +B(x ,x )n+1 0 n n
converges to x∈E such that
(15) x =x +B(x,x) and kxk < .0 E
Let us define the space
q(16) F ={f(x,t)| supkf(x,t)k < +∞}.q L
The following characterization will be very useful.
Proposition 1
nTake α> 0, γ ≥ 1, f ∈S( ), then
2(17) kfk = supt kS(t)fk γL
−α,∞˙is a norm in B equivalent to the usual dyadic one.γ
Therefore, using the Sobolev inclusion
3 3−1,∞ −1,∞
p q˙ ˙B ֒→B ,p q
q˙for p≤q, we see that u ∈B , so thatq0
√ √
t[S(t)u ]( tx)∈F .0 q
Then, in order to apply lemma 1 to F , we are left to prove that ifq
√ √
Df = tf( tx,t),t
R−1 −1 ˜then DB(D ·,D ·) is bicontinuous on F . Take f = Df and g˜ = Dgt q t tt t
˜in F . We denote M = fg˜ ∈ F . We observe that the bilinear operatorq q/2
(renormalized with D ) can be written as followst
Z 1 1 x x dλe ˜B(f,g˜) = G(√ )∗M(√ ,λt) .
2(1−λ) λ1−λ λ0
Then, by H¨older and Young inequalities, we obtain
Z 1 Cdλe ˜ ˜(18) kB(f,g˜)k ≤ kfk kgI