Niveau: Supérieur, Master
Chapter 8 Additional Exercises for Part I Analyse Master 1 : Cours de Francis Clarke (2011) 8.1 Exercise. Give an example of a lower semicontinuous function defined on a Hilbert space which is not bounded below on the unit ball. 8.2 Exercise. Let A be a bounded subset of a normed space X . Prove that co ∂A ? cl A. 8.3 Exercise. Let X be an infinite dimensional Banach space. Prove that any vector space basis for X is not countable. By considering ∞c , observe that this fact fails for infinite dimensional normed spaces that are not complete. 8.4 Exercise. Let ?n be a sequence of real numbers, and let 1 p ∞. Suppose that, for every x = (x1,x2, . . .) in l p, we have ∑n1 |?n| |xn| < ∞. Prove that the sequence ? belongs to l q, where q is the exponent conjugate to p. 8.5 Exercise. We give a direct definition of the normal cone when A is a subset of Rn, one that does not explicitly invoke polarity to the tangent cone. Let ? ? A. Show that ? ? NA(?) if and only if, for every ? > 0, there is a neighborhood V of ? such that ? ,u?? ? u?? ?u ? A ? V.
- convex
- space basis
- let
- tangent cone
- tbx ? ?
- uniform approxi- mation
- banach space
- hessian matrix ?2