Niveau: Supérieur
ADAPTIVE BLOTCHES DETECTION FOR FILM RESTORATION Antoni Buades MAP5, Univ. Paris Descartes 45 rue des Saints Peres 75270 Paris Cedex 06, France Julie Delon, Yann Gousseau LTCI, Telecom ParisTech 46, rue Barrault 75634 Paris Cedex 13, France Simon Masnou Institut Camille Jordan, Univ. Lyon 1 43, Boulevard du 11 novembre 1918 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France ABSTRACT Blotches are very common, localized, and non persistent im- pairments in digitized film archive. Many methods have been proposed so far for detecting them and restoring the underly- ing regions. Most detection techniques rely on the hypothesis that blotches contradict a model of motion regularity and, up to a prior motion compensation, correspond to signifi- cant temporal variations of intensity with respect to a global threshold. In this paper, we propose a statistical approach to detect blotches in image sequences, which yields thresholds adapted to the local statistics of the frames, and which takes into account gray level differences in neighborhoods instead of isolated points. This approach is combined with a block- based motion estimation. The whole procedure is confronted with classical approaches on several sequences. Index Terms— Film restoration, Blotches, Adaptive de- tection, Statistical test, A contrario methods. 1. INTRODUCTION Inevitable physical aging of film archive has dramatic conse- quences: the potential disappearing of a significant part of the world cultural heritage.
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- variational approaches
- false alarms
- standard deviation
- statistical test
- motion
- digital version
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