elan egl Luc 3; p he ovi y tr to al p t o d i of os. suppression experimenta However, th depletion of two-dimens serve a stron velocity pro tistics, we s exponents l which theref effects are e mer mole- elongation r relaxation dom, zero- , solenoidal incompres- elocity gra- unit tensor. is the zero- olution vis- u models P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S week ending18 JULY 2003VOLUME 91, NUMBER 3 mensionality, and thus relevant to three-dimensional tur- bulence as well. We also investigate the limit of vanishingly small polymer concentrations, in which the polymer molecules have no influence on the advecting flow. In this case, the t the mechanical friction between the soap film and the surrounding air [15], and plays a prominent role in the energy budget of Newtonian two-dimensional turbulence [16]. It should be remarked that a model that describes more accurately the polymer dynamics is the FENE-P 034501-1 of large-scale velocity fluctuations observed lly has a simple theoretical explanation. e influence of polymers is not limited to the mean square velocity, which is a genuinely ional effect. In the viscoelastic case, we ob- g intermittency, with exponential tails of the bability density.
- can there
- polymer additives
- sufficiently large
- polymers reac
- density function
- ity fluctuations
- direct numerical
- square elongation
- passive polymers
- dimensional turbulence