Documenta Math. 275 Secondary Invariants for Frechet Algebras and Quasihomomorphisms Denis Perrot Received: March 3, 2008 Communicated by Joachim Cuntz Abstract. A Frechet algebra endowed with a multiplicatively con- vex topology has two types of invariants: homotopy invariants (topo- logical K-theory and periodic cyclic homology) and secondary in- variants (multiplicative K-theory and the non-periodic versions of cyclic homology). The aim of this paper is to establish a Riemann- Roch-Grothendieck theorem relating direct images for homotopy and secondary invariants of Frechet m-algebras under finitely summable quasihomomorphisms. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 19D55, 19K56, 46L80, 46L87. Keywords and Phrases: K-theory, bivariant cyclic cohomology, index theory. 1 Introduction For a noncommutative space described by an associative Frechet algebra A over C, we distinguish two types of invariants. The first type are (smooth) homotopy invariants, for example topological K-theory [27] and periodic cyclic homology [5]. The other type are secondary invariants; they are no longer stable under homotopy and carry a finer information about the “geometry” of the space A . Typical examples of secondary invariants are algebraic K-theory [29] (which will not be used here), multiplicative K-theory [17] and the unstable versions of cyclic homology [18].
- chern character
- invariants appear
- secondary invariants
- algebras
- constructions involving
- unstable versions
- algebra situation
- baum-connes construction
- index theorems
- assembly maps